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Relative contraindications to coronary angiography

Relative contraindications to coronary angiography
Acute renal failure
Chronic renal failure secondary to diabetes
Active gastrointestinal bleeding
Unexplained fever, which may be due to infection
Untreated active infection
Acute stroke
Severe anemia
Severe uncontrolled hypertension
Severe symptomatic electrolyte imbalance
Severe lack of cooperation by patient due to psychological or severe systemic illness
Severe concomitant illness that drastically shortens life expectancy or increases risk of therapeutic interventions
Refusal of patient to consider definitive therapy such as PTCA, CABG, or valve replacement
Digitalis intoxication
Documented anaphylactoid reaction to angiographic contrast media
Severe peripheral vascular disease limiting vascular access
Decompensated heart failure or acute pulmonary edema  
Severe coagulopathy
Aortic valve endocarditis
PTCA: percutaneoas transluminal coronary angioplasty; CABG: coronaryartety bypass graft.
Reproduced with permission by Scanlon, PJ, Faxon, DP, Audet, AM, et al, J Am Coll Cardiol 1999; 33:1756.
Graphic 54367 Version 2.0

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