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Suture selection, anesthetic options, and time to suture removal for facial and scalp lacerations

Suture selection, anesthetic options, and time to suture removal for facial and scalp lacerations
Location Suture material* Size Anesthetic Removal
Galea Absorbable 3.0 or 4.0 Local None
Skin Staple, nonabsorbableΔ, hair apposition Stainless steel (staples), 3.0 or 4.0 (sutures) Local 7-14 days, none for hair apposition
Frontalis Absorbable 4.0 Local None
Skin NonabsorbableΔ 5.0 or 6.0 (adults), 6.0 (children) Local/supraorbital 5 days
Muscle Absorbable 4.0 Local/infraorbital None
Subcutaneous Absorbable 4.0 Local/infraorbital None
Skin NonabsorbableΔ 5.0 or 6.0 (adults), 6.0 (children) Local/infraorbital 5 days
Skin Absorbable 6.0 Supra/infraorbital 3-5 days
Mucosa Absorbable 4.0 Local/intranasal pack None
Cartilage Absorbable 5.0 Local/intranasal pack None
Skin Absorbable 6.0 Local/intranasal pack 3-5 days
Muscle Absorbable 4.0 or 5.0 Infraorbital/mental None
Mucosal skin Absorbable 5.0 or 6.0 (adults), 6.0 (children) Infraorbital/mental None
Vermillion border NonabsorbableΔ 6.0 Infraorbital/mental 5 days
Intraoral mucosa
  Absorbable 4.0 or 5.0 Local None
  Absorbable 3.0 or 4.0 Local None
Muscle Absorbable 4.0 Local/mental None
Subcutaneous Absorbable 4.0 Local/mental None
Skin NonabsorbableΔ 5.0 or 6.0 Local/mental 5 days
* Absorbable suture will resorb within 60 days. Subcutaneous absorbable sutures commonly used on facial lacerations include polyglactin 910 (Vicryl®), poliglecaprone 25 (Monocryl®), and polyglycolic acid (Dexon). Chromic gut is appropriate for surface sutures on mucosa. Fast-absorbing gut and, for scalp lacerations, coated polyglactin 910 [Vicryl Rapide®] are appropriate for skin sutures.
Nonabsorbable suture will not resorb within 60 days. Nylon (Dermalon®, Ethilon®), Polybutester (Novafil®), and polypropylene (Surgilene®, Prolene®) are commonly used.
¶ Refer to "Assessment and management of facial lacerations", section on 'Facial nerve blocks' for instructions on how to perform supraorbital, infraorbital, and mental nerve blocks.
Δ Fast-absorbing gut or, for scalp lacerations, coated polyglactin 910 [Vicryl Rapide®] may be used for skin closure without negatively impacting wound outcomes in young children to avoid the anxiety and difficulty of suture removal and in patients for whom followup for suture removal is not assured.
Graphic 52335 Version 4.0

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