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Nonimmunologic adverse food reactions

Nonimmunologic adverse food reactions
Gastrointestinal disorders
Nonceliac gluten sensitivity
Gastroesophageal reflux
Carbohydrate malabsorption
  • Lactase deficiency
  • Sucrose-isomaltase deficiency
Irritable bowel syndrome
Intolerance of short-chain fermentable carbohydrates (FODMAPs)
Yeast overgrowth syndrome
Pancreatic insufficiency (cystic fibrosis)
Peptic ulcer disease
Gallbladder disease
Toxic reactions
  • Scombroid poisoning (fresh tuna and mackerel)
  • Ciguatera poisoning (grouper, snapper)
  • Saxitoxin (shellfish)
Other food poisoning
Fungal toxins
Pharmacologic agents
  • Caffeine
  • Theobromine (tea, chocolate)
  • Histamine and histamine-like compounds (berries, wine, fish, sauerkraut)
  • Tryptamine (tomato, plum)
  • Tyramine (aged cheeses, pickled fish)
  • Serotonin (banana, tomato)
  • Phenylethylamine (chocolate)
  • Glycosidal alkaloid solanine (potatoes)
  • Alcohol
Flavorings and preservatives
  • Sodium metabisulfite
  • Monosodium glutamate
Neurologic reactions
Auriculotemporal syndrome
Psychologic reactions
Food phobias
Food aversions
Accidental contaminations
Antibiotics (if allergy present)
Adapted from: Sampson HA. Differential diagnosis in adverse reactions to foods. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1986; 78:212.
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