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Results of neoadjuvant (downstaging) chemotherapy for initially unresectable colorectal cancer liver metastases

Results of neoadjuvant (downstaging) chemotherapy for initially unresectable colorectal cancer liver metastases
Author, year N Chemotherapy regimen Conversion rate Complete resection rate
n Percent n Percent
Wein A, 2001 53 Infusional FU/LV 9 17 6 11
Adam R, 2004 1104 FU/LV ± oxaliplatin (70 percent), irinotecan, or both 138 12.5 128 11.6
Delaunoit T, 2005 795 Irinotecan/FU/LV NR NR 24 3.3*
Oxaliplatin/FU/LV NR NR 24 3.3*
Irinotecan/oxaliplatin NR NR 24 3.3*
Alberts S, 2005 42 Oxaliplatin/FU/LV 17 40 14 33
Falcone A, 2007 122 Irinotecan/FU/LV 15 12 15 12
122 Oxaliplatin/irinotecan + FU/LV 44 36 44 36
Barone C, 2007 40 Irinotecan/FU/LV 13 33 13 33
Ychou M, 2007 34 Oxaliplatin/irinotecan + FU/LV 28 82 9 27
Masi G, 2009 196 Oxaliplatin/irinotecan + FU/LV 47 24 37 19
Conversion rate: number of patients with initially unresectable hepatic metastases who underwent hepatic resection after downstaging chemotherapy.
Complete resection rate: number of patients who underwent complete (R0) potentially curative resection after downstaging chemotherapy.
FU: fluorouracil; LV: leucovorin; NR: not reported.
* 22 of 25 resectable patients had received an oxaliplatin-containing regimen.
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