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Food records standard

Food records standard
Instructions for monitoring
Column 1 (Time): Note the time when you had anything to eat or drink. Do your best to be accurate.

Column 2 (Food/drink consumed): Record exactly what you eat and drink, including any binge eating. Don't leave anything out. Instead of recording calories, write down a simple description of what you eat and drink. Write down each item you eat or drink as soon as possible after you eat it. Trying to remember what it was that you ate or drank later is not a good idea, because it can be unreliable and won't help you change.

Monitoring at the time of eating is extremely important. For example, if you are eating out, it can be helpful to record what you are eating during the meal by monitoring in private, like in the restaurant's bathroom.

Episodes of eating that you consider to be meals should be bracketed. Do not bracket snacks or other episodes of overeating.

Column 3 (Place): Write down where you consumed the food or drink. If you are eating or drinking at home, specify the room.
Column 4 (Loss of control?): Place an asterisk (*) in this column if you feel like you were out of control (like you couldn't stop eating or control what, or how much you were eating).
Column 5 (V/L/D): Record if and when you vomit or use laxatives or diuretics.
Column 6 (Context/comments): Use this column like a diary. You should note anything that is going on while you are eating, or anything that is influencing your eating. For example, if you note in column 4 that you felt out of control, record in column 6 the circumstances at the time you were eating. This will help to identify triggers of any times you feel like you overate.


Time Food/drink consumed        Place        Loss of control? V/L/D Context/comments

Adapted from: Fairburn (2008).
Graphic 67548 Version 6.0

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