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Perioperative management of cardiovascular agents

Perioperative management of cardiovascular agents
Name or class of drug Clinical considerations Recommended strategy for surgery with brief NPO state Recommended strategy for surgery with prolonged NPO state
Beta blockers

Abrupt withdrawal can result in hypertension, tachycardia, and myocardial ischemia.

Perioperative initiation can prevent postoperative myocardial ischemic events in patients with significantly-increased cardiac risk but may increase risk for stroke.

Perioperative initiation of beta blockers is recommended in patients with CAD or ischemia on stress testing who are undergoing vascular surgery; and reasonable in patients with at least one cardiac risk factor who are undergoing vascular surgery, or with CAD or >1 cardiac risk factor undergoing intermediate risk surgery.

Perioperative initiation of beta blockers is not recommended in patients with baseline heart rate <60 beats per minute, systolic blood pressure <90 mmHg, or when time is not sufficient for titration.
Continue therapy up to and including day of surgery. Continue therapy up to and including day of surgery. Substitute IV propranolol, metoprolol, or labetalol during NPO state.
Alpha 2 agonists Withdrawal can cause extreme hypertension and myocardial ischemia. Continue therapy up to and including day of surgery. Continue therapy up to and including day of surgery. Substitute transdermal clonidine.
Calcium channel blockers Conflicting evidence on whether there is an increased risk of bleeding. Continue therapy up to and including day of surgery. Continue therapy up to and including day of surgery. No IV substitution necessary unless poor hemodynamics (hypertension or arrhythmia).
ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers Continuation can result in hypotension. Continue therapy up to day of surgery and hold morning dose unless indication is heart failure or poorly controlled hypertension. Continue therapy up to day of surgery and hold morning dose unless indication is heart failure or poorly controlled hypertension. Use parenteral enalapril as needed in postoperative period.
Diuretics Continuation can result in hypovolemia and hypotension. For the majority of patients we continue therapy up to day of surgery but hold the morning dose. For patients with heart failure whose fluid balance is difficult to manage, we often continue the diuretic without interruption. Continue therapy up to day of surgery but discontinue morning dose. However, for patients with heart failure whose fluid balance is difficult to manage, we often continue the diuretic without interruption. Use parenteral forms as needed in postoperative period.
Statins Continuation may elevate risk of myopathy, but provides cardiovascular protection. Continue statins. Continue statins up to and including day of surgery.
Non-statin lipid-lowering agents Niacin and fibric acid derivatives may cause rhabdomyolysis. Bile acid sequestrants interfere with absorption of other medications. Discontinue day before surgery. Discontinue day before surgery. Resume with oral intake.
NPO: nil per os (nothing by mouth); CAD: coronary artery disease; IV: intravenous; ACE: angiotensin-converting enzyme; HF: heart failure.
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