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Pharmacologic properties of antiseizure medications

Pharmacologic properties of antiseizure medications
  Metabolism and clearance Enzyme or transporter induction/inhibition* Protein binding (%) Half-life in adults (hours)

Metabolized primarily by CYP-independent hydrolysis (60%) and CYP2C19 (30%)

Dose adjustment is needed in hepatic impairment
Inhibits epoxide hydroxylaseΔ ≤20 9

Hepatic (primarily) and gut by CYP2C19, CYP3A4, UGT1A7, UGT1A9, and UGT2B7 to active metabolite 7-OH-CBD and then to inactive metabolite 7-COOH-CBD

Dose adjustment is needed in moderate to severe hepatic impairment

Inhibits BCRP/ABCG2, BSEP/ABCB11, CYP2C19 (moderate)

May increase serum concentration of clobazam and the active metabolite(s) of clobazam
>94 56 to 61

>90% metabolized by CYPs 3A4 (major) and 1A2/2C8 (minor) to active (epoxide) and inactive metabolites

Dose adjustment is needed in severe renal impairment; use is not recommended in moderate or severe hepatic impairment
Potent and broad-spectrum inducer of CYP, UGT-glucuronidation, and P-gp 75

25 to 65 (initial use, enzyme-inducing naive patient)

8 to 22 (after several weeks due to auto-induction)

Primarily metabolized by glucuronidation via UGT2B7 and to a lesser extent by UGT2B4, and by oxidation via CYP2E1, CYP2A6, CYP2B6, and to a lesser extent by CYP2C19 and CYP3A4/5

Dose adjustment is needed for hepatic impairment; not recommended for patients with severe hepatic impairment or end-stage renal disease

May increase serum concentrations of clobazam, phenobarbital, phenytoin, and CYP2C19 substrates

May decrease serum concentrations of carbamazepine, lamotrigine, and CYP2B6 and CYP3A substrates
60 50 to 60 hours

>90% metabolized by CYPs 3A4, 2C19, 2B6 and non-CYP transformations to active (N-desmethylclobazam) and inactive metabolites

Active metabolite is primarily metabolized by CYP2C19

Dose adjustment is needed in hepatic impairment
Inhibits CYP2D6 (weak)

80 to 90 (clobazam, parent drug)

70 (N-desmethylclobazam, active metabolite)

36 to 42 (clobazam, parent drug)

71 to 82 (N-desmethylclobazam, active metabolite)

Prodrug; <33% of active form undergoes UGT-glucuronidation (including <5% metabolized to oxcarbazepine); 66% is excreted renally as unchanged drug

Dose adjustment is needed for renal impairment; not recommended in patients with severe hepatic impairment

Induces CYP3A4 (moderate)

Inhibits CYP2C19 (weak)
<40 13 to 20 (prolonged in renal insufficiency)
Ethosuximide ~80% metabolized by CYP3A4 (major) and non-CYP transformations to inactive metabolites None <5 40 to 60

50% metabolized by CYPs 3A4, 2E1 (minor); ~50% renally excreted as unchanged drug

Dose adjustment is needed in renal impairment

Increases conversion of carbamazepine to active epoxide metabolite; mechanism not established

Inhibits CYP2C19 (weak)
25 13 to 22 (prolonged in renal insufficiency)

>95% renally excreted as unchanged drug (ie, does not undergo hepatic metabolism)

Dose adjustment is needed in renal impairment
None <5 5 to 7 (prolonged in renal insufficiency; >130 hours in anuria)

40% renally excreted as unchanged drug; 30% metabolized by non-CYP transformations (including methylation) to inactive metabolite

Dose adjustment is needed in hepatic and renal impairment
None <15 13

>90% metabolized by UGT-glucuronidation and other non-CYP transformations to inactive metabolites

Dose adjustment is needed in moderate to severe renal or hepatic impairment
May induce its own metabolism by UGT-glucuronidation (minor) 55 12 to 62

>65% renally excreted as unchanged drug; 24% metabolized by non-CYP transformation (including amidase hydrolysis) to inactive metabolites

Dose adjustment is needed in renal impairment
None <10 6 to 8

Prodrug; 70% of active (MHD) form undergoes UGT-glucuronidation; 30% is renally excreted as unchanged active drug

Dose adjustment is needed in severe renal impairment
Induces CYP3A4 (weak) and UGT-glucuronidation but does not induce its own metabolism 40 9 (active metabolite, prolonged in renal insufficiency)

>70% metabolized by CYPs 3A4, 3A5 and non-CYP transformations to inactive metabolites

Dose adjustment is needed in mild or moderate hepatic impairment
Appears to induce metabolism of progestin-containing hormonal contraceptives 95 105

75% metabolized by CYPs 2C19, 2C9 (minor) and glucosidase hydrolysis and 2E1 (minor) to inactive metabolites; 25% excreted renally as unchanged drug

Dose adjustment is needed in severe renal or hepatic impairment
Potent and broad-spectrum inducer of CYP and UGT-glucuronidation 55 75 to 110

>90% metabolized by CYPs 2C9, 2C19, 3A4 (minor) and non-CYP transformations to inactive metabolites; clearance is dose dependent, saturable, and may be subject to genetic polymorphism

Dose adjustment is needed in severe renal or hepatic insufficiency; monitoring of free (unbound) concentrations also suggested
Potent and broad-spectrum inducer of CYP and UGT-glucuronidation 90 to 95 9 to >42 (dose dependent)

>95% excreted renally as unchanged drug

Dose adjustment is needed in renal impairment
None <5 6

75% metabolized by CYPs 2C19, 2C9 (minor) and 2E1 (minor) to active intermediates; ~25% excreted renally as unchanged drug

Dose adjustment is needed in moderate and severe renal or hepatic impairment; close monitoring of plasma levels suggested
Potent and broad-spectrum inducer of CYP 0 to 20

10 to 15 (parent)

29 to 100 (active metabolite)
Rufinamide >90% metabolized by non-CYP transformations (hydrolysis) to inactive metabolites Induces CYP3A4 (weak) 35 6 to 10
Stiripentol Metabolized primarily in the liver by CYP450 enzymes CYP2C19, CYP3A4, and glucuronidation Inhibits CYP3A4, CYP2C19, P-gp, and BCRP 99 4.5 to 13
Tiagabine >90% metabolized by CYP3A4 and non-CYP transformations to inactive metabolites None 95

7 to 9

2 to 5 (with enzyme-inducing antiseizure medications)

>65% excreted renally as unchanged drug; <30% metabolized by non-CYP transformations to inactive metabolites; extent of metabolism is increased ~50% in patients receiving enzyme-inducing antiseizure medications

Dose adjustment is needed in moderate and severe renal or hepatic impairment
None 9 to 17 12 to 24

>95% undergoes complex transformations including CYPs 2C9, 2C19, 2A6, UGT-glucuronidation and other non-CYP transformation

Dose adjustment is needed in hepatic impairment
None 80 to 95 7 to 16

>90% excreted renally as unchanged drug

Dose adjustment is needed in renal impairment
None 0 5 to 13 (unrelated to duration of action)

>65% metabolized by CYPs 3A4, 2C19 (minor) and non-CYP transformations

Dose adjustment and/or slower titration is needed in mild renal impairment or hepatic impairment; not recommended in patients with moderate or severe renal impairment
None 50 63

CYP: cytochrome P450; MHD: monohydroxy derivative active form of oxcarbazepine; P-gp: membrane P-glycoprotein multidrug resistance transporter; UGT-glucuronidation: metabolism by uridine 5'diphosphate-glucuronyltransferases.

* The inhibitors and inducers of CYP or UGT drug metabolism and P-gp transporters listed in this table can alter serum concentrations of drugs that are dependent upon these enzymes or transporters for elimination, activation, or bioavailability. Classifications are based on US Food and Drug Administration guidance[4,5]. Other sources may use a different classification system resulting in some agents being classified differently. Specific interactions should be assessed using a drug interaction program such as the drug interactions program included within UpToDate.

¶ Highly protein-bound antiseizure medications exhibit altered pharmacokinetics, including greater therapeutic and toxic effects and drug interactions, when given in usual doses to patients with low serum albumin or protein-binding affinity (eg, due to nephrotic syndrome or acidosis). Dose alteration is needed and monitoring of unbound (free) antiseizure medication serum concentrations is suggested. Refer to UpToDate topic for additional information.

Δ Inhibitors of epoxide hydroxylase (eg, brivaracetam) can decrease metabolism of phenytoin and active metabolite of carbamazepine; refer to UpToDate topic.

Data from: UpToDate Lexidrug. More information available at

Additional data from:
  1. Bazil CW. Antiepileptic drugs in the 21st century. CNS Spectr 2001; 6:756.
  2. Lacerda G, Krummel T, Sabourdy C, et al. Optimizing therapy of seizures in patients with renal or hepatic dysfunction. Neurology 2006; 67:S28.
  3. Anderson GD, Hakimian S. Pharmacokinetic of antiepileptic drugs in patients with hepatic or renal impairment. Clin Pharmacokinet 2014; 53:29.
  4. US Food and Drug Administration. Clinical drug interaction studies – Cytochrome P450 enzyme- and transporter-mediated drug interactions guidance for industry, January 2020. Available at: (Accessed on June 5, 2020).
  5. US Food & Drug Administration. Drug Development and Drug Interactions: Table of Substrates, Inhibitors and Inducers. Available at: (Accessed on June 12, 2019).
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