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Protocol for noninvasive nocturnal ventilation for patients with COPD

Protocol for noninvasive nocturnal ventilation for patients with COPD
Device Bilevel positive pressure device
Portable home ventilator
Location Chronic ventilator or step-down unit versus intensive care unit

Trend pulse oximetry (SpO2)

Heart rate

Respiratory rate

Initial setup Select/adjust nasal mask
Connect patient to bilevel positive pressure device (BPAP) in spontaneous mode
Start IPAP = 6; EPAP = 2 cmH2O
Supplemental oxygen at 0-3 LPM for SpO2 less than 89 percent
Observe Tolerance (log patient's complaints)
Dyspnea (Borg scale)
Synchrony (rib cage/abdominal excursion with IPAP onset)
Vital signs
Arterial blood gas in the morning
Nasal mask titration Increase IPAP by 2 cmH2O as tolerated up to a maximum of 20 cmH2O
Increase EPAP to 4 to 6 cmH2O as needed to improve SpO2 or decrease work of breathing in COPD patients
FiO2 increased only after ventilation improved. Goal is to achieve SpO2 90 to 93 percent
Switch to spontaneous/timed (S/T) mode at 12 breaths/min if indicated
Face mask titration Patients failing nasal mask will proceed to full face mask and above titration will be repeated
Patients failing full face mask and BPAP will proceed to volume ventilator (See Failure of nocturnal noninvasive ventilatory support below)
Volume ventilator Full face mask
Mode - assist control
Flow - start 60 LPM
Rate - set 2 to 4 bpm below patient spontaneous rate
Volume - as tolerated but target minute ventilation >10 LPM
FiO2 increased only after ventilation improved. Goal is to achieve SpO2 90 to 93 percent
Failure of nocturnal noninvasive ventilatory support Patient refuses to accept either the nasal or face mask (anytime during the trial)
Unacceptable deterioration in mental status (anytime)
Intolerable dyspnea at any time or Borg scale >15 with no improvement
Consider tracheostomy or other more acute treatment
IPAP: Inspiratory positive airway pressure; EPAP: Expiratory positive airway pressure; LPM: Liters per minute; FIO2: Fractional concentration of inspired oxygen; SpO2: Oxygen saturation.
Graphic 64422 Version 1.0

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