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Evaluation of conditions that mimic asthma

Evaluation of conditions that mimic asthma
Diagnosis Clinical features Testing
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency


Family history emphysema

Alpha-1 antitrypsin: below 50 to 80 mg/dL (11 micromol/L)

Genetic confirmation by isoelectric focusing or DNA PCR


Daily sputum production

Cough refractory to bronchodilators

Sometimes end-inspiratory squeak

May have rhinosinusitis

HRCT thorax: bronchiectasis

History of respiratory infection, inhalational injury, CTD, or lung transplant

Crackles and inspiratory squeaks on exam

PFTs: DLCO and oxygen saturation are reduced

HRCT thorax: interstitial opacities in a mosaic pattern, inspiratory and expiratory views may show focal air trapping

Cardiac disease* Crackles or wheezes

B type natriuretic peptide: elevated

Chest xray: increased interstitial opacities, ±cardiomegaly

Echocardiogram: reduced ejection fraction

Central airway obstruction

Dyspnea on exertion

Sometimes monophonic wheeze or stridor

PFTs: flattening of flow volume loop

HRCT with 3-D reconstruction: narrowed airway

Direct visualization: airway obstruction

Chronic eosinophilic pneumonitis

Asthma predates or develops in over 50 percent of patients

Fever, weight loss and night sweats are common

Peripheral blood: ±eosinophilia

Chest xray: bilateral peripheral opacities

BAL: eosinophilia >40 percent

COPD* Smoking history PFTs: irreversible airflow obstruction and sometimes low DLCO
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis

Exposure to an inciting agent

Abrupt onset fever, chills

Dyspnea without wheezing

PFTs: restrictive or mixed obstructive/restrictive pattern

Chest xray: fleeting pulmonary infiltrates

HRCT thorax: ground glass opacities and parenchymal micronodules

BAL: lymphocytosis

Lung biopsy: poorly formed granulomata

Obstructive sleep apnea*

Daytime hypersomnolence

Nocturnal choking


Polysomnogram: elevated respiratory disturbance index
Sarcoidosis* (endobronchial)

Nonproductive cough


Cutaneous stigmata of sarcoidosis

May have nasal or sinus sarcoid

Chest xray: Hilar adenopathy with or without interstitial opacities

PFTs: restriction and reduced DLCO

Endobronchial biopsy: noncaseating granulomata

Strongyloidiasis, filariasis Travel to endemic country

Peripheral blood: eosinophilia

IgG antibodies to strongyloides or filaria: positive

Inducible laryngeal obstruction (vocal cord dysfunction)*

Hoarseness/stridor (can be inspiratory and/or expiratory)

Symptoms provoked by exercise

Flow volume loop: slowing on inspiration

Direct laryngoscopy (possibly during exercise or methacholine challenge): abnormal cord motion

ANCA: antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; CTD: connective tissue disease; DLCO: diffusing capacity; GERD: gastroesophageal reflux disease; HRCT: high resolution computed tomography; PFTs: pulmonary function testing; PPI: proton pump inhibitor.
* These conditions can also co-occur with asthma
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