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Genetic, clinical, and pathologic features of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies

Genetic, clinical, and pathologic features of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies
Type Gene location Protein Inheritance Clinical features Pathology/ CPK
Duchenne Xp21 Dystrophin XR

Onset: 2-5 years


Diminished IQ

Cardiac involvement

Rapid decline

Death by age 20-30 years

Severe dystrophic changes

Absent dystrophin by immunohistochemistry

Dystrophin <5 percent of normal amount by Western blot

Striking CK elevation early on

Intermediate "outliers" Xp21 Dystrophin XR Intermediate Dystrophin 5-20 percent normal amount by Western blot of muscle protein
Becker Xp21 Dystrophin XR

Onset: variable

More benign course

Less marked changes

Reduced dystrophin by immunohistochemistry

Normal or abnormal size dystrophin, amount >20 percent by Western blot

CK, creatine kinase; XR, X-linked recessive.
Graphic 66517 Version 3.0

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