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Intraoperative PTH monitoring – Criteria used to guide surgery

Intraoperative PTH monitoring – Criteria used to guide surgery
Investigators IPM criteria



>50% PTH drop from the highest baseline at 10 minutes after gland excision








>50% PTH drop from pre-incision at 10 minutes after gland excision




>50% PTH drop from baseline level and a return to normal range 10 minutes after gland excision
Irvin[20] >50% PTH drop from highest baseline level and below pre-incision 10 minutes after gland excision
Weber[21] >50% PTH drop from pre-excision at 10 minutes after gland excision
Their[22] >50% PTH drop in 5 minutes or >60% PTH drop from baseline at 15 minutes after gland excision
Di Stasio[23] >50% PTH drop and return to normal range in 20 minutes
Lupoli[24] >70% PTH drop from baseline 10 minutes after gland excision
PTH: parathyroid hormone.
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