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Sample preoperative medical screening questionnaire

Sample preoperative medical screening questionnaire
  1. Age
  1. Weight
  1. Height
  1. Allergies
  1. Current medications
  1. Prior surgeries
  1. Have you recently had a respiratory infection, such as a cold, flu, or COVID-19?
    If COVID-19, when was the date of your diagnosis?
  1. Are you allergic to latex (rubber) products?
  1. Have you ever experienced chest pain?
  1. Do you have a heart condition?
  1. Do you have hypertension (high blood pressure)?
  1. Do you experience shortness of breath?
  1. Do you have asthma, bronchitis, or any other breathing problem?
  1. Do you now smoke, or have you ever smoked, cigarettes?
    If yes: Packs per day, number of years smoked, date you quit smoking.
  1. Do you consume alcohol?
    If yes, how many drinks per week?
  1. Do you now use, or have you used, recreational drugs?
  1. Have you taken cortisone (steroids) in the last 6 months?
  1. Do you take any nonsteroidal, antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen?
  1. Do you take any herbal supplements, complementary or alternative medicines, or vitamins?
    If yes, which ones and how recently?
  1. Do you have diabetes? Do you take any medications to treat your diabetes?
  1. Have you had hepatitis, liver disease, or jaundice?
  1. Do you have a thyroid condition?
  1. Do you have, or have you ever had, kidney disease?
  1. Do you have ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD or heartburn), or other stomach disorders?
  1. Do you have a hiatal hernia?
  1. Do you have back or neck pain?
  1. Do you have any muscle or nerve disease?
  1. Do you or any of your family have sickle cell disease or trait?
  1. Have you or any blood relatives had difficulties with anesthesia?
  1. Do you have bleeding problems?
  1. Do you have any loose, chipped, or false teeth? Bridgework? Oral piercings?
  1. Do you wear contact lenses?
  1. Have you ever received a blood transfusion?
  1. Females: Are you pregnant?
    If yes, due date:
  1. Males: Do you take, or have you taken, any medicines for erectile dysfunction such as Viagra or Cialis?
Adapted with permission from: Pre-anesthesia questionnaire. American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology. Available at: (Accessed on January 28, 2022). Copyright © 2022 American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology.
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