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Effect of antiplatelet therapy on vascular events

Effect of antiplatelet therapy on vascular events
Category of trial Number of trials with data Antiplatelet, %* Adjusted controls, %* Odds reduction, %
Prior MI 12 13.5 17 25±4
Acute MI 15 10.4 14.2 30±4
Prior stroke/TIA 21 17.8 21.4 22±4
Acute stroke 7 8.2 9.1 11±3
Other high risk 140 8 10.2 26±3
Unstable angina 12 8 13.3 46±7
Stable angina/CHD 7 9.9 14.1 33±9
Peripheral arterial disease 42 5.8 7.1 23±8
All trials (high or low risk) 195 10.7 13.2 22±2
All low riskΔ (primary prevention) 3 4.5 4.9 10
MI: myocardial infarction; TIA: transient ischemic attack; CHD: coronary heart disease.
* Percent of patients suffering vascular events who are treated with antiplatelet agents or placebo; the duration of treatment was 2 years with a prior MI or stroke/TIA, 30 days with an acute MI, 3 weeks with an acute stroke, and 2 years for other high-risk patients.
¶ Odds reduction of vascular events due to antiplatelet therapy.
Δ Data from: Antiplatelet Trialists' Collaboration. BMJ 1994; 308:81.
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