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Conditions associated with malignant hyperthermia or rhabdomyolysis related to anesthesia

Conditions associated with malignant hyperthermia or rhabdomyolysis related to anesthesia
Condition Reported problems with anesthesia Genes potentially related to MH or anesthesia induced rhabdomyolysis Recommendations for anesthesia
Volatile anesthetics Succinylcholine
Conditions associated with MH
MHS, no associated syndrome MH reactions



Contraindicated Contraindicated
Exertional rhabdomyolysis MH in some patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants RYR1 Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants or rhabdomyolysis in unexpected situations* Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants or rhabdomyolysis in unexpected situations*
Central core myopathy High incidence of MH in patients with RYR1 receptor abnormality RYR1 Contraindicated Contraindicated
Multiminicore myopathy High incidence of MH in patients with biallelic RYR1 pathogenic variants RYR1 Contraindicated Contraindicated
King-Denborough syndrome High incidence of MH in patients with RYR1 receptor abnormality RYR1 Contraindicated Contraindicated
STAC3 (Native American) myopathy High incidence of MH in patients homozygous for STAC3 pathogenic variant STAC3 Contraindicated Contraindicated
Congenital myopathy with cores and rods MH in patient with multiple RYR1 pathogenic variants RYR1 Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants* Contraindicated
Nemaline myopathy Uncomplicated use of succinylcholine and potent inhalational anesthesia has been reported, however there is insufficient evidence to support safety of succinylcholine RYR1 Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants* Contraindicated
Centronuclear myopathy (CNM) MH episodes likely only in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants (and possibly CACNA1S pathogenic variants, though these patients also typically have cores) and not in other subtypes


Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants* Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants*
Congenital fiber type disproportion (CFTD) No reports of MH; 10 to 20% of patients with CFTD may have RYR1 pathogenic variants


Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants* Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants*
Periodic paralysis

MH in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variant

MHS has not been associated with CACNA1S-linked hypokalemic periodic paralysis

Atypical normokalemic periodic paralysis has been reported in a small number of patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants


Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants* Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants*
HyperCKemia MH in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants RYR1 Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants* Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants*
Conditions associated with rhabdomyolysis
Exertional rhabdomyolysis MH in some patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants RYR1 Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants or rhabdomyolysis in unexpected situations* Contraindicated in patients with RYR1 pathogenic variants or rhabdomyolysis in unexpected situations*
Dystrophinopathies Patients with DMD pathogenic variants:
  • Severe hyperkalemia with succinylcholine; possible rhabdomyolysis or hyperkalemic cardiac arrest following volatile anesthetics
DMD Only if essential, in limited amounts, eg, for inhalational induction to establish venous access Contraindicated
Myoadenylate deaminase deficiency Rhabdomyolysis in patients homozygous for AMPD1 pathogenic variant AMPD1 Try to avoid in individuals homozygous for AMPD1 pathogenic variant Try to avoid
Myophosphorylase deficiency (McArdle disease, glycogen storage disease V) In patients with PYGM pathogenic variant succinylcholine may exacerbate underlying symptoms PYGM Not contraindicated

Try to avoid

Avoid in patients with PYGM pathogenic variant*
Carnitine palmitoyl transferase type 2 deficiency Perioperative rhabdomyolysis in patients with CPT2 pathogenic variants CPT2 Not contraindicated; no evidence of superior safety with propofol

Try to avoid

Avoid in patients with CPT2 pathogenic variant*
Other conditions
Osteogenesis imperfecta Some reports of fever with anesthesia   OK to use OK to use
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita

Some reports of fever with anesthesia

Most cases have neurologic, not myopathic etiology

RYR1, rare

Most cases have neurologic, not myopathic etiology
OK to use in absence of RYR1 pathogenic variants Avoid if suspected or confirmed myopathic etiology

Prolonged muscle rigidity after succinylcholine

Possible rigidity after anticholinesterase (NMBA reversal)
  OK to use Avoid succinylcholine or anticholinesterase reversal agents
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Idiosyncratic reaction to antidopaminergics (eg, haloperidol, droperidol), usually more than 24 hours after administration   OK to use

Contraindicated in patients with rhabdomyolysis

OK to use in patients without rhabdomyolysis

MH: malignant hyperthermia; MHS: malignant hyperthermia susceptible; RYR1: ryanodine receptor 1; CACNA1S: calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 S; STAC3: SH3 and cysteine-rich domains 3; DMD: dystrophin; AMPD1: Adenosine monophosphate deaminase-1; PYGM: phosphorylase, glycogen, muscle; CPT2: carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2.

* This recommendation is applicable to patients with the specified pathogenic variant and to patients with unknown genetic test results.
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