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Burkitt lymphoma

Burkitt lymphoma
Left panel: Lymph node touch inprint from a patient with Burkitt lymphoma shows multiple small noncleaved cells with a thin rim of basophilic cytoplasm containing numerous vacuoles. The macrophage in the center (yellow arrow) contains abundant cellular debris (ie, tingible body macrophage). Right panel: Bone marrow from the same patient shows two small noncleaved cells with eccentric nuclei, a thin rim of basophilic cytoplasm, and vacuoles aggregated at one pole of the cell (red arrows).
From Warnke RA, Weiss LM, Chan JK, Cleary ML, Dorfman RF. Tumors of the lymph nodes and spleen. Atlas of tumor pathology (electronic fascicle), Third series, fascicle 14, 1995, Washington, DC. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.
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