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Common clinical findings of vaginitis

Common clinical findings of vaginitis
Parameter Normal findings Vulvovaginal candidiasis Bacterial vaginosis Trichomoniasis
Symptoms None or mild, transient Pruritus, soreness, dyspareunia Malodorous fishy discharge, no dyspareunia Malodorous discharge, burning, postcoital bleeding, dyspareunia, dysuria
Signs Normal vaginal discharge consists of 1 to 3 mL fluid (per 24 hours), which is white or transparent, thin or thick, and mostly odorless

Vulvar erythema and/or edema

Discharge may be white and clumpy and may or may not adhere to vagina
Off-white/gray thin discharge that coats the vagina Thin green-yellow discharge, vulvovaginal erythema
Vaginal pH 4.0 to 4.5* 4.0 to 4.5 >4.5 >4.5
Amine test Negative Negative Positive (in 70 to 80% of patients) Often positive
Saline microscopy PMN:EC ratio <1; rods dominate; squames +++ PMN:EC ratio <1; rods dominate; squames +++; pseudohyphae (present in approximately 40% of patients); budding yeast for nonalbicans Candida PMN:EC <1; loss of rods; increased coccobacilli; clue cells comprise at least 20% of epithelial cells (present in >90% of patients) PMN ++++; mixed flora; motile trichomonads (present in approximately 60% of patients)
10% potassium hydroxide microscopy Negative Pseudohyphae (in approximately 70% of patients) Negative Negative
Other tests If microscopy nondiagnostic:
  • Culture
  • Nucleic acid amplification test
  • DNA hybridization probe
  • Quantitative microscopy of Gram-stained slide
  • Nucleic acid amplification test
  • DNA hybridization probe
  • Culture of no value
If microscopy nondiagnostic:
  • Nucleic acid amplification test
  • Rapid antigen test
  • DNA hybridization probe
  • Culture
Differential diagnosis Physiologic leukorrhea Contact irritant or allergic vulvar dermatitis, chemical irritation, focal vulvitis (vulvodynia) Elevated pH in trichomoniasis, atrophic vaginitis, and desquamative inflammatory vaginitis Purulent vaginitis, desquamative inflammatory vaginitis, atrophic vaginitis, erosive lichen planus

EC: vaginal epithelial cells; PMN: polymorphonuclear leukocytes; squames: squamous vaginal epithelial cells.

* pH >4.5 is normal for patients with low levels of estrogen, including those who are premenarchal; postpartum; lactating; postmenopausal (without estrogen use); or using estrogen-blocking drugs, such as aromatase inhibitors.

¶ In some cases vaginal pH can be normal.
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