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Clinicopathologic criteria for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis

Clinicopathologic criteria for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
Clinical features Scoring Assigned score
Major criteria Patterned plaques
  • 3 points for presence of any 1 major criterion
  • 4 points for presence of more than 1 major criteria
Joint contractures  
Marked induration/peau d'orange  
Minor criteria Puckering/linear banding
  • 1 point for 1 minor criterion
  • 2 points for 2 or more minor criteria
Superficial plaque/patch  
Dermal papules  
Scleral plaques (age <45 years)  
Total clinical score:  
Histologic features Scoring Assigned score
Increased dermal cellularity 1  
CD341 cells with tram-tracking 1  
Thick and thin collagen bundles 1  
Preserved elastic fibers –1  
Septal involvement 1  
Osseous metaplasia 3  
Total histologic score:  
Original figure modified for this publication. From: Girardi M, Kay J, Elston DM, et al. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis: clinicopathological definition and workup recommendations. J Am Acad Dermatol 2011; 65:1095. Table used with the permission of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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