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How to talk with caregivers/patients about therapeutic options for children and adolescents

How to talk with caregivers/patients about therapeutic options for children and adolescents
Do talk about the different kinds of therapies families may have tried to help their child.
Do not wait for families to bring it up.
Ask in an open-minded, nonjudgmental fashion. Avoid using potentially pejorative terms such as "unproven," "unconventional," or "alternative."
Elicit further information with questions about specific therapies:
  • Have you tried any herbal therapies, such as echinacea or ginkgo?
  • Have you tried any dietary therapies, like avoiding wheat or milk?
  • Have you sought care from any other health professionals, such as acupuncturists or chiropractors?
Elicit the values, beliefs, and influences that led parents to these therapies:
  • Suggested by family members?
  • Consistent with their religious, spiritual, or cultural beliefs?
  • Value of natural or organic approaches?
  • Fear of side effects of mainstream treatments?
Whenever possible, join with the caregivers and support their decision to pursue avenues that may help their child; be an ally rather than a tyrant.
Ask how well the family thinks the therapies worked or did not work before offering your opinion.
Offer to talk with other therapists involved in the child's care to better maintain coordinated, comprehensive care.
Offer to learn more to help answer the family's questions.
Offer families additional information and resources to address their questions about alternative and complementary therapies.
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