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Malabsorption: Conditions causing malabsorption, categorized by the phase of absorption that is impaired

Malabsorption: Conditions causing malabsorption, categorized by the phase of absorption that is impaired
Phase and nature of malabsorptive defect Example
Luminal phase
A. Substrate hydrolysis
1. Digestive enzyme deficiency Chronic pancreatitis
2. Digestive enzyme inactivation Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
3. Dyssynchrony of enzyme release, inadequate mixing Post Billroth II procedure
B. Fat solubilization
1. Diminished bile salt synthesis Cirrhosis
2. Impaired bile secretion Chronic cholestasis
3. Bile salt de-conjugation Bacterial overgrowth
4. Increased bile salt loss Ileal disease or resection
C. Luminal availability of specific nutrients
1. Diminished gastric acid Atrophic gastritis - vitamin B12
2. Diminished intrinsic factor Pernicious anemia - vitamin B12
3. Bacterial consumption of nutrients Bacterial overgrowth - vitamin B12
Mucosal (absorptive) phase
A. Brush border hydrolysis*
1. Congenital disaccharidase defect Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency
2. Acquired disaccharidase defect Lactase deficiency
B. Epithelial transport
1. Nutrient-specific defects in transport Hartnup's disease
2. Global defects in transport Celiac sprue
Postabsorptive, processing phase
A. Enterocyte processing Abetalipoproteinemia
B. Lymphatic Intestinal lymphangiectasia
* This process is sometimes considered as part of the luminal phase.
Reproduced with permission from: Sleisenger MH, Fordtran JS (Eds), Gastrointestinal Diseases, 5th ed, 1993, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia. p.1010. Copyright © 1993 W.B. Saunders.
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