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European Respiratory Society/American Thoracic Society definition of severe asthma for patients aged ≥6 years*

European Respiratory Society/American Thoracic Society definition of severe asthma for patients aged ≥6 years*
The definition of severe asthma requires that one or both of the following levels of treatment for the previous year has been needed to prevent asthma from becoming uncontrolled or asthma that remains uncontrolled despite this level of treatment:
  • Treatment with guidelines suggested medications for GINA steps 4-5 asthma (high dose inhaled glucocorticoid* and long-acting beta agonist [LABA] or leukotriene modifier/theophylline) for the previous year
  • Treatment with systemic glucocorticoid for ≥50% of the year
Uncontrolled asthma is defined as at least one of the following:
  • Poor symptom control: ACQ consistently ≥1.5, ACT <20 (or "not well controlled" by NAEPP/GINA guidelines)
  • Frequent severe exacerbations: two or more bursts of systemic glucocorticoids (three or more days each) in the previous year
  • History of serious exacerbation: at least one hospitalization, intensive care unit stay, or mechanical ventilation in the previous year
  • Airflow limitation: after appropriate bronchodilator withhold FEV1 <80% predicted (in the face of reduced FEV1/FVC defined as less than the lower limit of normal)
The ERS/ATS definition of high doses of various inhaled glucocorticoids in relation to patient age (in mcg/day):
  Age 6 to 12 years Age >12 years
Beclomethasone ≥320 (HFA MDI) ≥1000 (HFA MDI)
Budesonide ≥800* (MDI or DPI) ≥1600 (MDI or DPI)
Ciclesonide ≥160 (HFA MDI) ≥320 (HFA MDI)
Fluticasone propionate ≥500Δ (HFA MDI or DPI) ≥1000 (HFA MDI or DPI)
Mometasone ≥500§ (DPI) ≥800¥ (DPI)
Designation of high doses is provided from manufacturers' recommendations where possible. Equivalent high doses may be expressed differently between countries and some products (eg, beclomethasone) are available in multiple formulations with different dosing recommendations. Medication inserts should be carefully reviewed by the clinician for the equivalent high daily dosage.
ACQ: Asthma Control Questionnaire; ACT: Asthma Control Test; DPI: dry powder inhaler; GINA: Global Initiative for Asthma; HFA: hydrofluoroalkane; LABA: long-acting beta-agonists; MDI: metered-dose inhaler; NAEPP: National Asthma Education Prevention Program.
* ≥720 mcg/day of US labeled budesonide DPI.
¶ ≥1440 mcg/day of US labeled budesonide DPI.
Δ ≥440 mcg/day of US labeled fluticasone HFA MDI.
≥880 mcg/day of US labeled fluticasone HFA MDI.
§ ≥550 mcg/day of US labeled mometasone DPI.
¥ ≥880 mcg/day of US labeled mometasone DPI.
Reproduced with permission of the European Respiratory Society: Eur Respir J February 2014 43:343-373; published ahead of print December 12, 2013, doi:10.1183/09031936.00202013. Copyright © 2013.
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