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Ciprofloxacin (systemic): Pediatric drug information

Ciprofloxacin (systemic): Pediatric drug information
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For additional information see "Ciprofloxacin (systemic): Drug information" and "Ciprofloxacin (systemic): Patient drug information"

For abbreviations, symbols, and age group definitions show table
ALERT: US Boxed Warning
Serious adverse reactions:

Fluoroquinolones have been associated with disabling and potentially irreversible serious adverse reactions that have occurred together, including: tendinopathy and tendon rupture, peripheral neuropathy, and CNS effects. Discontinue ciprofloxacin immediately and avoid the use of fluoroquinolones in patients who experience any of these serious adverse reactions. Because fluoroquinolones have been associated with serious adverse reactions, reserve ciprofloxacin for use in patients who have no alternative treatment options for the following indications: acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, acute sinusitis, and acute uncomplicated cystitis.

Exacerbation of myasthenia gravis:

Fluoroquinolones may exacerbate muscle weakness in patients with myasthenia gravis. Avoid ciprofloxacin in patients with known history of myasthenia gravis.

Brand Names: US
  • Cipro
Brand Names: Canada
  • ACT Ciprofloxacin;
  • AG-Ciprofloxacin;
  • APO-Ciproflox;
  • Auro-Ciprofloxacin;
  • BIO-Ciprofloxacin;
  • Cipro;
  • Cipro XL [DSC];
  • DOM-Ciprofloxacin [DSC];
  • GEN-Ciprofloxacin;
  • GMD-Ciprofloxacin;
  • JAMP-Ciprofloxacin;
  • Mar-Ciprofloxacin;
  • MINT-Ciproflox;
  • NRA-Ciprofloxacin;
  • PMS-Ciprofloxacin;
  • PMS-Ciprofloxacin XL;
  • Priva-Ciprofloxacin [DSC];
  • PRO-Ciprofloxacin;
  • RATIO-Ciprofloxacin;
  • RIVA-Ciprofloxacin;
  • SANDOZ Ciprofloxacin;
  • TARO-Ciproflox;
  • TARO-Ciprofloxacin [DSC]
Therapeutic Category
  • Antibiotic, Quinolone
Dosing: Neonatal

Dosage guidance:

Dosa ge form information: Oral liquid products are available in 2 concentrations (ie, 50 mg/mL and 100 mg/mL); verify product selection; use caution.

Clinical considerations: Fluoroquinolones should not typically be used as first-line therapy due to their adverse effect profile and risk of development of bacterial resistance. Only use in situations when there is no safe and effective substitute available (eg, drug resistance, allergy) or when oral fluoroquinolone therapy provides a reasonable alternative to parenteral therapy (Ref).

General dosing (alternative agent for resistant pathogens):

Preterm and term neonates: Limited data available:

PMA <34 weeks: IV: 7.5 to 10 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours (Ref).

PMA ≥34 weeks: IV: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours (Ref).

Note: Dosing is based on small pharmacokinetic and descriptive studies and modeling. Higher doses may be necessary in certain clinical situations (eg, pathogen MIC >0.5 mg/L; lack of clinical improvement); doses up to 50 to 60 mg/kg/day have been reported in older neonates with CNS infections (Ref).


Anthrax: Note: Consult public health officials for event-specific recommendations.

Postexposure prophylaxis (inhalational exposure):

Oral: Immediate release: Neonates:

GA 32 to <37 weeks: Oral: Immediate release: 10 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours for 60 days (Ref).

GA ≥37 weeks: Oral: Immediate release: 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours for 60 days (Ref).

IV: Neonates: 10 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours for 60 days.

Cutaneous, without systemic involvement; treatment:

Note: For naturally acquired infection, treat for 7 to 10 days; for a biological weapon-related event, treat for up to 60 days (Ref).

GA 32 to <37 weeks: Oral: Immediate release: 10 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours (Ref).

GA ≥37 weeks: Oral: Immediate release: 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours (Ref).

Severe anthrax (eg, anthrax meningitis, inhalational anthrax, head or neck lesions, cutaneous anthrax with systemic involvement); treatment:

Note: Administer as part of an appropriate combination regimen for ≥2 to 3 weeks and until patient is clinically stable. After completion of therapy, if exposure was due to spore inhalation, initiate antimicrobial prophylaxis to complete an antimicrobial course of 60 days from onset of illness (Ref).

Initial parenteral treatment: Continue until clinical criteria for stability are met:

GA 32 to <37 weeks: IV: 10 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours (Ref).

GA ≥37 weeks: IV: 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours (Ref).

Oral step-down therapy:

GA 32 to <37 weeks: Oral: Immediate release: 10 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours (Ref).

GA ≥37 weeks: Oral: Immediate release: 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours (Ref).

Plague infection

Plague (Yersinia pestis) infection: Note: Consult public health officials for event-specific recommendations.

Postexposure prophylaxis: Neonates: Oral: Immediate release: 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours for 7 days (Ref).

Treatment: Neonates: IV: 10 mg/kg/dose every 8 to 12 hours for 10 to 14 days; therapy may be extended if clinical resolution not observed (eg, ongoing fever) (Ref).

Dosing: Pediatric

Dosage guidance:

Dosa ge form information: Oral liquid products are available in 2 concentrations (ie, 50 mg/mL and 100 mg/mL); verify product selection; use caution.

Clinical considerations: Fluoroquinolones should not typically be used as first-line therapy due to their adverse effect profile and risk of development of bacterial resistance. Only use in situations when there is no safe and effective substitute available (eg, drug resistance, allergy) or when oral fluoroquinolone therapy provides a reasonable alternative to parenteral therapy (Ref).

General dosing:

Infants, Children, and Adolescents:

Oral: Immediate release: 10 to 20 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours; maximum daily dose: 1,500 mg/day (Ref).

IV: 10 mg/kg/dose every 8 to 12 hours; maximum dose: 400 mg/dose (Ref).


Anthrax: Note: Consult public health officials for event-specific recommendations.

Postexposure prophylaxis (inhalational exposure): Infants, Children, and Adolescents:

Oral: Immediate release: 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours for 60 days; maximum dose: 500 mg/dose (Ref).

IV: 10 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours for 60 days; maximum dose: 400 mg/dose.

Cutaneous, without systemic involvement; treatment: Infants, Children, and Adolescents:

Oral: Immediate release: 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours; maximum dose: 500 mg/dose. For naturally acquired infection, treat for 7 to 10 days; for a biological weapon-related event, treat for up to 60 days (Ref).

Severe anthrax (eg, anthrax meningitis, inhalational anthrax, head or neck lesions, cutaneous anthrax with systemic involvement); treatment:

Note: Administer as part of an appropriate combination regimen for ≥2 to 3 weeks and until patient is clinically stable. After completion of therapy, if exposure was due to spore inhalation, initiate antimicrobial prophylaxis to complete an antimicrobial course of 60 days from onset of illness (Ref).

Infants, Children, and Adolescents:

Initial parenteral treatment: IV: 10 mg/kg/dose every 8 hours; maximum dose: 400 mg/dose; continue until clinical criteria for stability are met (Ref).

Oral step-down therapy: Oral: Immediate release: 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours; maximum dose: 500 mg/dose (Ref).


Campylobacteriosis: Limited data available:

Diarrhea: Note: Antibiotics are typically not required for uncomplicated enteritis in otherwise healthy patients; when antibiotics are indicated, other agents (eg, azithromycin) may be preferred due to widespread fluoroquinolone resistance in Campylobacter spp (Ref).

Infants ≥6 months, Children, and Adolescents: Oral: Immediate release: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours; maximum dose: 750 mg/dose. Usual duration: 3 to 5 days; patients with HIV may require 7 to 10 days of therapy (Ref).

Bacteremia in HIV-infected Adolescents: Note: Treat for ≥14 days for bacteremia, and 2 to 6 weeks for recurrent disease; consider use in combination with an aminoglycoside (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: Adolescents: 500 to 750 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

IV: Adolescents: 400 mg every 12 hours (Ref).


Chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi): Limited data available: Children weighing ≥45 kg and Adolescents: Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours for 3 days (Ref).

Cholera infection, treatment

Cholera (Vibrio cholerae) infection, treatment (alternative agent): Limited data available:

Single-dose regimen: Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Oral: Immediate release: 20 mg/kg as a single dose; maximum dose: 1,000 mg/dose (Ref).

Three-day regimen: Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Oral: Immediate release: 15 mg/kg/dose twice daily for 3 days; maximum dose: 500 mg/dose (Ref).

Cystic fibrosis, acute pulmonary exacerbation

Cystic fibrosis, acute pulmonary exacerbation: Limited data available:

Children and Adolescents: Note: Treatment duration varies and is dependent on patient-specific factors, including response to therapy; typical duration is 10 to 21 days (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 20 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours; usual maximum dose: 750 mg/dose; higher maximum dose of 1,000 mg/dose has been described (Ref).

IV: 10 mg/kg/dose every 8 hours; maximum dose: 400 mg/dose (Ref).

Endocarditis, culture negative

Endocarditis, culture negative: Limited data available: Note: Administer as part of an appropriate combination regimen. In patients with native valve infection, treat for 4 to 6 weeks; in patients with late prosthetic valve infection, treat for 6 weeks (Ref).

Children and Adolescents:

Oral: Immediate release: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours; maximum dose: 750 mg/dose (Ref).

IV: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours; maximum dose: 400 mg/dose (Ref).

Exit-site or tunnel infection, peritoneal dialysis catheter

Exit-site or tunnel infection, peritoneal dialysis catheter: Limited data available: Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Oral: Immediate release: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 24 hours; maximum dose: 500 mg/dose (Ref).

Intra-abdominal infection

Intra-abdominal infection (alternative therapy): Limited data available: Note: May be considered in lower-risk patients with community-acquired infection when beta-lactams cannot be tolerated; local susceptibility patterns should be considered (Ref).

Infants, Children, and Adolescents: IV: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours; maximum dose: 400 mg/dose. Treatment duration varies based on specific source of infection, success of source control procedures, and clinical response; a total duration of 5 days is typically recommended (Ref).

Meningitis or ventriculitis, health care-associated

Meningitis or ventriculitis, health care-associated (alternative agent): Limited data available:

Infants, Children, and Adolescents: IV: 10 mg/kg/dose every 8 hours or 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours; maximum dose: 400 mg/dose. Duration of treatment varies based on isolated pathogen, cerebrospinal fluid studies, and clinical presentation; treat gram-negative pathogens for at least 10 to 14 days (Ref).

Meningococcal disease, chemoprophylaxis after close contact with a patient with invasive disease

Meningococcal disease (Neisseria meningitidis), chemoprophylaxis after close contact with a patient with invasive disease: Limited data available:

Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Oral: Immediate release: 20 mg/kg as a single dose; maximum dose: 500 mg/dose (Ref).

Mycobacterium avium complex infection, disseminated disease; treatment

Mycobacterium avium complex infection, disseminated disease; treatment (alternative agent): Limited data available:

Infants and Children with HIV: Oral: Immediate release: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours as part of an appropriate combination regimen for ≥12 months; maximum dose: 750 mg/dose (Ref).

Plague infection

Plague (Yersinia pestis) infection: Note: Consult public health officials for event-specific recommendations.

Postexposure prophylaxis: Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Oral: Immediate release: 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours for 7 days; maximum dose: 750 mg/dose (Ref).

Treatment, excluding meningitis: Note: Treat for a total of 10 to 14 days; therapy may be extended if clinical resolution not observed (eg, ongoing fever) (Ref).

Infants, Children, and Adolescents (Ref):

Oral: Immediate release: 15 mg/kg/dose every 8 to 12 hours; maximum daily dose: 1,500 mg/day.

IV: 10 mg/kg/dose every 8 to 12 hours; maximum dose: 400 mg/dose; may transition to oral therapy if appropriate once clinically improved.

Pneumonia, community-acquired, due to Haemophilus influenzae

Pneumonia, community-acquired, due to Haemophilus influenzae (alternative agent): Limited data available:

Infants >3 months and Children: IV: 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours; maximum dose: 400 mg/dose. Transition to oral therapy when able for a total duration of 5 to 10 days (Ref).

Salmonella species infection, nontyphoidal; treatment

Salmonella species infection, nontyphoidal; treatment: Limited data available:

Adolescents with HIV: Note: For gastroenteritis without bacteremia, treat for 7 to 14 days; if CD4 is <200 cells/mm3, treat for 2 to 6 weeks, especially if illness was severe initially. For gastroenteritis with bacteremia, treat for ≥14 days, and longer if bacteremia persists or infection is complicated, or if CD4 is <200 cells/mm3 (up to 6 weeks) (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 500 to 750 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

Shigella diarrhea

Shigella diarrhea: Limited data available: Note: Only use if MIC is <0.12 mg/dL (Ref).

Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Oral: Immediate release: 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours for 3 to 5 days; maximum dose: 500 mg/dose (Ref). Adolescents with HIV may require a longer duration (ie, 7 to 10 days) and higher doses up to 750 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

Surgical prophylaxis

Surgical prophylaxis: Children and Adolescents: IV: 10 mg/kg as a single dose within 120 minutes prior to surgical incision; maximum dose: 400 mg/dose (Ref).


Tularemia (Francisella tularensis) (alternative agent): Limited data available: Note: Consult public health officials for event-specific recommendations.

Infants, Children, and Adolescents:

Treatment, mild disease:

IV: 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours for 10 to 14 days; maximum dose: 400 mg/dose (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours for 10 to 14 days; maximum dose: 500 mg/dose (Ref).

Postexposure prophylaxis: Oral: Immediate release: 15 mg/kg/dose twice daily for 14 days; maximum dose: 500 mg/dose (Ref).

Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection:

Cystitis, acute uncomplicated:

Children and Adolescents: Limited data available: Oral: Immediate release: 10 to 20 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours; maximum dose: 750 mg/dose (Ref). Treat for 3 to 5 days; children <2 years of age may require a longer course (eg, 7 days) (Ref).

Complicated (including pyelonephritis): Note: Treat for a total of 6 to 10 days; children <2 years of age may require a longer course (eg, 7 to 14 days) (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: Children and Adolescents: 10 to 20 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours; maximum dose: 750 mg/dose (Ref). Note: When treating Pseudomonas aeruginosa, doses of 20 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours are recommended based on pharmacokinetic modeling (Ref).

IV: Children and Adolescents: 6 to 10 mg/kg/dose every 8 hours; maximum dose: 400 mg/dose (Ref).

Dosage adjustment for concomitant therapy: Significant drug interactions exist, requiring dose/frequency adjustment or avoidance. Consult drug interactions database for more information.

Dosing: Kidney Impairment: Pediatric

Infants, Children, and Adolescents:

IV, Oral (immediate release): There are no dosage adjustments provided in the manufacturer's labeling; however, the following guidelines have been used by some clinicians (Ref):

GFR ≥30 mL/minute/1.73 m2: No dosage adjustment necessary.

GFR 10 to 29 mL/minute/1.73 m2: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 18 hours.

GFR <10 mL/minute/1.73 m2: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 24 hours.

Hemodialysis/peritoneal dialysis (PD) (after dialysis on dialysis days): Minimally dialyzable (<10%): 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 24 hours.

CRRT: 10 to 15 mg/kg/dose every 12 hours.

Dosing: Hepatic Impairment: Pediatric

There are no dosage adjustments provided in manufacturer's labeling; use with caution in severe impairment.

Dosing: Adult

(For additional information see "Ciprofloxacin (systemic): Drug information")


Anthrax: Note: Consult public health officials for event-specific recommendations.

Inhalational (postexposure prophylaxis):

Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours.

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours.

Duration of therapy: Duration depends on anthrax vaccine status and series completion, age, immune status, and pregnancy/breastfeeding status. For those who have not previously received an anthrax vaccine, duration ranges from 42 to 60 days (Ref). Some experts favor longer durations of prophylaxis (eg, total of 3 to 4 months) for patients who are immunocompromised or remain unvaccinated (Ref).

Note: Anthrax vaccine should also be administered to exposed individuals (Ref).

Cutaneous (without systemic involvement), treatment (off-label use): Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours for 7 to 10 days after naturally acquired infection; 60 days following biological weapon-related event. Note: Treat patients with extensive edema or cutaneous lesions of the head or neck with a parenteral regimen recommended for systemic involvement (Ref).

Systemic (with or without meningitis), treatment (off-label use): IV: 400 mg every 8 hours, in combination with other appropriate agents for ≥2 to 3 weeks or until clinically stable, whichever is longer (Ref).

Note: Antitoxin should also be administered for systemic anthrax. Following the course of IV combination therapy for systemic anthrax infection (including meningitis), patients exposed to aerosolized spores require oral monotherapy to complete a total antimicrobial course of 60 days (Ref).

Bite wound infection, prophylaxis or treatment

Bite wound infection, prophylaxis or treatment (animal and human bites) (alternative agent) (off-label use): Note: Use in combination with an appropriate agent for anaerobes (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 500 to 750 mg twice daily (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

Duration of therapy: 3 to 5 days for prophylaxis (Ref); for established infection, continue for 1 to 2 days after resolution, typically 5 to 14 days total, although deep or complicated infections may require a longer duration (Ref).

Bronchiectasis, acute exacerbation

Bronchiectasis, acute exacerbation (off-label use): Oral: 500 to 750 mg twice daily for up to 14 days (Ref).

Cat scratch disease, lymphadenitis

Cat scratch disease, lymphadenitis (nondisseminated) (alternative agent) (off-label use):

Note: Some experts reserve use for patients who are immunocompetent and are unable to receive other agents (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg twice daily for 7 to 10 days (Ref).


Cholera (Vibrio cholerae) (alternative agent) (off-label use): Oral: Immediate release: 1 g as a single dose (Ref)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, acute exacerbation

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, acute exacerbation (off-label use): Note: Some experts reserve for patients with risk factors for poor outcomes (eg, ≥65 years of age, FEV1 <50% predicted, frequent exacerbations, significant comorbidities) who are at risk of Pseudomonas infection (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 750 mg twice daily (Ref), although 500 mg twice daily may be reasonable in the absence of P. aeruginosa (Ref). Duration is 5 to 7 days (Ref).

Crohn disease, treatment of simple perianal fistulas, adjunctive agent

Crohn disease, treatment of simple perianal fistulas, adjunctive agent (off-label use): Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg twice daily, with or without metronidazole, for 4 weeks (Ref); some experts recommend treatment duration up to 8 weeks (Ref).

Diabetic foot infection

Diabetic foot infection (off-label use): Note: When used as empiric therapy, ciprofloxacin should be used in combination with other appropriate agents.

Mild to moderate infection: Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours (750 mg every 12 hours if Pseudomonas aeruginosa is suspected) (Ref).

Moderate to severe infection: IV: 400 mg every 12 hours (400 mg every 8 hours if P. aeruginosa is suspected) (Ref).

Diarrhea, infectious

Diarrhea, infectious:

Salmonella gastroenteritis:

Nontyphoidal, severe (nonbacteremic) illness or any severity in patients at high risk for invasive disease:

Patients with HIV:

Oral: Immediate release: 500 to 750 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

Duration: 7 to 14 days in patients with a CD4 count ≥200 cells/mm3 or 2 to 6 weeks in patients with a CD4 count <200 cells/mm3 (Ref).

Patients without HIV: Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg twice daily for 3 to 14 days (Ref).

Nontyphoidal bloodstream infection:

Oral: Immediate release: 500 to 750 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

Duration: 10 to 14 days for patients who are immunocompetent; 14 days for patients with HIV and CD4 count ≥200 cells/mm3. Patients who are immunosuppressed (eg, patients with HIV with a CD4 count <200 cells/mm3) and those with an extraintestinal focus of infection require a longer duration of treatment (eg, weeks to months) (Ref).

Typhoid fever (Salmonella typhi and paratyphi): Severe disease or mild to moderate infection in patients at high risk of developing invasive disease. Note: Use only if MIC ≤0.06 mcg/mL because the incidence of fluoroquinolone-resistant strains is increasing (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours for 7 to 10 days (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours for 7 to 10 days (Ref).

Shigella gastroenteritis: Note: Use only if MIC is <0.12 mcg/mL (Ref).

Patients with HIV:

Oral: Immediate release: 500 to 750 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

Duration: 7 to 10 days. For bacteremia, continue for ≥14 days; for recurrent infection (particularly when CD4 <200 cells/mm3), may extend therapy for up to 6 weeks (Ref).

Patients without HIV:

Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg twice daily or 750 mg once daily for 3 days. For patients with Shigella dysenteriae type 1 infection, extend the duration to 5 to 7 days; for bacteremia, continue for 14 days (Ref).

Endocarditis, treatment

Endocarditis, treatment (off-label use):

HACEK organisms (alternative agent):

Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours for 4 weeks (native valve) or 6 weeks (prosthetic valve) (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours for 4 weeks (native valve) or 6 weeks (prosthetic valve) (Ref).

S. aureus, methicillin-susceptible, oral step-down therapy for patients who inject drugs: Note: Not first-line therapy; data are limited. Reserve use for patients who inject drugs who had initial clinical improvement with IV treatment but cannot complete IV standard of care therapy (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 750 mg every 12 hours in combination with rifampin for a total duration, including initial IV therapy, of 6 weeks (Ref).

Intra-abdominal infection, mild to moderate, community-acquired in patients without risk factors for resistance or treatment failure

Intra-abdominal infection, mild to moderate, community-acquired in patients without risk factors for resistance or treatment failure:

Note: Empiric oral regimens may be appropriate for patients with mild to moderate infection. Other patients may be switched from IV to oral therapy when clinically improved and able to tolerate an oral diet (Ref).

Cholecystitis, acute:

Note: The addition of anaerobic therapy (eg, metronidazole) is recommended if biliary-enteric anastomosis is present (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours.


Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours.

Duration: Continue for 1 day after gallbladder removal or until clinical resolution in patients managed nonoperatively (Ref).

Other intra-abdominal infections (eg, appendicitis, diverticulitis, intra-abdominal abscess):

Note: For acute diverticulitis, some experts suggest deferring antibiotics in otherwise healthy immunocompetent patients with mild disease; however, data on this approach in outpatients are limited (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours in combination with metronidazole.


Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours in combination with metronidazole.

Duration: Total duration of therapy (which may include transition to oral antibiotics) is for 4 to 5 days following adequate source control (Ref). For diverticulitis or uncomplicated appendicitis managed without intervention, duration is 10 to 14 days (Ref); for perforated appendicitis managed with laparoscopic appendectomy, 2 to 4 days may be sufficient (Ref).

Meningitis, bacterial

Meningitis, bacterial (community-acquired or health care-associated) (alternative agent) (off-label use): IV: 400 mg every 8 to 12 hours; for empiric therapy, must be used in combination with other appropriate agents (Ref)

Meningococcal meningitis prophylaxis

Meningococcal meningitis prophylaxis (off-label use):

Note: Ciprofloxacin should not be used when ≥2 cases of ciprofloxacin-resistant meningococcal disease cases have been reported and cases that are caused by ciprofloxacin-resistant strains account for ≥20% of all cases reported in a local catchment area during a 12-month period (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg as a single dose (Ref).

Neutropenia, antibacterial prophylaxis in high-risk patients anticipated to have an ANC ≤100 cells/mm3 for >7 days

Neutropenia (chemotherapy-induced), antibacterial prophylaxis in high-risk patients anticipated to have an ANC ≤100 cells/mm3 for >7 days (off-label use): Oral: Immediate release: 500 to 750 mg twice daily (Ref); some clinicians will provide antibacterial prophylaxis if ANC is anticipated to be <500 cells/mm3 for >7 days (Ref). For hematopoietic cell transplant recipients, begin at the time of stem cell infusion and continue until recovery of neutropenia or until initiation of empiric antibiotic therapy for neutropenic fever (Ref).

Neutropenic fever, low-risk cancer patients

Neutropenic fever, low-risk cancer patients (empiric therapy) (off-label use): Oral: Immediate release: 750 mg every 12 hours (Ref) in combination with amoxicillin and clavulanate; continue until fever and neutropenia have resolved. Note: Avoid in patients who have received fluoroquinolone prophylaxis. Administer first dose in the health care setting (after blood cultures are drawn); observe patient for ≥4 hours before discharge (Ref).




Treatment: Immediate release: 500 to 750 mg every 12 hours; when treating P. aeruginosa, 750 mg every 12 hours for ≥6 weeks (Ref).

Chronic suppression in presence of retained infected orthopedic hardware: Immediate release: 250 to 500 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours; when treating P. aeruginosa, 400 mg every 8 hours for ≥6 weeks (Ref).

Peritoneal dialysis catheter, exit-site or tunnel infection

Peritoneal dialysis catheter, exit-site or tunnel infection (off-label use): Oral: Immediate release: 250 mg twice daily. When used for empiric therapy, must be used in combination with other appropriate agents (Ref).


Plague (Yersinia pestis):

Note: Consult public health officials for event-specific recommendations.

Postexposure prophylaxis: Oral: Immediate release: 500 to 750 mg every 12 hours (for patients who are pregnant, 500 mg every 8 hours or 750 mg every 12 hours) for 7 days (Ref).

Treatment, excluding meningitis:

Oral: Immediate release: 750 mg every 12 hours; for patients who are pregnant, 500 mg every 8 hours (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 8 hours (Ref).

Duration of therapy: 7 to 14 days and for at least a few days after clinical resolution (Ref).

Pneumonia, as a component of empiric therapy or pathogen-specific therapy for Pseudomonas aeruginosa in hospitalized patients

Pneumonia, as a component of empiric therapy or pathogen-specific therapy for Pseudomonas aeruginosa in hospitalized patients : Note: For empiric therapy, use in combination with other appropriate agents (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 750 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 8 hours (Ref).

Duration of therapy: Varies based on disease severity and response to therapy; treatment is typically given for 7 days (Ref).

Pouchitis, acute

Pouchitis (post–ileal pouch-anal anastomosis), acute (off-label use):

Initial therapy: Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours for 14 days (Ref).

Refractory disease: Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours for 28 days as part of an appropriate combination regimen (Ref).



Acute bacterial prostatitis (off-label use):

Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

Duration of therapy: 4 to 6 weeks (Ref).

Chronic bacterial prostatitis: Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours for 4 to 6 weeks (Ref).

Prosthetic joint infection

Prosthetic joint infection (off-label use): Note: Alternative agent for certain pathogens.


Gram-negative bacilli:

Oral: Immediate release: 750 mg twice daily (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours (Ref); some experts prefer 400 mg every 8 hours for infections caused by P. aeruginosa (Ref).

Staphylococcus aureus, oral continuation therapy (following pathogen-specific IV therapy in patients undergoing 1-stage exchange or debridement with retention of prosthesis):

Oral: Immediate release: 500 to 750 mg twice daily (Ref) in combination with rifampin; total treatment duration is a minimum of 3 months, depending on patient-specific factors (Ref).

Chronic suppressive therapy for P. aeruginosa: Oral: Immediate release: 250 to 500 mg twice daily (Ref).

Rhinosinusitis, acute bacterial

Rhinosinusitis, acute bacterial (alternative agent):

Note: In uncomplicated acute bacterial rhinosinusitis, initial observation and symptom management without antibiotic therapy is appropriate in most patients. Reserve antibiotic therapy for poor follow-up or lack of improvement over the observation period (Ref). Given S. pneumoniae resistance, ciprofloxacin is not recommended for the empiric treatment of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (Ref). Additionally, the FDA recommends ciprofloxacin be reserved for patients who have no alternative treatment options in the treatment of acute rhinosinusitis (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg twice daily (manufacturer’s labeling); typical duration is 5 to 7 days (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours (Ref); typical duration is 5 to 7 days (Ref).

Septic arthritis

Septic arthritis (alternative agent): Note: Use in combination with a second anti-pseudomonal agent for initial treatment in patients with increased risk for mortality or resistant pathogens (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 750 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 8 to 12 hours (Ref).

Duration of therapy: 3 to 4 weeks (in the absence of osteomyelitis), including oral step-down therapy (Ref).

Sexually transmitted infections

Sexually transmitted infections:

Chancroid (alternative agent) (off-label use): Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg twice daily for 3 days (Ref).

Gonorrhea, uncomplicated (infection of the cervix, rectum, urethra): Note: Not recommended for empiric treatment of gonorrhea due to widespread resistance (Ref). Confirm ciprofloxacin susceptibility prior to use (Ref).

Oral: 500 mg as a single dose (Ref). Give in combination with treatment for chlamydia if it has not been excluded (Ref).

Skin and soft tissue infection

Skin and soft tissue infection:

Surgical site incisional infection (eg, intestinal or GU tract, perineum, or axilla):

Oral: Immediate release: 750 mg every 12 hours in combination with metronidazole (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours in combination with metronidazole (Ref).

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, prophylaxis

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, prophylaxis (alternative agent) (off-label use):

Note: For secondary prophylaxis in patients with prior spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) and primary prophylaxis in patients at high risk for SBP (eg, low ascites protein [<1.5 g/dL] with advanced liver failure or impaired kidney function). Some experts also use for prophylaxis during hospitalization in patients with cirrhosis and either acute GI bleeding or ascites protein <1 g/dL (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg once daily (Ref). For patients with cirrhosis and acute GI bleeding, some experts use 500 mg twice daily following, or as an alternative to, parenteral prophylaxis, for a total antibiotic duration of 7 days (Ref).

Surgical prophylaxis

Surgical prophylaxis (off-label use): Note: Use in combination with other appropriate agents may be warranted (procedure-dependent) (Ref).

IV (alternative agent): 400 mg within 120 minutes prior to surgical incision (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg within 120 minutes prior to surgical incision. Note: Reserve use for high-risk cystoscopy (eg, urine culture positive, preoperative catheter, or placement of prosthetic material), cystoscopy with manipulation (eg, transrectal prostate biopsy), or upper GU tract instrumentation. Due to increasing resistance among urinary pathogens, review local sensitivity prior to use (Ref).


Tularemia (Francisella tularensis) (off-label use): Note: Consult public health officials for event-specific recommendations.

Mild disease: Oral: Immediate release: 500 or 750 mg twice daily for 10 to 14 days (Ref).

Postexposure prophylaxis: Oral: Immediate release: 500 or 750 mg twice daily for 14 days (Ref).

Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection:

Cystitis, acute uncomplicated or acute simple cystitis (infection limited to the bladder without signs/symptoms of upper tract, prostate, or systemic infection) (alternative agent):

Note: Use is discouraged due to safety concerns and increasing resistance; reserve for those who have no alternative treatment options (Ref). However, for men who have severe symptoms or there is concern for early prostate involvement, some experts prefer fluoroquinolones (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 250 mg every 12 hours (Ref); for treatment of resistant gram-negative infection (eg, extended-spectrum beta-lactamase [ESBL]-producing Enterobacterales, AmpC beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales), some experts recommend 500 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

Oral: Extended release [Canadian product]: 500 mg every 24 hours.

Duration: 3 days (females) (Ref) or 5 days (males) (Ref).

Urinary tract infection, complicated (including pyelonephritis):

Note: If the prevalence of fluoroquinolone resistance is >10%, an initial dose of a long-acting parenteral antimicrobial (eg, ceftriaxone) followed by oral therapy is recommended for outpatients (Ref).

Oral: Immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours for 5 to 7 days (Ref); for treatment of resistant gram-negative infection (eg, ESBL-producing Enterobacterales, AmpC beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales), some experts recommend 750 mg every 12 hours (Ref).

Oral: Extended release [Canadian product]: 1 g every 24 hours for 5 to 7 days.

IV (inpatient): 400 mg every 12 hours for a total of 5 to 7 days (Ref); for treatment of resistant gram-negative infection (eg, ESBL-producing Enterobacterales, AmpC beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales), some experts recommend 400 mg every 8 hours (Ref).

Missed dose:

Oral, immediate release: Administer as soon as possible if ≥6 hours until next scheduled dose, otherwise, wait until next scheduled dose; do not double doses to compensate for missed dose.

Oral, extended release [Canadian product]: Administer as soon as possible if ≥8 hours until next scheduled dose, otherwise, wait until next scheduled dose; do not double doses to compensate for missed dose.

Dosage adjustment for concomitant therapy: Significant drug interactions exist, requiring dose/frequency adjustment or avoidance. Consult drug interactions database for more information.

Dosing: Kidney Impairment: Adult

The renal dosing recommendations are based upon the best available evidence and clinical expertise. Senior Editorial Team: Bruce Mueller, PharmD, FCCP, FASN, FNKF; Jason A. Roberts, PhD, BPharm (Hons), B App Sc, FSHP, FISAC; Michael Heung, MD, MS.

Altered kidney function:

Ciprofloxacin Dosage Adjustments in Altered Kidney Functiona

CrCl (mL/minute)

Oral, immediate release

Oral, extended release [Canadian product]


aExpert opinion derived from manufacturer's labeling, Heintz 2009, Mrhar 1990.

bFor severe infections, 750 mg may be administered at the intervals noted above.

cConsider administering a loading dose of 400 mg × 1 if utilizing 200 mg every 24 hours.

dConsider administering a loading dose of 500 mg × 1 if utilizing 250 mg every 24 hours.

eMinimally dialyzable (<10%); when scheduled dose falls on a dialysis day, administer post dialysis.

CrCl >50 to <130

500 to 750 mg every 12 hours

1 g every 24 hours

400 mg every 8 to 12 hours

CrCl 30 to 50

250 to 500 mg every 12 hoursb

1 g every 24 hours

400 mg every 8 to 12 hours

CrCl <30

500 mg every 24 hoursb

500 mg every 24 hours

200c to 400 mg every 12 to 24 hours

Hemodialysis, intermittent (thrice weekly)e

250d to 500 mg every 24 hoursb

500 mg every 24 hours

200c to 400 mg every 24 hours

Peritoneal dialysis

250d to 500 mg every 24 hoursb

500 mg every 24 hours

200c to 400 mg every 24 hours

Augmented renal clearance (measured urinary CrCl ≥130 mL/minute/1.73 m2): Augmented renal clearance (ARC) is a condition that occurs in certain critically ill patients without organ dysfunction and with normal serum creatinine concentrations. Young patients (<55 years of age) admitted post-trauma or major surgery are at highest risk for ARC, as well as those with sepsis, burns, or hematologic malignancies. An 8- to 24-hour measured urinary CrCl is necessary to identify these patients (Ref).

IV: 400 mg every 8 hours when organism minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ≤0.125 mg/L. Monte Carlo simulations suggest a dose of 600 mg every 8 hours may be required to achieve pharmacodynamic goals for organisms with MICs >0.125 mg/L (Ref); monitor closely, especially with prolonged courses, or utilize another agent (Ref).

CRRT: Drug clearance is dependent on the effluent flow rate, filter type, and method of renal replacement. Recommendations are based on high-flux dialyzers and effluent flow rates of 20 to 25 mL/kg/hour (or ~1,500 to 3,000 mL/hour) unless otherwise noted. Appropriate dosing requires consideration of adequate drug concentrations (eg, site of infection) and consideration of initial loading doses. Close monitoring of response and adverse reactions (eg, neurotoxicity) due to drug accumulation is important.

IV: 200 to 400 mg every 8 to 12 hours (Ref). Note: Utilize 400 mg every 8 hours only in severe infections or when difficult-to-treat organisms (MIC ≥0.5 mg/L) are suspected or confirmed (Ref); monitor closely.

Oral, immediate release: 250 to 750 mg every 12 hours (expert opinion inferred from relative IV clearance).

PIRRT (eg, sustained, low-efficiency diafiltration): Drug clearance is dependent on the effluent flow rate, filter type, and method of renal replacement. Appropriate dosing requires consideration of adequate drug concentrations (eg, site of infection) and consideration of initial loading doses. Close monitoring of response and adverse reactions (eg, neurotoxicity) due to drug accumulation is important. Dosing based on Monte Carlo simulations of 8- to 10-hour treatments with 4 to 5 L/hour flow rates.

IV: 400 mg every 12 hours assuming MIC susceptibility breakpoint ≤0.5 mg/L (Ref).

Oral, immediate release: 500 mg every 12 hours (administer after PIRRT) (expert opinion inferred from relative IV clearance).

Dosing: Hepatic Impairment: Adult

The hepatic dosing recommendations are based upon the best available evidence and clinical expertise. Senior Editorial Team: Matt Harris, PharmD, MHS, BCPS, FAST, Jeong Park, PharmD, MS, BCTXP, FCCP, FAST, Arun Jesudian, MD, Sasan Sakiani, MD

Initial or dose titration in patients with preexisting liver cirrhosis or dosage adjustment in patients with chronic, worsening hepatic function during treatment:

Child-Turcotte-Pugh class A through C: IV, Oral: No dosage adjustment necessary (Ref).

Acute worsening of hepatic function (eg, requiring hospitalization): No dosage adjustment necessary; however, consider discontinuation of ciprofloxacin therapy in patients with suspected ciprofloxacin-induced liver injury unless the benefits outweigh the risks (Ref).

Adverse Reactions (Significant): Considerations
Aortic aneurysm/aortic dissection

Fluoroquinolones have been associated with aortic aneurysm and aortic dissection with risk of aortic aneurysm higher than aortic dissection. Risk of aortic dissection may be lower with ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin than with levofloxacin (Ref).

Mechanism: Time-related; up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) enzymes capable of damaging components of the extracellular matrix, including collagen and elastin (Ref). MMP-2 and MMP-9 have been shown to play a role in development of aneurysms via degradation of collagen fibril (Ref). May also have a direct effect on the viability of chondrocytes and tenocytes responsible for collagen synthesis, due to generation of reactive oxygen species, caspase activation, and apoptosis (Ref).

Onset: Delayed in most cases. Studies evaluating risk generally evaluated the time period of 60 days after the initiation of fluoroquinolone therapy (Ref).

Risk factors:

• Older adults with peripheral vascular disease or a history of aneurysms, atherosclerosis, hypertension, or genetic conditions predisposing to aortic aneurysm (eg, Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) (Ref)

• Longer courses of therapy (>14 days) (Ref)

• Severe emotional or physical stress has been correlated to the onset of pain (Ref)


Arthropathy, or joint disease, has been observed in both animal and pediatric human studies following treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin (Ref). In an international, multicenter, randomized trial of ~700 pediatric patients (ciprofloxacin versus comparator), more patients in the ciprofloxacin group experienced musculoskeletal events both within 6 weeks and 1 year of follow-up. Arthropathy and arthralgias appear to resolve after discontinuation of treatment with no long-term sequelae (Ref). Though the true incidence is unknown, arthropathy and arthralgia are considered to be infrequent, but potentially serious adverse reactions.

Mechanism: Unknown; several hypotheses have been proposed including inhibition of mitochondria DNA synthesis in immature chondrocytes, direct toxic effect of fluoride on cartilage, magnesium chelation and subsequent deficiency in cartilage, and defective proteoglycan and procollagen synthesis with decreased incorporation of tritiated thymidine by chondrocytes (Ref).

Onset: Varied; may occur within first day of treatment initiation or months following discontinuation (Ref).

Risk factors:

• Higher doses (Ref)

• Prolonged exposure (Ref)

CNS effects/neuroexcitation

Fluoroquinolones have been associated with a range of psychiatric and neurologic effects, ranging from dizziness and restlessness to toxic psychosis (Ref). More common reactions include confusion, agitation, insomnia, and drowsiness. More severe reactions, including delusions, hallucinations, suicidal ideation, suicidal tendencies, and toxic psychosis, are less common. Neuroexcitation may include seizure in some patients (Ref).

Mechanism: GABA binding disruption, NMDA binding alterations, and increased excitatory neurotransmitters (Ref). Mitochondrial dysfunction has been hypothesized to contribute (Ref).

Onset: Varied; neuroexcitatory phenomena generally occur in the first week of therapy, often after 2 to 3 days (Ref).

Risk factors:

• Older adults (Ref)

• Kidney impairment with unadjusted or higher doses (Ref)

• Concurrent therapy with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been associated with enhanced neuroexcitation (Ref)

• Concurrent theophylline (Ref)

• History of seizures, seizure disorders, CNS disorders, or concurrent therapy with medications known to lower seizure threshold may increase risk of seizures (Ref)

• History of or risk factor for mental illness (eg, depression)

Clostridioides difficile infection

Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI), including Clostridioides difficile associated diarrhea and Clostridioides difficile colitis, has been reported (Ref).

Onset: Varied; may start on the first day of antibiotic therapy or up to 3 months postantibiotic (Ref).

Risk factors:

• Antibiotic exposure (highest risk factor) (Ref)

• Type of antibiotic (fluoroquinolones among the highest risk) (Ref)

• Long durations in a hospital or other health care setting (recent or current) (Ref)

• Older adults (Ref)

• Immunocompromised conditions (Ref)

• A serious underlying condition (Ref)

• GI surgery/manipulation (Ref)

• Antiulcer medications (eg, proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers) (Ref)

• Chemotherapy (Ref)

Glucose regulation/dysglycemia

Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia have been associated with the use of fluoroquinolones, including ciprofloxacin.

Mechanism: Increase in insulin release via blockade of adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels in the pancreatic beta cells, but the significance at clinical concentrations has been questioned (Ref). Additionally, effects on gluconeogenesis, glucose transport (via expression of GLUT-1), and mitochondrial dysfunction have been implicated (Ref).

Onset: Varied; corresponds to the initiation of therapy but may be delayed by 2 to 3 days. Events requiring emergent care or hospitalization occurred between day 3 and day 10 of therapy (Ref).

Risk factors:

• Patients with diabetes are at highest risk; however, cases in patients without diabetes have been reported (Ref)

• Concurrent therapy with hypoglycemic agents, including insulin (Ref)


Ciprofloxacin may cause hepatic injury (hepatotoxicity); both cholestatic and hepatocellular patterns are represented in reported clinical presentations (Ref).

Mechanism: Immunologic reactions account for many events; direct toxicity related to mitochondrial dysfunction and increased oxidative stress may also be responsible for some reactions (Ref).

Onset: Varied; acute liver injury may occur in a range of 1 to 39 days.

Risk factors:

Most fatal events occurred in patients >55 years of age

Hypersensitivity reactions (immediate and delayed)

Hypersensitivity reactions include anaphylaxis, nonimmune anaphylaxis, and delayed cutaneous reactions.

Delayed cutaneous reactions include severe dermatologic reactions, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, drug reaction with eosinophilia and systems symptoms, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis (Ref). Less severe reactions include nonbullous and bullous fixed drug eruption (Ref).

Immunologically mediated organ-specific reactions include pneumonitis, vasculitis, pancreatitis, interstitial nephritis, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and some cases of hepatitis (Ref).

Mechanism: Nonimmune anaphylaxis results from binding directly to specific receptors (MGPRX2) on mast cells and basophils, causing direct stimulation of histamine release (and other mediators) (Ref). Importantly, these cases may occur without prior exposure. In other cases, anaphylaxis may be mediated by IgE, formed with prior exposure to the drug (Ref).

Delayed reactions are mediated by activated T-cells. Chemical activation of fluoroquinolones was not required for immune reactions to occur, which implies direct activation (pharmacologic interaction) without covalent binding to host proteins/hapten formation (Ref). Ciprofloxacin forms metabolites, but haptens have not been characterized to date.

Onset: Anaphylaxis (nonimmune and immune): Rapid; may occur within an hour of administration (Ref). Other reactions, particularly various maculopapular cutaneous reactions or organ-specific reactions: Varied; occur after days to weeks of therapy (Ref).

Risk factors:

Nonimmune anaphylaxis may be dose- and/or infusion rate-related (concentration-related) (Ref)

Myasthenia gravis

Fluoroquinolones, including ciprofloxacin, may cause an exacerbation of myasthenia gravis. Disease exacerbations vary in severity from muscular weakness to severe compromise (myasthenic crisis characterized by acute respiratory failure) (Ref).

Mechanism: Neuromuscular blockade is the most frequently cited mechanism, although alterations in mitochondrial energy production has also been suggested as a contributing mechanism (Ref).

Onset: Rapid; within hours of the initiation of therapy with a fluoroquinolone (Ref)

Risk factors:

Patients with myasthenia gravis (diagnosed and undiagnosed) (Ref)

Peripheral neuropathy

Fluoroquinolones have been associated with peripheral neuropathy and other effects, including axonal neuropathy and Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) (Ref). Associated with many types of disturbances of special senses, including several case reports indicating a very slow recovery and/or permanent state of disability (Ref).

Mechanism: Mitochondrial effects related to reactive oxygen species and apoptotic changes (Ref).

Onset: Varied; may present as early as the first day of therapy (Ref).

Risk factors:

Males (Ref)

Older adults (>60 years of age) (Ref)

Duration of therapy (Ref)

Type 1 diabetes may also be a risk factor (data are limited) (Ref)

History of peripheral neuropathy


Phototoxicity/skin photosensitivity account for a proportion of the overall cutaneous adverse reactions (Ref). Published reports with ciprofloxacin are limited; may be more common with other fluoroquinolones (Ref).

Mechanism: Non-dose-related; immunologic. Reactive intermediates are generated by ultraviolet exposure and attach to proteins of Langerhans cells, triggering immune reactions (Ref).

Onset: Rapid; in a study with ofloxacin, occurred within 24 hours of initiation and sun exposure (Ref).

Risk factors:

Duration and intensity of sun exposure

Cystic fibrosis (Ref)

Prior phototoxic reaction to another fluoroquinolone (Ref)

QT prolongation

Fluoroquinolones may be associated with prolonged QT interval on ECG and ventricular arrhythmias, such as torsades de pointes (TdP). Ciprofloxacin may have a lower risk than other fluoroquinolones, particularly moxifloxacin (Ref). Change in QTc from baseline for moxifloxacin was found to be +16.34 to 17.83 ms, while the change with ciprofloxacin was +2.27 to 4.93 ms (Ref).

Mechanism: May alter the rapid delayed rectifier potassium current, resulting in prolonged repolarization (Ref). Prolonged repolarization can alter action potentials in cardiac cells and promote arrhythmogenic activity (Ref).

Onset: Varied; effect is concentration-dependent, initially observed at supra-therapeutic doses (Ref). High dose or accumulation may influence concentrations.

Risk factors:

Drug-induced QTc prolongation/TdP (in general):

• Females (Ref)

• Age >65 years (Ref)

• Structural heart disease (eg, history of myocardial infarction or heart failure with reduced ejection fraction) (Ref)

• History of drug-induced TdP (Ref)

• Genetic defects of cardiac ion channels (Ref)

• Congenital long QT syndrome (Ref)

• History of drug-induced TdP (Ref)

• Baseline QT interval prolongation (eg, >500 msec) or lengthening of the QTc by ≥60 msec (Ref)

• Electrolyte disturbances (eg, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia) (Ref)

• Bradycardia (Ref)

• Hepatic impairment (Ref)

• Kidney impairment (Ref)

• Loop diuretic use (Ref)

• Sepsis (Ref)

• Concurrent administration of multiple medications (≥2) that prolong the QT interval or increase drug interactions that increase serum drug concentrations of QT prolonging medications (Ref)

Tendinopathy/tendon rupture

Ciprofloxacin may cause tendinopathy or rupture of tendon; Achilles is most commonly cited, but inflammation/rupture of many other tendons (including hand, rotator cuff, biceps, and thumb) has been reported (Ref).

Mechanism: Dose- and time-related; upregulation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) enzymes capable of damaging components of the extracellular matrix, including collagen and elastin (Ref). Direct effect on the viability of chondrocytes and tenocytes responsible for collagen synthesis, due to generation of reactive oxygen species, caspase activation and apoptosis (Ref).

Onset: Varied; per the manufacturer's labeling, tendinopathy or tendon rupture may occur within hours or days of initiation or may be delayed for several months after discontinuation.

Risk factors:

• Age >60 years (Ref)

• Corticosteroid therapy (Ref)

• Kidney failure (Ref)

• Diabetes mellitus (Ref)

• Previous tendon disorders (eg, rheumatoid arthritis) (Ref)

• Solid organ transplant recipients (Ref)

• Strenuous physical activity (Ref)

• Longer duration of therapy and higher dosages (Ref)

Adverse Reactions

The following adverse drug reactions and incidences are derived from product labeling unless otherwise specified.

>10%: Neuromuscular & skeletal: Musculoskeletal signs and symptoms (children: 9% to 22%)

1% to 10%:

Dermatologic: Skin rash (1% to 2%)

Gastrointestinal: Abdominal pain (children: 3%; adults: <1%), diarrhea (2% to 5%), dyspepsia (1% to 3%), nausea (3% to 4%), vomiting (1% to 5%)

Genitourinary: Vulvovaginal candidiasis (2%)

Local: Injection site reactions (IV: >1%)

Nervous system: Dizziness (oral: 2%; IV: <1%), drowsiness, headache (oral: 1% to 3%; IV: >1%), insomnia, nervousness, neurological signs and symptoms (IV: children: 3%), restlessness (IV: >1%; oral: <1%)

Respiratory: Asthma (children: 2%)

Miscellaneous: Fever (children: 2%; adults: <1%)


Cardiovascular: Acute myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, flushing, hypertension, hypotension, syncope, tachycardia, thrombophlebitis, vasculitis, vasodilation

Dermatologic: Diaphoresis, erythema multiforme, erythema nodosum, exfoliative dermatitis, phototoxicity, pruritus, skin photosensitivity, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, urticaria

Endocrine & metabolic: Albuminuria, gynecomastia, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia

Gastrointestinal: Abdominal distress, anorexia, Clostridioides difficile colitis, constipation, dysgeusia, flatulence, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, intestinal obstruction, intestinal perforation, oral mucosa ulcer, pancreatitis, xerostomia

Genitourinary: Crystalluria, hematuria, hemorrhagic cystitis, urinary frequency

Hematologic & oncologic: Agranulocytosis, petechia, prolonged prothrombin time, purpuric disease

Hepatic: Cholestatic jaundice, hepatic necrosis

Hypersensitivity: Anaphylactic shock, anaphylaxis, angioedema

Nervous system: Abnormal gait, anosmia, asthenia, ataxia, burning sensation, confusion, depersonalization, depression, hallucination, hypertonia, irritability, malaise, manic reaction, migraine, myasthenia, nightmares, pain, paranoid ideation, paresthesia, phobia, seizure, status epilepticus, suicidal ideation, suicidal tendencies, taste disorder, toxic psychosis, tremor, unresponsive to stimuli

Neuromuscular & skeletal: Arthralgia, joint stiffness

Ophthalmic: Blurred vision, chromatopsia, decreased visual acuity, diplopia, nystagmus disorder, photopsia

Otic: Hearing loss, tinnitus

Renal: Acute kidney injury, casts in urine, interstitial nephritis, nephrolithiasis

Respiratory: Bronchospasm, dyspnea, hemoptysis, laryngeal edema


Cardiovascular: Aortic aneurysm (Meng 2018; Pasternak 2018), aortic dissection (Meng 2018; Pasternak 2018), bradycardia (Cordova Sanchez 2022), prolonged QT interval on ECG (Teng 2019), torsades de pointes (Teng 2019)

Dermatologic: Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (Foti 2017; Hauserman 2005), fixed drug eruption (Illiyas 2019; Mollica 2019; Nair 2015), maculopapular rash (Kulthanan 2011)

Gastrointestinal: Ageusia, Clostridioides difficile associated diarrhea (Bates 1990; Hillman 1990)

Hematologic & oncologic: Anemia (Dutta 1999), eosinophilia (Dutta 1999; Hootkins 1989), hemolytic anemia (Lim 2003), leukopenia (Dutta 1999), lymphocytosis (Dutta 1999), methemoglobinemia, monocytosis (Dutta 1999), pancytopenia (Dutta 1999), thrombocythemia, thrombocytopenia (Dutta 1999; Sim 2018), thrombocytosis

Hepatic: Cholestatic hepatitis (Cholongitas 2009), hepatic failure, hepatotoxicity (Alshammari 2014; Orman 2011; Radovanovic 2018)

Hypersensitivity: Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (Alkhateeb 2013), nonimmune anaphylaxis (Ouni 2019), serum sickness-like reaction (Slama 1990)

Infection: Candidiasis

Nervous system: Agitation, anxiety, delirium (Yousafzai 2022), disturbance in attention, exacerbation of myasthenia gravis (Jones 2011), Guillain-Barré syndrome (Ali 2014), hyperesthesia, hypoesthesia, increased intracranial pressure, intracranial hypertension (Tan 2019), memory impairment, myoclonus (van Samkar 2017), peripheral neuropathy (may be irreversible) (Ali 2014; Francis 2014; Popescu 2018), polyneuropathy, reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (Ali 2013), twitching

Neuromuscular & skeletal: Exacerbation of systemic lupus erythematous (Liaqat 2020), myalgia, rupture of tendon (Arabyat 2015; van der Linden 2002; Yu 2019), tendinopathy (van der Linden 2002)

Ophthalmic: Retinal detachment (inconsistent data) (Shin 2018)

Respiratory: Pneumonitis (including interstitial pneumonitis) (Steiger 2004)


Hypersensitivity to ciprofloxacin, any component of the formulation, or other quinolones; concurrent administration of tizanidine

Significant drug interactions exist, requiring dose/frequency adjustment or avoidance. Consult drug interactions database for more information.

Canadian labeling: Additional contraindications (not in the US labeling): Concurrent administration of agomelatine


Concerns related to adverse effects:

• Crystalluria: Rarely, crystalluria has occurred; urine alkalinity may increase the risk. Ensure adequate hydration during therapy.

• Superinfection: Prolonged use may result in fungal or bacterial superinfection.

Disease-related concerns:

• Renal impairment: Use with caution in patients with renal impairment; dosage adjustment required.

• Syphilis: Since ciprofloxacin is ineffective in the treatment of syphilis and may mask symptoms, all patients should be tested for syphilis at the time of gonorrheal diagnosis and 3 months later.

Special populations:

• Older adult: Adverse effects (eg, tendon rupture, QT changes) may be increased in elderly patients.

• G6PD deficiency: Hemolytic reactions may (rarely) occur with fluoroquinolone use in patients with G6PD deficiency (Luzzatto 2020).

• Pediatric: Adverse effects, including those related to joints and/or surrounding tissues, are increased in pediatric patients and therefore, ciprofloxacin should not be considered as drug of choice in children (exception is anthrax treatment).

Dosage Forms Considerations

ER tablets [Canadian product] and IR formulations are not interchangeable.

Dosage Forms: US

Excipient information presented when available (limited, particularly for generics); consult specific product labeling. [DSC] = Discontinued product

Solution, Intravenous:

Generic: 200 mg/100 mL (100 mL); 400 mg/200 mL (200 mL)

Solution, Intravenous [preservative free]:

Generic: 200 mg/100 mL (100 mL); 400 mg/200 mL (200 mL)

Suspension Reconstituted, Oral:

Cipro: 250 mg/5 mL (100 mL); 500 mg/5 mL (100 mL) [strawberry flavor]

Generic: 250 mg/5 mL (100 mL [DSC]); 500 mg/5 mL (100 mL [DSC])

Tablet, Oral, as hydrochloride [strength expressed as base]:

Cipro: 250 mg, 500 mg

Generic: 100 mg [DSC], 250 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg

Generic Equivalent Available: US


Pricing: US

Solution (Ciprofloxacin in D5W Intravenous)

200 mg/100 mL (per mL): $0.02 - $0.04

400 mg/200 mL (per mL): $0.01 - $0.04

Suspension (reconstituted) (Cipro Oral)

250 MG/5ML (5%) (per mL): $1.56

500 MG/5ML (10%) (per mL): $1.83

Tablets (Cipro Oral)

250 mg (per each): $5.88

500 mg (per each): $6.88

Tablets (Ciprofloxacin HCl Oral)

250 mg (per each): $2.24 - $4.59

500 mg (per each): $0.35 - $5.59

750 mg (per each): $5.45 - $6.19

Disclaimer: A representative AWP (Average Wholesale Price) price or price range is provided as reference price only. A range is provided when more than one manufacturer's AWP price is available and uses the low and high price reported by the manufacturers to determine the range. The pricing data should be used for benchmarking purposes only, and as such should not be used alone to set or adjudicate any prices for reimbursement or purchasing functions or considered to be an exact price for a single product and/or manufacturer. Medi-Span expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind or nature, whether express or implied, and assumes no liability with respect to accuracy of price or price range data published in its solutions. In no event shall Medi-Span be liable for special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from use of price or price range data. Pricing data is updated monthly.

Dosage Forms: Canada

Excipient information presented when available (limited, particularly for generics); consult specific product labeling. [DSC] = Discontinued product

Solution, Intravenous:

Generic: 2 mg/mL in D5W (100 mL, 200 mL)

Suspension Reconstituted, Oral:

Cipro: 500 mg/5 mL (100 mL) [contains soybean lecithin]

Tablet, Oral, as hydrochloride [strength expressed as base]:

Generic: 100 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg, 750 mg

Tablet Extended Release 24 Hour, Oral, as base and hydrochloride [strength expressed as base]:

Cipro XL: 500 mg [DSC], 1000 mg [DSC]

Generic: 500 mg

Extemporaneous Preparations

Note: A ciprofloxacin suspension (50 mg/mL or 100 mg/mL) is commercially available.

50 mg/mL Oral Suspension

A 50 mg/mL oral suspension may be made using 2 different vehicles (a 1:1 mixture of Ora-Sweet and Ora-Plus or a 1:1 mixture of Methylcellulose 1% and Simple Syrup, NF). Crush twenty 500 mg tablets and reduce to a fine powder. Add a small amount of vehicle and mix to a uniform paste; mix while adding the vehicle in geometric proportions to almost 200 mL; transfer to a calibrated bottle, rinse mortar with vehicle, and add quantity of vehicle sufficient to make 200 mL. Label "shake well" and "refrigerate". Stable 91 days refrigerated and 70 days at room temperature. Note: Microcapsules for oral suspension available (50 mg/mL; 100 mg/mL); not for use in feeding tubes.

Nahata MC, Pai VB, and Hipple TF, Pediatric Drug Formulations, 5th ed, Cincinnati, OH: Harvey Whitney Books Co, 2004.
Administration: Pediatric

Oral: May administer with food to minimize GI upset; avoid concomitant administration with dairy products (eg, milk, yogurt) or calcium-fortified juices alone; however, may be taken with meals that contain these products. Administer ≥2 hours before or 6 hours after antacids or other products containing calcium, iron, or zinc; see drug interactions database for details. Maintain adequate hydration and urine output.

Oral suspension: Shake vigorously for ~15 seconds prior to each dose. Should not be administered through feeding tubes (suspension is oil-based and adheres to the feeding tube). Do not chew the microcapsules in the suspension; swallow whole.

Missed dose: Immediate release (oral suspension, tablet): Administer as soon as possible if ≥6 hours until next scheduled dose; otherwise, wait until next scheduled dose.

Nasogastric/orogastric tube: Do not administer commercially available oral suspension via feeding tube; however, an extemporaneously compounded solution may be prepared with immediate-release tablets or tablets may be crushed and administered.

Immediate-release tablet: Crush immediate-release tablet and mix with at least 20 mL water, rinsing container to ensure all drug is administered. Flush feeding tube before and after administration. Do not administer simultaneously with enteral nutrition; optimal time frame for dose separation is unknown. One recommendation is to hold tube feedings for 2 hours before and 4 hours after dose administration, which may require adjustment of feeding rates to compensate for lost feeding time (Ref).

Parenteral: Administer by slow IV infusion over 60 minutes to reduce the risk of venous irritation (burning, pain, erythema, and swelling).

Administration: Adult

Oral: May administer with most foods to minimize GI upset; avoid antacid use; maintain proper hydration and urine output. Avoid concomitant administration with dairy products (eg, milk, yogurt) or calcium-fortified products alone; however, may be taken with meals that contain these products; separate administration of extended-release tablets [Canadian product] and calcium >800 mg by at least 2 hours. Administer all oral ciprofloxacin formulations at least 2 hours before or 6 hours after antacids or other products containing calcium, iron, or zinc. Separate oral administration from drugs that may impair absorption (see "Drug Interactions").

Oral suspension: Should not be administered through feeding tubes (suspension is oil-based and adheres to the feeding tube). Shake vigorously before use for ~15 seconds; administer using the co-packaged graduated teaspoon. Do not chew the microcapsules in the suspension; swallow whole.

Nasogastric/orogastric tube: Crush immediate-release tablet and mix with 20 to 60 mL water. Flush feeding tube before and after administration. Do not administer simultaneously with enteral nutrition (Ref). Optimal time frame for dose separation is unknown; one recommendation is to hold tube feedings at least 2 hours before and 4 hours after administration, which may require adjustment of feeding rates to compensate for lost feeding time (Ref).

Tablet, extended release [Canadian product]: Do not crush, split, or chew.

Bariatric surgery: Some institutions may have specific protocols that conflict with these recommendations; refer to institutional protocols as appropriate. Switch to IR formulation (tablet or oral solution).

Parenteral: Administer by slow IV infusion over 60 minutes into a large vein (reduces risk of venous irritation).



Premixed infusion: Store between 5°C and 25°C (41°F and 77°F); avoid freezing. Protect from light.

Vial: Store between 5°C and 30°C (41°F and 86°F); avoid freezing. Protect from light. Diluted solutions of 0.5 to 2 mg/mL in D51/4NS, D51/2NS, D5W, D10W, LR, NS are stable for up to 14 days refrigerated or at room temperature.

Microcapsules for oral suspension: Prior to reconstitution, store below 25°C (77°F); excursions permitted to 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F). Protect from freezing. Following reconstitution, store at 25°C (77°F) for 14 days; excursions permitted to 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F) for up to 14 days. Protect from freezing.


Immediate release: Store between 20°C and 25°C (68°F and 77°F); excursions are permitted between 15°C and 30°C (59°F and 86°F).

Extended release [Canadian product]: Store at 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F).

Medication Guide and/or Vaccine Information Statement (VIS)

An FDA-approved patient medication guide, which is available with the product information and as follows, must be dispensed with this medication:



Intravenous and immediate-release oral formulations: Treatment and prophylaxis of plague and postexposure prophylaxis of inhalational anthrax (FDA approved in all ages); treatment of complicated urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis (FDA approved in ages 1 to 17 years); treatment of urinary tract infections, chronic bacterial prostatitis, lower respiratory tract infections, acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, skin and soft tissue infections, bone and joint infections, and acute sinusitis (FDA approved in adults); treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections in combination with metronidazole (FDA approved in adults); treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis, infectious diarrhea, and typhoid fever (oral formulations only; FDA approved in adults); treatment of nosocomial pneumonia (IV preparation only; FDA approved in adults); treatment of febrile neutropenia in combination with piperacillin (IV preparation only; FDA approved in adults); has also been used for treatment of peritoneal dialysis catheter-associated exit-site or tunnel infections, chancroid, cholera, endocarditis, healthcare-associated meningitis, Mycobacterium avium complex infection, and tularemia, and for prophylaxis of surgical site infection and invasive meningococcal disease.

Extended-release tablet: Canadian product only: Treatment of urinary tract infections and acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis in ages ≥18 years and adults.

Note: Fluoroquinolones should not typically be used as first-line therapy due to their adverse effect profile and risk of development of bacterial resistance. Only use in situations when there is no safe and effective substitute available (eg, drug resistance, allergy) or when oral fluoroquinolone therapy provides a reasonable alternative to parenteral therapy (AAP [Jackson 2016]; Bradley 2021; Patel 2016; Red Book [AAP 2021]).

Medication Safety Issues
Sound-alike/look-alike issues:

Ciprofloxacin may be confused with cephalexin

Cipro may be confused with Ceftin

Metabolism/Transport Effects

Substrate of OAT1/3, P-glycoprotein/ABCB1 (minor); Note: Assignment of Major/Minor substrate status based on clinically relevant drug interaction potential; Inhibits CYP1A2 (moderate), CYP3A4 (weak)

Drug Interactions

Note: Interacting drugs may not be individually listed below if they are part of a group interaction (eg, individual drugs within “CYP3A4 Inducers [Strong]” are NOT listed). For a complete list of drug interactions by individual drug name and detailed management recommendations, use the drug interactions program by clicking on the “Launch drug interactions program” link above.

Note: Interacting drugs may not be individually listed below if they are part of a group interaction (eg, individual drugs within “CYP3A4 Inducers [Strong]” are NOT listed). For a complete list of drug interactions by individual drug name and detailed management recommendations, use the drug interactions program

Agents with Blood Glucose Lowering Effects: Quinolones may enhance the hypoglycemic effect of Agents with Blood Glucose Lowering Effects. Quinolones may diminish the therapeutic effect of Agents with Blood Glucose Lowering Effects. Specifically, if an agent is being used to treat diabetes, loss of blood sugar control may occur with quinolone use. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Agomelatine: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of Agomelatine. Risk X: Avoid combination

Alosetron: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of Alosetron. Management: Avoid concomitant use of alosetron and moderate CYP1A2 inhibitors whenever possible. If combined use is necessary, monitor for increased alosetron effects/toxicities. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

ALPRAZolam: CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of ALPRAZolam. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Aminolevulinic Acid (Systemic): Photosensitizing Agents may enhance the photosensitizing effect of Aminolevulinic Acid (Systemic). Risk X: Avoid combination

Aminolevulinic Acid (Topical): Photosensitizing Agents may enhance the photosensitizing effect of Aminolevulinic Acid (Topical). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Amphetamines: May enhance the cardiotoxic effect of Quinolones. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Anagrelide: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase serum concentrations of the active metabolite(s) of Anagrelide. CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of Anagrelide. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Antacids: May decrease the absorption of Quinolones. Of concern only with oral administration of quinolones. Management: Avoid concurrent administration of quinolones and antacids to minimize the impact of this interaction. Recommendations for optimal dose separation vary by specific quinolone; see full monograph for details. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Asenapine: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of Asenapine. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Ataluren: May increase the serum concentration of Ciprofloxacin (Systemic). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Bacillus clausii: Antibiotics may diminish the therapeutic effect of Bacillus clausii. Management: Bacillus clausii should be taken in between antibiotic doses during concomitant therapy. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

BCG (Intravesical): Antibiotics may diminish the therapeutic effect of BCG (Intravesical). Risk X: Avoid combination

BCG Vaccine (Immunization): Antibiotics may diminish the therapeutic effect of BCG Vaccine (Immunization). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Bendamustine: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of Bendamustine. Management: Consider alternatives to moderate CYP1A2 inhibitors during therapy with bendamustine due to the potential for increased bendamustine plasma concentrations and increased bendamustine toxicity. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Caffeine and Caffeine Containing Products: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of Caffeine and Caffeine Containing Products. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Calcium Salts: May decrease the absorption of Quinolones. Of concern only with oral administration of both agents. Management: Consider administering an oral quinolone at least 2 hours before or 6 hours after the dose of oral calcium to minimize this interaction. Monitor for decreased therapeutic effects of quinolones during coadministration. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

CarBAMazepine: CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of CarBAMazepine. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Chloroquine: May enhance the hyperglycemic effect of Ciprofloxacin (Systemic). Chloroquine may enhance the hypoglycemic effect of Ciprofloxacin (Systemic). Chloroquine may enhance the QTc-prolonging effect of Ciprofloxacin (Systemic). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Cholera Vaccine: Antibiotics may diminish the therapeutic effect of Cholera Vaccine. Management: Avoid cholera vaccine in patients receiving systemic antibiotics, and within 14 days following the use of oral or parenteral antibiotics. Risk X: Avoid combination

ClomiPRAMINE: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of ClomiPRAMINE. Risk C: Monitor therapy

CloZAPine: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may enhance the QTc-prolonging effect of CloZAPine. Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of CloZAPine. Management: Reduce the clozapine dose to one-third of the original dose when adding ciprofloxacin and monitor closely for evidence of excessive QTc prolongation and clozapine toxicity. Resume the previous clozapine dose following ciprofloxacin discontinuation. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Corticosteroids (Systemic): May enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Quinolones. Specifically, the risk of tendonitis and tendon rupture may be increased. Risk C: Monitor therapy

CycloSPORINE (Systemic): Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may enhance the nephrotoxic effect of CycloSPORINE (Systemic). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Delamanid: Quinolones may enhance the QTc-prolonging effect of Delamanid. Management: Avoid concomitant use if possible. If coadministration is unavoidable, frequent monitoring of electrocardiograms (ECGs) throughout the full delamanid treatment period should occur. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Didanosine: Quinolones may decrease the serum concentration of Didanosine. Didanosine may decrease the serum concentration of Quinolones. Management: Administer oral quinolones at least 2 hours before or 6 hours after didanosine. Monitor for decreased therapeutic effects of quinolones, particularly if doses cannot be separated as recommended. This does not apply to unbuffered enteric coated didanosine. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Dofetilide: CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of Dofetilide. Risk C: Monitor therapy

DULoxetine: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of DULoxetine. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Erlotinib: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of Erlotinib. Management: Avoid use of this combination when possible. When the combination must be used, monitor the patient closely for the development of severe adverse reactions, and if such severe reactions occur, reduce the erlotinib dose (in 50 mg decrements). Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Fecal Microbiota (Live) (Oral): May diminish the therapeutic effect of Antibiotics. Risk X: Avoid combination

Fecal Microbiota (Live) (Rectal): Antibiotics may diminish the therapeutic effect of Fecal Microbiota (Live) (Rectal). Risk X: Avoid combination

Fexinidazole: May increase the serum concentration of OAT1/3 Substrates (Clinically Relevant). Management: Avoid use of fexinidazole with OAT1/3 substrates when possible. If combined, monitor for increased OAT1/3 substrate toxicities. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Fezolinetant: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of Fezolinetant. Risk X: Avoid combination

Finerenone: CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of Finerenone. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Flibanserin: CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of Flibanserin. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Fosphenytoin: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may diminish the therapeutic effect of Fosphenytoin. Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may decrease the serum concentration of Fosphenytoin. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Haloperidol: QT-prolonging Agents (Indeterminate Risk - Avoid) may enhance the QTc-prolonging effect of Haloperidol. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Hydroxychloroquine: May enhance the hyperglycemic effect of Ciprofloxacin (Systemic). Hydroxychloroquine may enhance the hypoglycemic effect of Ciprofloxacin (Systemic). Hydroxychloroquine may enhance the QTc-prolonging effect of Ciprofloxacin (Systemic). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors (Anti-PD-1, -PD-L1, and -CTLA4 Therapies): Antibiotics may diminish the therapeutic effect of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors (Anti-PD-1, -PD-L1, and -CTLA4 Therapies). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Iron Preparations: May decrease the serum concentration of Quinolones. Management: Give oral quinolones at least several hours before (4 h for moxi- and sparfloxacin, 2 h for others) or after (8 h for moxi-, 6 h for cipro/dela-, 4 h for lome-, 3 h for gemi-, and 2 h for enox-, levo-, nor-, oflox-, peflox, or nalidixic acid) oral iron. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Ixabepilone: CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of Ixabepilone. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Lactobacillus and Estriol: Antibiotics may diminish the therapeutic effect of Lactobacillus and Estriol. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Lanthanum: May decrease the serum concentration of Quinolones. Management: Administer oral quinolone antibiotics at least one hour before or four hours after lanthanum. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Leflunomide: May increase the serum concentration of OAT1/3 Substrates (Clinically Relevant). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Lemborexant: CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of Lemborexant. Management: The maximum recommended dosage of lemborexant is 5 mg, no more than once per night, when coadministered with weak CYP3A4 inhibitors. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Levoketoconazole: QT-prolonging Agents (Indeterminate Risk - Avoid) may enhance the QTc-prolonging effect of Levoketoconazole. Management: Monitor for QTc interval prolongation and ventricular arrhythmias when these agents are combined. Patients with additional risk factors for QTc prolongation may be at even higher risk. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Lomitapide: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of Lomitapide. Risk X: Avoid combination

Lumateperone: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of Lumateperone. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Magnesium Salts: May decrease the serum concentration of Quinolones. Management: Administer oral quinolones several hours before (4 h for moxi/pe/spar/enox-, 2 h for others) or after (8 h for moxi-, 6 h for cipro/dela-, 4 h for lome/pe/enox-, 3 h for gemi-, and 2 h for levo-, nor-, or ofloxacin or nalidixic acid) oral magnesium salts. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Melatonin: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of Melatonin. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Meptazinol: May decrease the serum concentration of Ciprofloxacin (Systemic). Risk X: Avoid combination

Methotrexate: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of Methotrexate. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Methoxsalen (Systemic): Photosensitizing Agents may enhance the photosensitizing effect of Methoxsalen (Systemic). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Methylphenidate: May enhance the cardiotoxic effect of Quinolones. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Midazolam: CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of Midazolam. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Multivitamins/Minerals (with ADEK, Folate, Iron): May decrease the serum concentration of Quinolones. Specifically, polyvalent cations in multivitamin products may decrease the absorption of orally administered quinolone antibiotics. Management: Administer oral quinolones at least 2 hours before, or 6 hours after, the dose of a multivitamin that contains polyvalent cations (ie, calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc). Monitor for decreased quinolone efficacy. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Multivitamins/Minerals (with AE, No Iron): May decrease the serum concentration of Quinolones. Specifically, minerals in the multivitamin/mineral product may impair absorption of quinolone antibiotics. Management: Administer oral quinolones at least 2 hours before, or 6 hours after, the dose of a multivitamin that contains polyvalent cations (ie, calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc). Monitor for decreased therapeutic effects of quinolones. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Mycophenolate: Antibiotics may decrease serum concentrations of the active metabolite(s) of Mycophenolate. Specifically, concentrations of mycophenolic acid (MPA) may be reduced. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Nadifloxacin: May enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Quinolones. Risk X: Avoid combination

NiMODipine: CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of NiMODipine. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Nitisinone: May increase the serum concentration of OAT1/3 Substrates (Clinically Relevant). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents: May enhance the neuroexcitatory and/or seizure-potentiating effect of Quinolones. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents may increase the serum concentration of Quinolones. Risk C: Monitor therapy

OLANZapine: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of OLANZapine. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Patiromer: May decrease the serum concentration of Ciprofloxacin (Systemic). Management: Administer oral ciprofloxacin at least 3 hours before or 3 hours after patiromer. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Pentoxifylline: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of Pentoxifylline. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Phenytoin: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may diminish the therapeutic effect of Phenytoin. Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may decrease the serum concentration of Phenytoin. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Pimozide: CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of Pimozide. Risk X: Avoid combination

Pirfenidone: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of Pirfenidone. Management: Avoid this combination if possible. With ciprofloxacin doses of 1,500 mg/day, the pirfenidone dose should be reduced to 1,602 mg per (534 mg three times a day). With lower daily doses of ciprofloxacin, use pirfenidone with caution. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Polyethylene Glycol-Electrolyte Solution: May decrease the absorption of Quinolones. Management: Give oral quinolones at least 2 hours before or at least 6 hours after polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solutions that contain magnesium sulfate (Suflave brand). Other products without magnesium do not require dose separation. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Pomalidomide: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of Pomalidomide. Management: Avoid concomitant use of pomalidomide and ciprofloxacin when possible. If coadministration is considered necessary, consider reducing the pomalidomide dose to 2 mg and monitoring patients for increased pomalidomide effects/toxicities. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Porfimer: Photosensitizing Agents may enhance the photosensitizing effect of Porfimer. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Pretomanid: May increase the serum concentration of OAT1/3 Substrates (Clinically Relevant). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Probenecid: May decrease the excretion of Quinolones. Specifically, probenecid may decreased the renal excretion of quinolone antibiotics. Probenecid may increase the serum concentration of Quinolones. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Propranolol: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of Propranolol. Risk C: Monitor therapy

QT-prolonging Agents (Highest Risk): QT-prolonging Agents (Indeterminate Risk - Avoid) may enhance the QTc-prolonging effect of QT-prolonging Agents (Highest Risk). Management: Monitor for QTc interval prolongation and ventricular arrhythmias when these agents are combined. Patients with additional risk factors for QTc prolongation may be at even higher risk. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Ramelteon: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of Ramelteon. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Ramosetron: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of Ramosetron. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Rasagiline: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of Rasagiline. Management: Limit rasagiline dose to 0.5 mg once daily in patients taking moderate CYP1A2 inhibitors. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Roflumilast-Containing Products: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of Roflumilast-Containing Products. Risk C: Monitor therapy

ROPINIRole: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of ROPINIRole. Risk C: Monitor therapy

ROPivacaine: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of ROPivacaine. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Sevelamer: May decrease the serum concentration of Ciprofloxacin (Systemic). Management: Administer ciprofloxacin at least 2 hours before or 6 hours after sevelamer administration. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Sildenafil: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of Sildenafil. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Simvastatin: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may enhance the myopathic (rhabdomyolysis) effect of Simvastatin. Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of Simvastatin. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Sirolimus (Conventional): CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of Sirolimus (Conventional). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Sirolimus (Protein Bound): CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of Sirolimus (Protein Bound). Management: Reduce the dose of protein bound sirolimus to 56 mg/m2 when used concomitantly with a weak CYP3A4 inhibitor. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Sodium Picosulfate: Antibiotics may diminish the therapeutic effect of Sodium Picosulfate. Management: Consider using an alternative product for bowel cleansing prior to a colonoscopy in patients who have recently used or are concurrently using an antibiotic. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Spironolactone: May enhance the arrhythmogenic effect of Ciprofloxacin (Systemic). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Strontium Ranelate: May decrease the serum concentration of Quinolones. Management: In order to minimize any potential impact of strontium ranelate on quinolone antibiotic concentrations, it is recommended that strontium ranelate treatment be interrupted during quinolone therapy. Risk X: Avoid combination

Sucralfate: May decrease the serum concentration of Quinolones. Management: Avoid concurrent administration of quinolones and sucralfate to minimize the impact of this interaction. Recommendations for optimal dose separation vary by specific quinolone. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Tacrolimus (Systemic): CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of Tacrolimus (Systemic). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Tasimelteon: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of Tasimelteon. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Taurursodiol: May increase the serum concentration of OAT1/3 Substrates (Clinically Relevant). Risk X: Avoid combination

Teriflunomide: May increase the serum concentration of OAT1/3 Substrates (Clinically Relevant). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Theophylline Derivatives: CYP1A2 Inhibitors (Moderate) may increase the serum concentration of Theophylline Derivatives. Management: Consider avoidance of this combination. If coadministration is necessary, monitor for increased theophylline serum concentrations and toxicities when combined. Theophylline dose reductions will likely be required. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Thyroid Products: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may decrease the serum concentration of Thyroid Products. Risk C: Monitor therapy

TiZANidine: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of TiZANidine. Risk X: Avoid combination

Triazolam: CYP3A4 Inhibitors (Weak) may increase the serum concentration of Triazolam. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Typhoid Vaccine: Antibiotics may diminish the therapeutic effect of Typhoid Vaccine. Only the live attenuated Ty21a strain is affected. Management: Avoid use of live attenuated typhoid vaccine (Ty21a) in patients being treated with systemic antibacterial agents. Postpone vaccination until 3 days after cessation of antibiotics and avoid starting antibiotics within 3 days of last vaccine dose. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Ubrogepant: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of Ubrogepant. Management: Use an initial ubrogepant dose of 50 mg and consider avoiding a second dose for 24 hours when used with ciprofloxacin. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Vaborbactam: May increase the serum concentration of OAT1/3 Substrates (Clinically Relevant). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Vadadustat: May increase the serum concentration of OAT1/3 Substrates (Clinically Relevant). Risk C: Monitor therapy

Verteporfin: Photosensitizing Agents may enhance the photosensitizing effect of Verteporfin. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Vitamin K Antagonists (eg, warfarin): Quinolones may enhance the anticoagulant effect of Vitamin K Antagonists. Risk C: Monitor therapy

Zinc Salts: May decrease the serum concentration of Quinolones. Management: Give oral quinolones at several hours before (4 h for moxi- and sparfloxacin, 2 h for others) or after (8 h for moxi-, 6 h for cipro/dela-, 4 h for lome-, 3 h for gemi-, and 2 h for enox-, levo-, nor-, pe- or ofloxacin or nalidixic acid) oral zinc salts. Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Zolpidem: Ciprofloxacin (Systemic) may increase the serum concentration of Zolpidem. Management: Consider avoiding the combination of ciprofloxacin and zolpidem if possible. If combined, monitor for signs of zolpidem toxicity (eg, somnolence, dizziness, lethargy). Risk D: Consider therapy modification

Food Interactions

Food decreases rate, but not extent, of absorption. Ciprofloxacin may increase serum caffeine levels if taken concurrently. Rarely, crystalluria may occur. Enteral feedings may decrease plasma concentrations of ciprofloxacin probably by >30% inhibition of absorption. Management: May administer with most foods to minimize GI upset. If unable to avoid concomitant administration with dairy products or calcium-fortified products alone, administer ciprofloxacin at least 2 hours before or 6 hours after these foods/products; however, may be taken with meals that contain these products. Separate administration of extended-release tablets [Canadian product] and calcium >800 mg by at least 2 hours. Restrict caffeine intake if excessive cardiac or CNS stimulation occurs. Ensure adequate hydration during therapy. Ciprofloxacin should not be administered with enteral feedings. The feeding would need to be discontinued for 1 to 2 hours prior to and after ciprofloxacin administration. Nasogastric administration produces a greater loss of ciprofloxacin bioavailability than does nasoduodenal administration.

Dietary Considerations

Food: May be taken with meals that contain dairy products (eg, milk, yogurt) or calcium-fortified products, but not with these products alone; separate administration of extended-release tablets [Canadian product] and calcium >800 mg by at least 2 hours

Caffeine: Patients consuming regular large quantities of caffeinated beverages may need to restrict caffeine intake if excessive cardiac or CNS stimulation occurs.

Pregnancy Considerations

Ciprofloxacin crosses the placenta and produces measurable concentrations in the amniotic fluid and cord serum (Ludlam 1997).

Based on available data, an increased risk of major birth defects, miscarriage, or other adverse fetal and maternal outcomes have not been observed following ciprofloxacin use during pregnancy.

Due to pregnancy-induced physiologic changes, some pharmacokinetic properties of ciprofloxacin may be altered. Serum concentrations of ciprofloxacin may be lower during pregnancy than in nonpregnant patients (Giamarellou 1989).

Untreated plague (Yersinia pestis) infections in pregnant patients may result in hemorrhage (including postpartum hemorrhage), maternal and fetal death, preterm birth, and stillbirth. Limited data suggest maternal-fetal transmission of Y. pestis can occur if not treated. Pregnant patients should be treated for Y. pestis; parenteral antibiotics are preferred for initial treatment when otherwise appropriate. Ciprofloxacin is one of the fluroquinolones recommended for use (in combination with an aminoglycoside) for treating pregnant patients with bubonic, pharyngeal, pneumonic, or septicemic plague. Ciprofloxacin may also be used for pre- and postexposure prophylaxis in pregnant patients exposed to Y. pestis. Dose adjustments may be required (CDC [Nelson 2021]).

Ciprofloxacin is recommended for prophylaxis and treatment of pregnant patients exposed to anthrax (Meaney-Delman 2014). Alternative antibiotics are recommended in pregnant patients for indications such as chancroid (CDC [Workowski 2021]), meningococcal disease (CDC [Cohn 2013]), or perianal disease and pouchitis in pregnant patients with inflammatory bowel disease (AGA [Mahadevan 2019]).

Monitoring Parameters

CBC; renal and hepatic function during prolonged therapy. Monitor for altered mental status; signs and symptoms of tendinopathy, joint pain, or peripheral neuropathy; signs and symptoms of disordered glucose regulation (especially in patients with diabetes mellitus); seizure activity (in patients with a history of seizures), stool output and consistency; and hypersensitivity reactions.

Reference Range

Ciprofloxacin concentration monitoring is not routine; however, if utilized, the target for efficacy is an AUC24/MIC ≥125 (Forrest 1993; Hirt 2021).

Mechanism of Action

Inhibits DNA-gyrase in susceptible organisms; inhibits relaxation of supercoiled DNA and promotes breakage of double-stranded DNA

Pharmacokinetics (Adult Data Unless Noted)

Absorption: Oral: Well-absorbed; 500 mg orally every 12 hours produces an equivalent AUC to that produced by 400 mg IV over 60 minutes every 12 hours.

Distribution: Tissue concentrations often exceed serum concentrations, especially in kidneys, gallbladder, liver, lungs, gynecological tissue, and prostatic tissue.


Neonates (GA: 23 to 42 weeks; PNA: 5 to 121 days): Median: 2.02 L/kg; range: 0.4 to 3.55 L/kg (Zhao 2014).

Adults: 2 to 3 L/kg (Canadian manufacturer's labeling); reported range: 1.74 to 5 L/kg (Vance-Bryan 1990).

Cerebrospinal fluid concentrations: Adolescents ≥16 years and Adults:

Noninflamed meninges: 2.9% to 40% (4 to 10 hours after dose) (Gogos 1991).

Inflamed meninges: 24.1% to 91.1% (1 to 9 hours after dose) (Gogos 1991).

Protein binding: 20% to 40%.

Metabolism: Partially hepatic; forms 4 metabolites (limited activity).

Bioavailability: Oral: Children: ~60% (oral suspension); Adults: 70%; younger cystic fibrosis patients have a lower bioavailability of 68% versus cystic fibrosis patients >13 years of age with bioavailability of 95%.

Half-life elimination:

Infants ≥4 months, Children, and Adolescents: 4.2 to 5.1 hours (Peltola 1998).

Children ≥5 years and Adolescents with cystic fibrosis: Mean range: 2.6 to 3.4 hours (Rubio 1997).

Adults: Normal renal function: 4 to 6 hours.

Time to peak: Oral:

IR tablet: 0.5 to 2 hours.

Excretion: Urine (35% to 70% as unchanged drug); feces (15% to 35%; <1% as unchanged drug).

Clearance: IV:

Neonates (GA: 23 to 42 weeks; PNA: 5 to 121 days): Median: 0.2 L/hour/kg; range: 0.04 to 0.81 L/hour/kg (Zhao 2014).

Infants, Children, and Adolescents: 0.48 L/hour/kg (Hirt 2021).

Children ≥5 years and Adolescents with cystic fibrosis: Mean range: 0.84 to 1.16 L/hour/kg (Rubio 1997).

Adults: 0.5 to 0.6 L/hour/kg.

Pharmacokinetics: Additional Considerations (Adult Data Unless Noted)

Altered kidney function: The half-life is prolonged.

Older adult: Cmax increased 16% to 40%, AUC increased approximately 20% to 30%, and half-life increased approximately 20%.

Anti-infective considerations:

Parameters associated with efficacy:

Concentration dependent, associated with AUC24/minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), goal: ≥125 (>80% clinical and microbiologic cures) (Forrest 1993); and Cmax(peak)/MIC ≥10 (bactericidal, resistance prevention) (Blaser 1987; Drusano 1993). Note: In critically ill patients, some experts recommend AUC24/MIC goal >125 to 250 and Cmax/MIC ≥12 (Abdul-Aziz 2020).

Expected drug exposure in patients with normal renal function:


Pediatric patients: 10 mg/kg/dose 3 times daily (multiple dose): IV:

Neonates and infants: 30.9 mg•hour/L.

Children <2 years of age: 27.8 mg•hour/L.

Children 2 to <6 years of age: 28.9 mg•hour/L.

Children 6 to <12 years of age: 20.4 mg•hour/L.

Adults (multiple dose):

500 mg twice daily: Oral: 27.4 mg•hour/L.

750 mg twice daily: Oral: 31.6 mg•hour/L.

400 mg every 12 hours: IV: 25.4 mg•hour/L.

400 mg every 8 hours: IV: 32.9 mg•hour/L.

Cmax (peak):

Pediatric patients: 10 mg/kg/dose 3 times daily (multiple dose): IV:

Neonates and infants: 2.8 mg/L.

Children <2 years of age: 3.6 mg/L.

Children 2 to <6 years of age: 2.7 mg/L.

Children 6 to <12 years of age: 2 mg/L.

Adults (multiple dose):

500 mg twice daily: Oral: 2.97 mg/L.

750 mg twice daily: Oral: 3.59 mg/L.

400 mg every 12 hours: IV: 4.56 mg/L.

400 mg every 8 hours: IV: 4.07 mg/L.

Postantibiotic effect: Bacterial killing continues after ciprofloxacin concentration falls below the MIC of targeted pathogen and varies based on the organism; generally, 1.5 to 3 hours (Craig 1991; Fuursted 1987; Kumar 1992).

Brand Names: International
International Brand Names by Country
For country code abbreviations (show table)

  • (AE) United Arab Emirates: Bactall | Ciplox | Ciprobay | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprolon | Cipropharm | Ciprox | Neocipro | Omacip | Sarf | Xarocen;
  • (AR) Argentina: Argeflox | Biotic pharma | Cipro | Ciprofloxacina | Ciprofloxacina fabra | Ciprofloxacina hlb | Ciprofloxacina Lazar | Ciprofloxacina northia | Ciprofloxacina richet | Ciprofloxacina sant gall | Ciprofloxacina surar pharma | Ciprofloxacina Vannier | Ciprotenk | Ciprotenk gyno | Cirflox-g | Ciriax | Exertial | Fada ciprofloxacin | Fada Ciprofloxacin | Nexofloxacin | Novidat | Ocefax | Septicide | Septocort | Solucion ciprofloxacina jayor | Xipromox;
  • (AT) Austria: Ciprofloxacin Actavis | Ciprofloxacin arcana | Ciprofloxacin hikma | Ciprofloxacin Kabi | Ciprofloxacin mayrhofer | Ciprofloxacin sandoz | Ciproxin;
  • (AU) Australia: Aspen ciprofloxacin | C flox | Cifran | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin alphapharm | Ciprofloxacin bw | Ciprofloxacin-bc | Ciprol | Ciproxin | Genrx ciprofloxacin | Profloxin | Proquin;
  • (BD) Bangladesh: Amiflox | Aprocin | Bactin | Beuflox | Cecip | Cero | Ciflocin | Ciflox | Cipex | Ciplon | Ciprin | Cipro-a | Cipro-s | Ciprocin | Ciprol | Ciprolex | Ciprolyn | Cipron | Ciprosid | Ciprotec | Ciprox | Ciprozid | Civox | D floxin | Deflox | Doquin | Dumaflox | Efloxin | Flontin | Floxabid | Floxacin | Floxitab | Geflox | Gefloxin | Hiflox | Isofloxin | Kapron | Libracin | Lox | Maprocin | Monipro | Neofloxin | Octabid | Orcipro | Oxpro | Peoflox | Quinocin | Quinox | Tyfinor | Tyflox | Uniflox | Xbac | Xefloxin | Xerox | Xirocip;
  • (BE) Belgium: Ciprofloxacine | Ciprofloxacine EG | Ciprofloxacine fresenius kabi | Ciprofloxacine teva | Ciproxine;
  • (BF) Burkina Faso: Bactiflox | Cetraxal | Ciprodac | Ciprofloxacin sandoz | Ciprofloxacine | Ciprofloxacine tm | Ciprofloxacine ubigen | Cipronat | Ciprozed | Danciflox | Flocip | Floxin | Philco cipro | Proxacin | Tyflox;
  • (BG) Bulgaria: Ciphin | Ciprinol | Ciprobay | Ciproflav | Ciprox | Citeral;
  • (BO) Bolivia, Plurinational State of: Ciproxacin;
  • (BR) Brazil: Bactoflox | Cifloxatil | Cifloxtron | Cipro | Ciprobacter | Ciprobiot | Ciprocina | Ciprodine | Ciproflan | Ciproflox | Ciprofloxacina | Ciprofloxacino | Ciprofloxan | Ciprofloxil | Cipromizin | Ciproxan | Ciproxen | Cloridrato de ciprofloxacino | Flobac | Floxen | Fresoflox | Hifloxan | Hypoflox | Quiflox | Quinoflox;
  • (CH) Switzerland: Ciprofloxacin baxter | Ciprofloxacin fresenius | Ciprofloxacin labatec | Ciprofloxacin Mepha | Ciprofloxacin sandoz | Ciprofloxacin Teva | Ciproxin;
  • (CI) Côte d'Ivoire: Cipro care | Ciprofloxacine kabi | Cipronat | Ciproveine | Neocipro | Sepcen;
  • (CL) Chile: Baycip | Cifloxin | Ciproval | Grifociprox;
  • (CN) China: Bei si te | Ben ke | Cifran | Ciplox | Ciprobay | Ciprofloxacin | Hua yu | Huan fu xing | Lin qing | Medociprin | Sai ke xing | Temaril;
  • (CO) Colombia: Antox | Benemid | Bioquiflox | Cedfox | Cifloblas | Cifloxin | Cimoxen | Cipro | Ciprobac | Ciprodan | Ciprofloxacina | Ciprofloxacino | Ciproquin | Ciprosher | Ciriax | Giraprox | Loxan | Medegol | Megecol | Microbac | Nircip | Quinopron | Sinofar | Sinopen | Tritonex;
  • (CZ) Czech Republic: Ciphin | Ciplox | Ciprinol | Ciprobay | Ciprofloxacin Kabi | Ciprofloxacin Teva;
  • (DE) Germany: Ciprobay | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin Actavis | Ciprofloxacin Claris | Ciprofloxacin Hikma | Ciprofloxacin ibisqus | Ciprofloxacin Kabi | Ciprofloxacin Lyomark | Ciprofloxacin normon | Ciprofloxacin Teva;
  • (DO) Dominican Republic: Amplibiotic | Cifran | Cipro xr | Ciproalfa | Ciprobiotic | Ciprocap | Ciprofel | Ciproflox | Ciprofloxacina | Ciprofloxacina wemed | Ciprofloxacino | Ciprofur-F | Ciproglen | Ciproquin | Ciproquinol | Ciproxina | Ciriax | Dalurox | Eni | Estecina | Flugram | Fraproxina | Inacip | Neocip | Nor-Ciprox | Quinolide | Sepcen | Superflox | Xypranox il;
  • (EC) Ecuador: Ciflex | Ciflobac | Cifloxin | Cimaxx | Ciplox | Ciprecu | Ciprofloxacina | Ciprofloxacino | Ciprokron | Cipromedica | Cipronordika | Ciproval | Ciproxan | Ciriax | Ebrocip | Grifociprox | Italprodin | Nircip | Orquiflox | Osmoflox | Plenolyt | Proflox | Septicide | Unex;
  • (EE) Estonia: Bactiflox | Cifloxinal | Ciplox | Ciprinol | Ciprobid | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin Claris | Ciprofloxacin norameda | Ciprofloxacin sandoz | Ciproxin;
  • (EG) Egypt: Arabcofloroquin | Biofloxidine | Ciprinol | Ciprocin | Ciprocinoro | Ciprofar | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprolkan | Ciproriv | Ciprotak | Ciproxil | Mifoxin | Rancif | Rocinomex | Serviflox | Ultracipro;
  • (ES) Spain: Baycip | Catex | Ceprimax | Cetraxal | Ciprofloxacina lasa | Ciprofloxacino | Ciprofloxacino Anages | Ciprofloxacino bayvit | Ciprofloxacino edgen | Ciprofloxacino Fresenius Kabi | Ciprofloxacino grapa | Ciprofloxacino juventus | Ciprofloxacino kabi | Ciprofloxacino kern | Ciprofloxacino Kern pharma | Ciprofloxacino lareq | Ciprofloxacino merck | Ciprofloxacino Normon | Ciprofloxacino tau | Ciprofloxacino ur | Ciprofloxacino vir | Doriman | Estecina | Felixene | Globuce | Huberdoxina | Inkamil | Quipro | Rigoran | Sepcen | Tam | Velmonit;
  • (ET) Ethiopia: Asflox | Brucipro | Cipro-a | Ciprobay | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin HCL | Ciprofloxacine | Ciprolaks | Cipromax | Ciproxin | Floxin | Sarf;
  • (FI) Finland: Ciprofloxacin Acs Dobfar Generics | Ciprofloxacin baxter | Ciprofloxacin Fresenius Kabi | Ciprofloxacin navamedic | Ciprofloxacin villerton | Ciproxin;
  • (FR) France: Ciflox | Ciprofloxacine Aguettant | Ciprofloxacine kabi | Ciprofloxacine macopharma | Ciprofloxacine teva | Ciprofloxacine Winthrop | Uniflox;
  • (GB) United Kingdom: Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin Teva | Ciproxin;
  • (GH) Ghana: Bexfloxin | Ciprokin | Ciprolem | O cip;
  • (GR) Greece: Aristin c | Balepton | Biocipro | Ciprocton | Ciprofal | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin/baxter | Ciprofloxacin/kabi | Ciprofloxacin/mylan | Ciprofloxacin/teva | Ciprofloxacin/Vianex | Ciprovian | Ciproxin | Flociprin | Grenis cipro | Infectina | Labentrol | Ladinin | Nafloxin | Revionorm | Topistin;
  • (HK) Hong Kong: Ciplox | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin hameln | Ciprox | Ciproxin | Cobay | Cyrocin | Gonning | Loxin | Uroxin | Vesprocin;
  • (HR) Croatia: Ciprinol | Ciprofloksacin Lek | Ciprofloxacin Kabi;
  • (HU) Hungary: Cifloxin | Cifran | Ciprinol | Ciprobay | Ciprofloxacin Kabi | Ciprofloxacin-Human;
  • (ID) Indonesia: Baquinor | Bernoflox | Bidiprox | Ciflos | Ciprobiotic | Ciprofloxacin | Civell | Corsacin | Cylowam | Disfabac | Etacin | Floxbio | Floxid | Floxifar | Floxigra | Hexiquin | Inciflox | Interflox | Jayacin | Kifarox | Lapiflox | Licoprox | Mecoquin | Mensipox | Miraflox | Phaproxin | Poncoflox | Qilaflox | Quidex | Quinobiotic | Ramavex | Renator | Rexida | Rindoflox | Sarf | Scanax | Tequinol | Volinol | Zeniflox | Zumaflox;
  • (IE) Ireland: Cifox | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin Claris | Ciproxin | Truoxin;
  • (IL) Israel: Ciplox | Ciprodex | Ciprofloxacin teva | Ciprogis | Ciproxin;
  • (IN) India: Abact | Adcip | Alcipro | Alquin | Aquipro | Arpicip | Astocip | Axacip | Bc-flox | Bio cipron | Biocip | C flox | C Flox | Canon | Careflox | Cebran | Ceepro | Cefobac | Celo | Celox | Ceprolen | Cetoz | Cft | Cfx | Cifomed | Cifran | Cifran od | Cifrodis | Cimi | Cipad | Cipflacin | Cipiquin | Ciplex | Ciplox | Ciplox od | Ciporal | Cipoxcin | Cipract | Cipret | Cipride | Cipris | Cipro | Ciproace | Ciprobid | Ciprobiotic | Ciprocore | Ciprodac | Ciproday | Ciprodex | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin HCL | Ciprofloxacin usp | Ciproglen | Ciprogold | Ciprojet | Ciprolet | Ciproloc | Ciprolup | Cipromac | Cipromycetin | Cipron | Cipronate | Ciproplus | Ciproquin | Ciprose | Ciprosol | Ciprostan | Ciprosyn | Ciprotas | Ciprotech | Ciprova | Ciprowin | Ciprox | Ciprozen-f | Ciprozol | Cipsol | Ciptab | Ciptec | Cipzy | Ciral | Coflox | Conflox | Corpath | Cosflox | Coutim | Cpf | Disquin | Ecoflox | Encip | Erabact | Fancip | Flocy | Flotox | Floxip | Fresoflox | Gyrolone | Icip | Kwalicip | Loxy | Mencip | Microflox | Mitycip | Neocip | Nt bec | Oracip | Orpic | Ozocip | Penquin | Probid | Prox | Proxar | Quin-c | Quincy | Quinmec | Quinobact | Quintor | Rebect | Recocif | Sanipro | Seflox | Siricipro | Swiflox | Syran | Ultraflox | Unicip | Uniflox | Unocip | Vikcip | Xipro | Zipcin | Zoxan;
  • (IQ) Iraq: Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin awa | Ciproneer | Ciprosam;
  • (IT) Italy: Ciprofloxacina | Ciprofloxacina abc | Ciprofloxacina Acs Dobfar | Ciprofloxacina Bioindustria | Ciprofloxacina hikma | Ciprofloxacina ibigen | Ciprofloxacina keironpharma | Ciprofloxacina myl | Ciprofloxacina Sandoz | Ciproxin | Flontalexin;
  • (JO) Jordan: Bactall | Cefloxine | Cipro | Ciprobay | Ciprodar | Ciproflacin | Ciprolon | Cipromid | Cipropharm | Ciproquin | Floroxin | Mecado sr | Rivroxin;
  • (JP) Japan: Ciprofloxacin | Ciproxan | Ciproxan bayer yakuhin | Ciproxan meiji;
  • (KE) Kenya: Aarciflox | Asflox | Axacip | Bruflox | Cachlox | Ceepro | Cifin | Cifran | Cifran od | Cifrotil | Cipcina | Cipex | Ciprobay | Ciprobiotic | Ciprocip | Ciprodac | Ciprodeal | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofred | Ciprointa | Ciprokant | Ciproken | Ciproquin | Ciproriv | Ciprost | Ciprox | Ciprozed | G ciprox | Galcipro | Ificipro | Ladinin | Megaflox | Neocip | Neocipro | Nircip | Proflax | Proxacin | Roxin | Shalcip | Strox | Ulcip | Ultraflox;
  • (KR) Korea, Republic of: Aciren | Aju ciprofloxacin | Cf | Ciploxacin | Ciploxcin | Ciplus | Cipmaxin | Cipoxin | Cipro | Ciprobay | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin samsung | Ciprouro cr | Ciprox | Ciproxacin | Ciproxin | Cirog | Cirok | Citopcin | Cycin | Cyprox | Daihan ciprofloxacin | Eprosin | Euflox | Floxin | Lofusin | Lopsin | Newloxacin | Pharmgen ciprofloxacin | Qupron | Reyon cifloxacin | Siroxa | Ufexil | Uniciproxacin;
  • (KW) Kuwait: Ciprobay | Ciproflox | Cipromax | Emicipro | Neocipro | Sarf;
  • (LB) Lebanon: Cefloxine | Ciprobay | Ciprocin | Ciprodar | Ciprofloxacine panpharma | Ciprolon | Cipromid | Cipropharm | Ciprox | Estecina | Floxy | Kinoxin | Ladinin | Sepcen | Superflox;
  • (LT) Lithuania: Ciflozyn | Cifran | Ciphin | Ciplox | Ciprinol | Ciprobay | Ciprocynal | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin Claris | Ciprofloxacin norameda | Ciprolet | Cipronat | Ciprova | Lyproquinum | Siflox;
  • (LU) Luxembourg: Ciproxine;
  • (LV) Latvia: Ciflozyn | Cifran | Ciphin | Ciplox | Ciprinol | Ciprobay | Ciprocynal | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin Claris | Ciprofloxacin norameda | Ciprolet | Cipronat | Ciprosan | Ciprosol | Ciprova | Lyproquinum | Siflox;
  • (MA) Morocco: Aflox | Catex | Cipro lp | Ciprofloxacin normon | Ciproxine | Giroflox | Megaflox | Mexine | Spectrum;
  • (MX) Mexico: Antimed | Apoflox | Arfloxina | Bacproin | Bioflox | Brubiol | Ci-Son's | Ciamsa | Cimogal | Ciprain | Ciprobac | Ciproflox | Ciproflox dm | Ciprofloxac gi | ken | le | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacina | Ciprofloxacina g.i | Ciprofloxacina jayor | Ciprofloxacino | Ciprofloxacino gi | Ciprofloxacino Innovare | Ciprofur | Ciprohexal | Ciproser | Ciproxina | Ciqfadin | Ciriax | Clortory | Deixedol | Dinaflox | Eni | Flovin | Floxager | Floxantina | Flubindo | Fluorquin | Fluxacord | Infloxa | Italnik | Kenzoflex | Lemyflox | Liferxina | Loxaniflin | Microrgan | Mitroken | Mitroken i | Novoquin | Patox | Profluxol | Proxitec I | Quinoflox | Suiflox | Trigen | Trigen-p | Vifloxina | Wasiprobil | Z-xin;
  • (MY) Malaysia: Ceflox | Cifloxin | Cifran | Ciprinol | Ciprobay | Ciproflo | Ciproglen | Ciprox | Ciproxol | Ificipro | Quintor;
  • (NG) Nigeria: Ac ciproflo | Acipro | Agecipro | Badiproxin | Bari ciprofloxacin | Bflaxin | Bg klycxin | Bioraj ciprofloxacin | Cenox | Cifga | Ciflaxin | Ciflomax | Cinnamon ciprofloxacin | Cipmed | Cipocil | Cipro mon | Ciprobact | Ciprobon | Ciprodivine | Ciprodon | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin marcolivia | Ciprofloxacin marcson | Ciprogyl | Ciprokris | Ciprolem | Cipronow | Ciproriv | Ciprosure | Ciprotab | Ciproven | Ciproxact | Ciprozap | Cisepro | Danciflox | Dxtproxin | Elcip | Floxipro | Guciprox | Interflox | Joyfad ciprofloxacin | Juproxcin | Kambid | Kinglion ciprofloxacin | Lodiflox | Lyncipro | Maco ciprofloxacin | Ocipro | Ogfloxx | Ozila ciprofloxacin | Pharmamax ciprofloxacin | Pharmaniaga ciprofloxacin | Rapidflox | Rcpro | Rebocip | Rgi cipro | Ricnos ciprofloxacin | Rumaxine | Samxacine | Sd ciprofloxacin | Seebest ciprofloxacin | Shinfield ciprofloxacin | Simbflox | Siprosan | Softhealth ciprofloxacin | St dennis ciprofloxacin | Stericin | Sukaprot | Sunycip | Talibex ciprofloxacin | Tinsipro | Trexip | Ultraflox | Unicure ciprofloxacin | Uniflox | Uwacipro | Vitaprocin | Wincip | Zipo | Zoopro;
  • (NL) Netherlands: Ciprofloxacine | Ciprofloxacine Actavis | Ciprofloxacine Hikma | Ciprofloxacine kabi | Ciprofloxacine Mylan | Ciprofloxacine PCH | Ciprofloxacine Ratiopharm | Ciproxin;
  • (NO) Norway: Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin Acs Dobfar Generics | Ciprofloxacin baxter | Ciprofloxacin Claris | Ciprofloxacin Hospira | Ciprofloxacin mayne | Ciprofloxacin navamedic | Ciprofloxacin ratiopharm | Ciproxin;
  • (NZ) New Zealand: Cipflox | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin Kabi | Ciprofloxacine mylan | Ciproxin;
  • (OM) Oman: Omacip;
  • (PE) Peru: Alcipro | C flox | Ciflix | Cifloxdan | Cifran | Cinaflox | Ciprobac | Ciprocalmex | Ciprof-200 | Ciprofloxacino | Ciprofloxacino 500mg | Ciprofur-F | Ciprolin | Cipronor | Cipropharma | Ciproquin | Ciprox | Ciproxacol | Ciproxan | Ciproxina | Ciriax | Cistimicina | Espitacin | Ificipro | Nircip | Novoxacil | Onicax | Osmoflox | Quinocip | Quinopron;
  • (PH) Philippines: Acipro | Axacip | Bacipro | Bacpro | Bactiflox | Baxolyn | Ciclodin | Cidrolex | Cidroxal | Ciflobid | Ciflodal | Ciflomed | Cifloxin | Cipcor | Cipfast | Ciplife | Cipro base | Ciprobay | Ciprobiotic | Ciprodan | Ciprodin | Ciprofen | Ciproflox | Ciprofloxacin sandoz | Ciprokab | Ciprolite | Cipromac | Cipromet | Ciprosan | Ciproted | Ciprotor | Ciproven | Ciproxel | Ciprozan | Ciprozef | Ciptid | Cipulox | Cirok | Cobay | Cyclor | Cyfrox | Flaxid | Floxil | Goflox v | Holdestin | Inoxzel | Iprolan | Kinogen | Kinoves | Laitun | Ocxan | Orpic | Probact | Prolon | Prozin | Quidex | Quilox | Quinocip | Quiprime | Rapiqure | Rexfobys | Roflox | Sigmacip | Uticin | Vexcipro | Xipro | Xyprody | Yokocip | Zalvos | Zipro | Ziprox | Zunexan | Zyflox;
  • (PK) Pakistan: A cip | Adcipro | Affif | Alacep | Alencip | Amesure | Amity | Aristin c | Astilcip | Aultocip | Axocip | Bacip | Becip | Biocip | C flox | C oxacin | Catex | Cflox | Cibo | Cilara | Ciloxon | Cinoflox | Cinoxin | Cinrol | Cipak | Cipaur | Cipesta | Cipesta xr | Ciplox | Cipmed | Cipol | Ciponor | Ciporains | Ciposim | Cipotent | Ciprexis | Ciprexis ds | Ciprin | Ciprobact | Ciprobest | Ciprocide | Ciprofast | Ciprofaz | Ciprofed | Ciprofena | Ciprolis | Ciprolite | Cipromir | Cipropar | Ciproquine | Ciprorel | Ciprosafe | Ciprose | Ciprovac | Ciprovid | Ciprovin | Ciprox | Ciprozan | Ciprozee sr | Cipsa | Cipson | Ciptec | Cipton | Cipvax xr | Cipwel | Civox | Ckflox | Cpzaf | Cronacip | Curabid | Cycin | Cygnet | Cyrocin | Cyto | Danpro | Decip | Dicip | Efecip | Efsan | Euro | Excipro | Faascip | Fepro floxacine | Finch | Floxacin | Fobin | Foxirex | Gavel | Gee cipro | Gen cipro | Gloxinia | Harflox | Harod | Hemel | Hi cip | Hiflox | Hipro xr | Hitroxin | Infecnil | Inoquin | Irzacip | Jasflox | Jawaflox | Jexin | Labetrol | Lamcit | Lucid | M cip | Medicip | Megaflox | Mercip | Metein | Mytil | Nafcin | Neofloxin | Nexcip | Nicil | Nik | Novaedaxin | Novidat | Ntbact | Orpic | Percip | Polygard | Proflox | Proloxab | Quash | Qucin | Quinocin | Quinoflox | Qupron | Radiflox | Relcip | Renflox | Ringacip | Rocip | Roxin | Saicip | Savoxacin | Secofloxacin | Sipro | Siprof | Siroxin | Sn cip | Solo cip | Strox | Ume cip | Uzaril | Veprox | Vift | Viloc | Vorcin | Wincip | Winflox | Xocip | Yokocip | Z cipro | Zeproquin;
  • (PL) Poland: Ciprobay | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin Claris | Ciprofloxacin Kabi | Cipronex | Cipropol | Proxacin;
  • (PR) Puerto Rico: Cipro | Ciprofloxacin;
  • (PT) Portugal: Ciprofloxacina | Ciprofloxacina claris | Ciprofloxacina generis | Ciprofloxacina hikma | Ciprofloxacina kabi | Ciprofloxacina labesfal | Ciprofloxacina tecnimede | Ciprofloxacina teva | Ciproquinol | Ciproxina | Estecina | Giroflox | Megaflox | Nivoflox | Quinox;
  • (PY) Paraguay: Acid 200 | Acid 400 | Ciprofloxacina | Ciprofloxacina bergamo | Ciprofloxacina genfar | Ciprofloxacina millet | Ciprofloxacina mintlab | Ciprofloxacina northia | Ciprofloxacina p.a.n. | Ciprofloxacina prosalud | Ciprofloxacino quimfa | Ciproval | Dibactil | Neoxetic;
  • (QA) Qatar: Bactall | Bactiflox Neo | Ciflosin | Ciflox | Cipro | Cipro-Sol | Ciprobay | Ciprobay IV | Ciprocin | Ciprodar | Ciprodar XL | Ciprofar | Ciproflacin | Ciproflox | Ciprogen | CiproHEXAL | Ciprolet | Ciprolife | Ciprolon | Ciprolon IV | Cipromax | Cipromid | Cipropharm | Ciproquin | Ciprox IV | Ciproxen | Ciproxin Granules | Emicipro | Floroxin | Floxacin | Floxip | Neocipro | Omacip | Quinox (Tabuk) | Sarf;
  • (RO) Romania: Aristin c | Ciprinol | Ciprofloxacina | Ciprofloxacina infomed | Ciprolet | Grenis cipro | Ufexil;
  • (RU) Russian Federation: Alcipro | Aquacipro | Bacigen | Basidjen | Cefobac | Ceprova | Ciflox alium | Ciflozyn | Cifran | Ciplox | Ciprinol | Ciprobay | Ciprobid | Ciprocynal | Ciprofloxabol | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin sandoz | Ciprolacare | Ciprolet | Cipronat | Ciproquin | Ciprosan | Ciprosol | Ciprovin | Cybrobid | Cypronate | Ificipro | Lyproquinum | Microfloxum | Procipro | Quintor | Siflox | Vero ciprofloxacin;
  • (SA) Saudi Arabia: Ciflox | Cifogru | Ciprobay | Ciprocare | Ciprocin | Ciproflox | Ciprolon | Pms-ciprofloxacin | Quinox;
  • (SD) Sudan: Amiciprox;
  • (SE) Sweden: Ciprofloxacin Fresenius Kabi | Ciprofloxacin Hospira | Ciprofloxacin villerton | Ciproxin;
  • (SG) Singapore: Ciprobay | Ciprofloxacin | Cirok | Cycin | Topistin | Uroxin;
  • (SI) Slovenia: Ciprinol | Ciprum;
  • (SK) Slovakia: Ciphin | Ciplox | Ciprinol | Ciprobay | Ciprofloxacin Kabi | Ciprolon;
  • (SL) Sierra Leone: Ciprofit | Ciprofloxacin | Roncip;
  • (TH) Thailand: Cifloxin | Cifolox | Cifran | Cifrotil | Cilab | Cipracin | Ciprobay | Ciprobid | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprom m | Ciprom-h | Ciproquin | Ciprovid | Ificipro | Q bact | Ultraflox;
  • (TN) Tunisia: Ciproflo info | Ciproject | Sifloks;
  • (TR) Turkey: Ciflosin | Cipro | Ciprocam | Ciprokabi | Ciproktan | Ciprolaks | Cipronatin | Cipropol | Ciproxin | Flotic | Loxasid | Novarex | Roxin | Selfleks ciprasel | Siproject | Ufexil;
  • (TW) Taiwan: Ciflogen | Cinolone | Cipocin | Ciproflo | Ciprofloxacin | Ciproxin | Cixa | Proxacin | Seforce | Xacine;
  • (TZ) Tanzania, United Republic of: Diocipro;
  • (UA) Ukraine: Cefobac | Ciflox | Cifran | Cifrel | Ciprinol | Ciprobay | Ciprobid | Ciprocin n | Ciprocor | Ciprocynal | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacinum | Ciprolet | Ciprom | Cipronat | Cipropan | Ciprosan | Ificipro;
  • (UG) Uganda: Aarciflox | Axacip | Ceepro | Cifin | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin uf | Ciprol | Ciproren | Ciprox | Ecoflox | Eurocip | Ificipro | Ladinin | Nircip;
  • (UY) Uruguay: Blader | Blanflax | C Flox | Ciapar | Cifloxtron | Cipro | Ciprocid | Ciprofloxacina | Ciprofloxacina Lazar | Ciriax | Cisterak | Fada Ciprofloxacin | Fresoflox | Novidat | Ocefax | Septicide;
  • (VE) Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of: Bacipro | Baflox | Cifran | Ciprivax | Ciproalfa | Ciproflox | Ciprofloxacina | Ciprofloxacina lactato | Ciprolet | Ciproquin | Ciprotan | Ciproxina | Wellcip | Zolina;
  • (VN) Viet Nam: Agicipro | Basmicin | Ciforkid | Ciprofloxacin Kabi | Ciprofloxacin polpharma | Compacin | Dophacipro | Dumver;
  • (ZA) South Africa: Aspen ciprofloxacin | Ciprobay | Ciprocina | Ciprofloxacin fresenius | Ciprofloxacin safeline | Loxip | Sabax ciprofloxacin | Spec topistin;
  • (ZM) Zambia: Alcipro | Cerocip | Ciflox | Ciplox | Ciplox iv | Ciprodac | Ciprofloxacin | Ciproglen | Ciprokant | Cipronat | Ciproplus | Ciproquin | Ciptid | Ecoflox | Lyproquin | Procip | Q bact | Rancip | Recipro | Shalcip | Strox | Xiprox;
  • (ZW) Zimbabwe: Ciprobay | Ciprovar | Microflox
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