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Common fungal terminology

Common fungal terminology
  1. Fungi - Plant-like organisms with no chlorophyll, with a definite nuclei and usually rigid cell walls.
  1. Hyphae - Long chains of cells that are aggregated into mats termed "mycelium."
  1. Fungi reproduce by spores, which may be sexually (nuclear fusion, meiosis) formed or asexually (mitotically) formed.
  1. Fungal classes according to their method of sexual reproduction:
  1. Oomycetes produce motile, thick-walled sexual spores, one for each nuclear fusion (eg, the downy mildews). Some oomycetes produce unispore sacs called "sporangia" that become airborne.
  1. Zygomycetes produce a single, large thick-walled sexual spore with each nuclear fusion. Zygomycetes also produce asexual spores in sporangia sacs (eg, Rhizopus, Mucor).
  1. Ascomycetes produce eight sexual spores in a sac called an ascus and asexual spores called conidia (eg, Leptosphaeria, Chaetomium, Venturia).
  1. Basidomycetes form sexual spores externally on pegs produced on structures called basidia.
  1. Heterobasidiomycetes produce separate septate basidia (eg, rusts and smuts).
  1. Holobasidiomycetes produce single-celled, club-shaped basidia (eg, mushrooms and puffballs).
  1. Deuteromycetes are fungi for which a sexual stage has not been identified (Aspergillus, Stemphylium, Alternaria, Cladosporium).
  1. Myxomycetes are organisms with both plant and animal characteristics (eg, slime molds). The vegetative stage is an amoeba or multinucleate plasmodium that moves and ingests foods.
  1. Actinomycetes are filamentous bacteria that produce dry airborne spores.
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