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Inciting factors and diagnostic tests for physical and other inducible urticarias

Inciting factors and diagnostic tests for physical and other inducible urticarias
Disorder Inciting trigger(s) Diagnostic test
Symptomatic dermographism (urticaria factitia) Firm stroking, scratching, pressure Moderate stroking of the skin with a blunt, smooth object (eg, closed ballpoint pen tip, wooden tongue depressor) or dermographometer.
Delayed-pressure urticaria/angioedema Application of pressure 0.5 to 12 hours before onset of symptoms

Sling with weights placed over arm or shoulder for 15 minutes (7 kg weight on 3 cm wide shoulder strap). Patient reports symptoms over next 24 hours.

Dermographometers are used in research (100 grams/mm2 for 70 seconds).
Cholinergic urticaria Elevation of body temperature (exercise, hot water, strong emotion, hot or spicy food)

Exercise using a machine (stationary bicycle or treadmill) to the point of sweating. Then, continue for 15 minutes. If this test is positive, then passive heating of one/both arms in 42°C warm water bath to cause increase in body temperature of ≥1°C.

Some patients may react to skin testing with own sweat.
Cold contact urticaria Exposure of skin to cold air, cold liquids, or cold objects

Ice cube test - Melting ice cube in thin plastic bag for 5 minutes.

TempTest where available to determine patient's threshold.
Heat contact urticaria Warm object in direct contact with affected skin Application of test tube containing 45°C water or metal cylinder heated to 45°C to skin for 5 minutes.
Exercise-induced urticaria/anaphylaxis Physical exertion Treadmill testing.
Aquagenic urticaria

Skin contact with water of any temperature

Salinity of water important in some cases
Application of 35°C water in compress to upper body for 30 to 40 minutes.
Solar urticaria Exposure of skin to sunlight (triggering wavelengths vary) Exposure of normally covered skin to UVA (6 J/cm2), UVB (60 mJ/cm2), and visible light (projector).
Vibratory urticaria/angioedema Lawn mowing, riding a motorcycle, horseback riding, mountain biking, exposure to vibrating machinery, holding some steering wheels Vortex mixer is held against skin for 10 minutes.
UVA: ultraviolet A radiation therapy; UVB: ultraviolet B radiation therapy.
Consistent with the recommendations in: Magerl M, Altrichter S, Borzova E, et al. The definition, diagnostic testing, and management of chronic inducible urticarias - The EAACI/GA(2) LEN/EDF/UNEV consensus recommendations 2016 update and revision. Allergy 2016; 71:780.
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