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Changes in IgE and IgG resulting from subcutaneous allergen immunotherapy

Changes in IgE and IgG resulting from subcutaneous allergen immunotherapy
Profile of a typical patient illustrating the dose regimens for immunotherapy and the IgE and IgG antibody responses. Plotted are the relationships between time expressed in days, individual and cumulative doses of ragweed pollen extract expressed in nanograms of antigen E (AgE), and serum levels of ragweed specific-IgE (RW-IgE), ragweed specific-IgG (RW-IgG), and total IgE.
(A) RW-IgE, RW IgG, total IgE data.
(B) Progressive cumulative dose (line) over respective single doses (bars) over time in days.
Ig: immunoglobulin; ng: nanograms; E Th: threshold dose for IgE response or that single dose of RW extract that subsequently initiated a significant (>25%) and persistent rise in serum levels of RW-specific IgE molecules; LL: large local reaction; G Th: threshold dose for IgG response or that single dose of RW extract that subsequently initiated a significant (>25%) and persistent rise in serum levels of RW-specific IgG molecules; G Max: observations at maximum IgG response; E Max: observations at maximum IgE response; RW: ragweed.
Reproduced from: Creticos PS, Van Metre TE, Mardiney MR, et al. Dose response of IgE and IgG antibodies during ragweed immunotherapy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1984; 73:94. Illustration used with the permission of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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