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Heat illness risk based on heat index or wet bulb globe temperature

Heat illness risk based on heat index or wet bulb globe temperature
Category Heat index
°C (°F)*
Wet bulb globe temperature
°C (°F)
Suggested action
Extreme danger ≥52 (≥126) >29 (>85) Cancel organized athletic activities.
Danger 40 to 52 (104 to 125) 26 to 29 (79 to 84) Restrict activities for unacclimated children and those at high risk for heat illness.
Reschedule activities to a cooler time of day.
Increase number of rest periods, hydration breaks, and frequency of substitution during practice and competition.
Extreme caution 33 to 40 (91 to 104) 24 to 25.9 (75 to 78.6) Reschedule activities to a cooler time of day.
Increase number of rest periods, hydration breaks, and frequency of substitution during practice and competition.
Caution 27 to 32 (80 to 90) <24 (<75) Unrestricted activity but monitor participants for signs of heat illness.

* Temperature ranges only are provided. For corresponding humidity values, refer to UpToDate content on heat index. Full sun exposure may increase the heat index value by as much as 8°C (15°F).

¶ Refer to UpToDate topics on heat stroke in children.
Adapted with permission from: Bytomski JR, Squire DL. Heat illness in children. Curr Sports Med Rep 2003; 2:320. Copyright © 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and NOAA's national weather service heat index. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (Accessed on September 9, 2015).
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