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Oxygen delivery systems

Oxygen delivery systems
System Percent oxygen delivered* Indications Comments
Blow by Less than 30 percent Use for spontaneously breathing children who require low doses of oxygen and do not tolerate a mask Best delivered at a flow rate of at least 10 L/minute through a reservoir (ie, a simple mask or Styrofoam or paper drinking cup with oxygen tubing poked through the bottom) with the reservoir held near the patient's face by a parent or other caregiver
Low flow nasal cannula (1 to 4 L/min) 25 to 40 percent Use to deliver low-dose oxygen to spontaneously breathing patients Percent oxygen delivered affected by respiratory rate, tidal volume, and extent of mouth breathing. In infants, limit flow rate to 2 L/min or less to avoid inadvertent administration of positive airway pressure
Simple mask 35 to 50 percent Use to deliver low-dose oxygen to spontaneously breathing patients Percent oxygen delivered affected by mask fit and respiratory rate
Small diffuser (OxyMask) 25 to >80 percent Use to provide low- or high-dose oxygen to spontaneously breathing patients Range of oxygen delivery at different flow rates (approximately 25 percent at 1.5 L/min to >80 percent at ≥15 L/min). Open-mask design may be better tolerated by children. May provide equivalent oxygen delivery at lower flow rates than other mask devices.
Partial rebreather mask 50 to 60 percent Use to conserve oxygen  
Nonrebreather mask 65 to 95 percent Use to deliver high-dose oxygen to spontaneously breathing patients Tight mask fit required to deliver higher concentrations of oxygen
Hood 30 to 90 percent Infants less than one year of age Noisy for patient
Tent 25 to 50 percent Use for children who require 30 percent oxygen or less Mist may obscure view of patient. Noisy for patient. Low-flow nasal cannula or masks preferred.
Self-inflating ventilation bag 95 to 100 percent, with reservoir Use to provide assisted ventilation and oxygen Do not use to provide blow by. Must use with a reservoir to provide higher oxygen concentrations.
Flow-inflating ventilation bag 100 percent Use to provide assisted ventilation and oxygen May use to provide blow by. Requires experience to use reliably.
*Actual percent oxygen delivered may vary widely depending on the type of delivery device, device manufacturer, oxygen flow rate provided to the device, and, for oxygen masks, mask fit. All patients receiving supplemental oxygen warrant monitoring with pulse oximetry.
Graphic 60610 Version 9.0

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