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General predictors of nonadherence with nasal CPAP

General predictors of nonadherence with nasal CPAP
Patient-related factors Therapy- and medication-related factors Health professional-related factors
  • Failure to understand the importance of the therapy.
  • Failure to understand instructions concerning the therapy.
  • Concomitant self-administration of prescription or nonprescription medications or alcohol.
  • Social isolation, thus lack of social support. (Patients with supportive families have been shown to be more compliant with prescription drugs – data not available for CPAP use.)
  • Feeling ill, or being too tired to use the therapy.
  • Physical limitations, including vision, hearing, hand coordination.
  • Poor self-efficacy.
  • Younger age.
  • African-American.
  • Lower socioeconomic status.
  • Higher residual AHI.
  • Lack of bed partner engagement.
  • Less severe oxyhemoglobin desaturation during sleep.
  • Small nasal volume.
  • Comorbid insomnia.
  • Complexity of therapy, in device use or medication dosing.
  • Increased rate of adverse reactions. (Device use has complications, and the provider needs to meet with the patient periodically to determine adverse events and help address these issues.)
  • Characteristics of illness; long-term or chronic illnesses are a problem as compliance decreases over time.
  • Expensive therapy (only a problem when a patient must pay out of pocket or has not met the deductible).
  • Lack of efficacy (higher residual AHI).
  • Less than 4 hours of CPAP nightly use in first 2 weeks.
  • Problems on first night of use.
  • Poor relationship with patient.
  • Expression of doubt concerning therapeutic potential.
  • Unwillingness to educate patients.
  • Lack of knowledge of medications the patient is taking or has access to (eg, sedatives and alcohol can compound OSA, and their use should be evaluated).
  • Lack of knowledge regarding OSA or positive airway therapy to adequately counsel patients.
AHI: apnea-hypopnea index; CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure; OSA: obstructive sleep apnea.
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