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Clinical manifestations of preseptal and orbital cellulitis studies on admission

Clinical manifestations of preseptal and orbital cellulitis studies on admission
  Study: Study design, patient population
Nageswaran, et al[1]:
Retrospective, children
Botting, et al[2]:
Retrospective, children
Chaudhry, et al[3]:
Retrospective, children and adults
Sobol, et al[4]:
Retrospective, children
Seltz, et al[5]:
Retrospective, children
Type of cellulitis Type of cellulitis Type of cellulitis Type of cellulitis Type of cellulitis
Preseptal Orbital (n = 41) Preseptal (n = 227) Orbital (n = 35) Preseptal (n = 104) Orbital Preseptal (n = 101) Orbital (n = 26)Δ Preseptal Orbital (n = 94)
Age (yrs)   7.5 (range 0-16) 3.9 7.5 19 (range 0-75)   3.8 (range 0-16) 6.4 (range 0-13)   6 (range 0-18)
History of trauma*   Excluded 89 (39) 4 (11) 28         Excluded
Eye pain and/or tenderness         64 (62)          
Eyelid swelling +/– erythema         104 (100)          
Proptosis   25 (61) 2 (0.9) 33 (94)     1 (1) 20 (77)   36 (38)
Ophthalmoplegia   19 (46) 1 (0.4) 4 (11)     1 (1) 20 (77)   45 (48)
Diplopia     2 (0.9) 19 (54)            
Vision impaired     0 1 (3)     3 (3) 3 (11)   11 (12)
No ophthalmologic signs (proptosis, ophthalmoplegia, visual loss)   11 (27)                
Chemosis                   10 (11)
Fever   27 (66) 106 (47) 33 (94) Children 52 percent; adults 10 percent   59 (59) 18 (69)   63 (67)
White blood cell count >15,000   19 (46)                
Sinusitis§     21 (9) 32 (91)            
Ethmoid sinusitis   40 (98)   30 (86)       22 (86)   87 (93)
Maxillary sinusitis   29 (71)   21 (60)       22 (86)   84 (89)
Subperiosteal abscess   24 (59)   12 (34)       Δ   44 (47)
Orbital abscess   10 (24)   2 (6)       0   8 (8)
>Surgical procedure   29 (71) 11 (5) 8 (23) 52 (50)   0 6 (23)Δ    
Results are reported as number of patients with a given finding (percent).
* Eg, insect bites, scratches.
¶ This study involved patients referred to a tertiary care hospital in Saudi Arabia. 38.5 percent of patients were >16 years of age. Many had acute dacryocystitis, trauma, or recent surgery, which is probably why such a large proportion of patients underwent surgical procedures.
Δ In this study, 12 cases of children with subperiosteal abscess were evaluated separately; these cases are not shown in the table, but the findings were similar to those with simple orbital cellulitis. Of patients with orbital cellulitis or subperiosteal abscess, 12 of 38 (32 percent) had a subperiosteal abscess; 66 percent of patients with subperiosteal abscess underwent surgery.
The mean age is reported for all studies except for Seltz et al[5]; this study reported the median age.
§ The ethmoid and maxillary sinuses were involved most commonly, but some patients had frontal sinusitis and/or sphenoid sinusitis; many patients had involvement of multiple sinuses.
  1. Nageswaran S, Woods CR, Benjamin DK Jr, et al. Orbital cellulitis in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2006; 25:695.
  2. Botting AM, McIntosh D, Mahadevan M. Paediatric pre- and post-septal peri-orbital infections are different diseases - A retrospective review of 262 cases. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2008; 72:377.
  3. Chaudhry IA, Shamsi FA, Elzaridi E, et al. Inpatient preseptal cellulitis: experience from a tertiary eye care centre. Br J Ophthalmol 2008; 92:1337.
  4. Sobol SE, Marchand J, Tewfik TL, et al. Orbital complications of sinusitis in children. J Otolaryngol 2002; 31:131.
  5. Seltz LB, Smith J, Durairaj VD, et al. Microbiology and antibiotic management of orbital cellulitis. Pediatrics 2011; 127:e566.
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