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Extensive cerebral sinovenous thrombosis in a two-week old term infant with hypernatremic dehydration, lethargy, and a bulging fontanelle

Extensive cerebral sinovenous thrombosis in a two-week old term infant with hypernatremic dehydration, lethargy, and a bulging fontanelle
Head CT (A) depicts acute venous thrombus as hyperdense signal involving sagittal and straight sinuses. Brain magnetic resonance venogram (B and C) depicts absent flow-related signal involving left transverse, entire superior sagittal, and straight sinuses. Acute clot appears as hyperintense signal (D) on sagittal T1-weighted sequences. Diffusion-weighted MRI sequences (E and F) show extensive acute ischemic changes in bilateral subcortical white matter, internal capsule, corpus callosum and thalamus (arrows). In addition, thalamic hemorrhage is present (asterisk).
Courtesy of Rebecca Ichord, MD.
Graphic 66694 Version 2.0

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