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Differential diagnosis of Burkitt lymphoma

Differential diagnosis of Burkitt lymphoma
Entity Histology Immunophenotype Genetic features/other
Burkitt lymphoma Monomorphic, medium-sized cells with round nuclei, multiple nucleoli, basophilic cytoplasm, prominent cytoplasmic lipid vacuoles, and a "starry-sky" pattern. Ki-67+ fraction approaching 100 percent. Express surface IgM and B-cell-associated antigens (CD19, CD20, CD22, CD79a), as well as CD10, HLA-DR, and CD43. They lack CD5, bcl-2, and typically lack CD23. Strongly (but not uniformly) associated with a translocation between the long arm of chromosome 8, the site of the c-MYC oncogene (8q24), and one of three locations on Ig genes: t(8;14), t(2;8), or t(8;22). No evidence of t(14;18).
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Large, transformed B-cells with prominent nucleoli and basophilic cytoplasm, a diffuse growth pattern and a high proliferation (Ki-67+) fraction. Generally express pan B-cell antigens (CD19, CD20, CD22, CD79a). The majority has genetic abnormalities, but there is no single cytogenetic change that is typical or diagnostic. A subset will have c-MYC rearrangements.
Precursor T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma Varied morphology, but may resemble Burkitt lymphoma but have intermediate sized oval or round nuclei, more dispersed chromatin, several distinct nuclei, and more abundant cytoplasm. Express TdT and are of T-cell phenotype typically positive for CD7 and either surface or cytoplasmic CD3, and variably express CD2, CD5, CD1a, CD4 and/or CD8. No single cytogenetic change is typical or diagnostic.
Precursor B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma Varied morphology, but may resemble Burkitt lymphoma but have intermediate sized oval or round nuclei, more dispersed chromatin, several distinct nuclei, and more abundant cytoplasm. Lack expression of surface immunoglobulin. Express TdT and variably express the B-cell markers CD19, CD22, CD20, and CD79a, leukocyte common antigen CD45 and common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen CD10 (CALLA). No single cytogenetic change is typical or diagnostic. May have either or both immunoglobulin heavy chain and T-cell receptor gamma or beta chain gene rearrangements, or may lack rearrangements.
Mantle cell lymphoma, blastoid variant Intermediate-sized cells with dispersed chromatin, irregular nuclear contours, and scant cytoplasm with a high mitotic rate. Express high levels of surface IgM and IgD and express pan-B cell antigens (CD19, CD20), CD5, and FMC7. Rare cases lack CD5 or express CD23. Nuclear staining for cyclin D1 present in 95 percent of cases. Not seen in children. Strongly associated with t(11;14)(q13;q32).
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