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Infectious considerations in the evaluation of potential organ donors and recipients (possible exclusion criteria*)

Infectious considerations in the evaluation of potential organ donors and recipients (possible exclusion criteria*)
Central nervous system (CNS) infection
Encephalitis and/or meningitis of unknown etiology
Untreated or incompletely treated encephalitis and/or meningitis
Herpes simplex encephalitis
History of JC virus infection
West Nile virus infection or other active arbovirus infection
Cryptococcal infection of any site (or other disseminated fungal infection)
Creutzfeld-Jacob disease
Viral infection (also refer to CNS infections above)
Acute viremia (eg, herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, hepatitis A, West Nile virus)
Active shingles (varicella-zoster infection) or herpes virus pneumonitis
Acute Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis)
HIV infection (serologic or molecular evidence)
Active hepatitis B or hepatitis C
Human T cell lymphotropic virus-I/-II (no longer an absolute contraindication in nonendemic regions)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Bacterial infection
Active tuberculosis
Untreated pneumonia
Untreated bacterial or fungal sepsis (eg, candidemia)
Untreated syphilis
Multisystem organ failure due to overwhelming sepsis or gangrenous bowel
Certain antimicrobial-resistant infections (relative contraindication)
Parasitic infection
Active Trypanosoma cruzi infection
Active toxoplasmosis (prophylaxis effective)
Strongyloidiasis (prophylaxis effective)
* The use of organs for specific recipients must be considered in the clinical context of the intended recipient. This list is not all inclusive.
¶ Donor organs that are infected with hepatitis B or C are used with the availability of antiviral agents and/or for life-saving transplants. Organs from HIV-infected donors are generally used under research protocols.
Graphic 55861 Version 10.0

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