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Lead exposure sources list

Lead exposure sources list
Lead mining
Primary or secondary lead smelting or refining
Scrap metal processing or recycling
Radiator manufacturing or repair
Lead glaze or frit manufacture or use, such as in pottery making
Battery manufacture, recycling, or repair
Construction work on pre-1978 residential structures* or on exterior structures such as bridges, ships, or water towers regardless of age:
  • Welding on painted steel
  • Power operations, such as cutting or sanding, on painted structures
  • Abrasive blasting
  • Demolition work
  • Bridge maintenance and repair
  • Shipbuilding
Paint removal on pre-1978 residential structures* or on exterior structures of any age
Lead abatement
Rubber products and plastics industries using lead stabilizers
Cable making, splicing, or stripping
Burning lead-painted wood
Auto body repair shops
Automotive repair shop or junkyard work involving welding or other operations, such as power sanding or cutting, on lead painted surfaces or lead batteries
Furniture refinishing if paint removal creates inhalable lead (eg, power sanding)
Making lead fishing weights (sinkers), soldiers or bullets
Indoor firing range instructors, custodial staff, inspectors in firearms manufacturing
Lead bullet manufacturing
Leaded solder use (welding, stained glass production, plumbing, valve and pipe fittings, jewelry making, electronics)
Retained lead bullet
Metal casting or other foundry work
Lead grinding, polishing or buffing
Potential for lead exposure from eating, drinking, or using any of the following:
Home-distilled alcoholic beverages (moonshine; liquor from homemade still)
Pica (ingestion of lead-containing nonfood items, eg, ceramic, plaster or paint chips; soil; primarily considered in children, but sometimes occurs in pregnant persons)
Specific products produced in resource-limited countries:
  • Glazed pottery (eg, Mexican bean pot)
  • Canned foods
  • Candy (eg, tamarind or chili-based Mexican candies)
  • Lead-containing cosmetics (eg, kohl eye make-up)
Ayurvedic herbal medicine products
Mexican folk remedies such as those used to treat the colic-like illness "empacho":
  • Alarcon
  • Coral
  • Liga
  • Maria Luisa
  • Rueda
  • Azarcon
  • Greta
  • Alkohl
Nutritional pills other than vitamins:
  • Hazard
  • Pay-loo-ah
Lead-containing remedies used in Asian communities including:
  • Ba-baw-san
  • Bali goli
  • Chuifong
  • Ghasard
  • Kandu
  • Tokuwan
Middle Eastern remedies and cosmetics include:
  • Alkohl
  • Cebagin
  • Saoott
* Lead-based paints were banned for residential use in 1978 in the United States, and earlier in Western Europe. However, lead paint is still sold in resource-limited countries. A list is available at:
Courtesy of Virginia M Weaver, MD, MPH and Bernard G Jaar, MD, MPH, FASN.
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