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Environmental and occupational causes of health problems: Immediate or short-term effects

Environmental and occupational causes of health problems: Immediate or short-term effects
Immediate or short-term effects Agent Potential exposures
Dermatoses (allergic or irritant) Metals (chromium, nickel), fibrous glass, epoxy resin, cutting oils, solvents, caustic alkali, soaps Electroplating, metal cleaning, plastics, machining, leather tanning, housekeeping
Headache Carbon monoxide, solvents Firefighting, automobile exhaust, foundry, wood finishing, dry cleaning
Behavioral changes Lead (especially organic), mercury, carbon disulfide, manganese Handling gasoline, fungicide, wood preserving, viscose rayon industry, mining
Asthma or dry cough Formaldehyde, toluene diisocyanate, animal dander, latex, chemical irritants Textiles, plastics, polyurethane kits, car painting, lacquer use, animal handling, latex glove use
Pulmonary edema, pneumonitis Nitrogen oxides, phosgene, halogen gases, cadmium Welding, farming ("silo filler's disease"), chemical operations, smelting
Cardiac arrhythmias Solvents, fluorocarbons, carbon monoxide Metal cleaning, solvent use, refrigerator maintenance, automobile exhaust
Angina Carbon monoxide Car repair, traffic exhaust, foundry, wood finishing
Abdominal pain Lead Battery making, enameling, smelting, painting, welding, ceramics, plumbing, radiator repair
Hepatitis (may become a long-term effect) Halogenated hydrocarbons (eg, carbon tetrachloride), dimethylformanide, viral infection Solvent use, lacquer use, hospital work, electroplating, plastic manufacturing
Tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, "repetitive strain disorder" (may become a long-term effect) Repetitive motions, awkward postures, pinching motions, wrist flexion Assembly work, keyboarding, data entry, material handling
Adapted from: Goldman RH, Peters JM. The occupational and environmental health history. JAMA 1981; 246:2831.
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