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Lifetime cancer risk related to Lynch genotypes

Lifetime cancer risk related to Lynch genotypes
Cancer site MLH1 MSH2Δ MSH6 PMS2
Female Male Both Female Male Both Female Male Both Female Male Both
Any Lynch cancer 71 to 81% 71 to 72% 71 to 90% 61 to 84% 52 to 75% 52 to 84% 62 to 65% 41 to 47% 58 to 73% 34 to 52%
Colorectal 35 to 57% 39 to 78% 35 to 90% 26 to 68% 31 to 63% 52 to 84% 20 to 30% 12 to 69% 18 to 58% 12 to 15% 13 to 20% 12 to 52%
Endometrial 20 to 57% 21 to 71% 17 to 71% 13 to 15%
Gastric 3 to 15% 6 to 37% Up to 37% 13 to 19% 5 to 20% Up to 20% 1 to 4% 1 to 8% Up to 8% Unknown*
Ovarian 8 to 20% 12 to 38% 1 to 11% 3 to 5%
Ureter/kidney 2 to 5% 4 to 5% Up to 5% 6 to 19% 6 to 18% Up to 19% 1 to 5% 1 to 2% Up to 5% Up to 4%
Bladder 1 to 5% 4 to 11% Up to 11% 3 to 8% 4 to 13% Up to 13% 1 to 2% 1 to 8% Up to 8% Unknown*
Prostate 9 to 14% 24 to 30% 9 to 30% Up to 5%
Breast Up to 19% Up to 16% Up to 14% Up to 15%
Brain Up to 2% Up to 8% Up to 4%
Small bowel Up to 4% Up to 8% Up to 4% Unknown*
Pancreatobiliary Up to 5% Up to 5% Unknown* Unknown*
Skin Up to 4% Up to 10% Up to 4% Unknown*
* Data are insufficient to make a determination.
¶ There is ongoing debate as to whether breast cancer is a Lynch syndrome associated cancer.
Δ Cancer risks in individuals with a pathogenic EPCAM variant are similar to those with a pathogenic MSH2 variant.
Data from:
  1. Bonadona V, Bonaïti B, Olschwang S, et al. Cancer risks associated with germline mutations in MLH1, MSH2, and MSH6 genes in Lynch syndrome. JAMA 2011; 305:2304.
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