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Patient education: Colic (The Basics)

Patient education: Colic (The Basics)

What is colic? — This is when babies cry much more than usual for no obvious reason during their first 3 months of life.

It is normal for babies to cry up to 2 hours a day. Babies with colic usually cry more than 3 hours a day, on more than 3 days a week. Bouts of colic usually start suddenly and happen in the evening.

Colic does not harm babies. It usually goes away on its own when a baby is 3 or 4 months old.

What else besides colic can make a baby cry more than usual? — Babies can cry more than usual when they are hurt, sick, hungry, too hot or cold, or too tired. Babies can also cry more than usual if they are allergic to their formula or to foods in breast milk. (If you are breastfeeding, the food you eat is passed to your baby through your breast milk.)

How is colic different from normal crying? — Colic is different because:

The crying in colic is louder and more high-pitched – Babies often sound as if they are screaming or in pain.

Parents and caregivers often cannot comfort or soothe the baby during a bout of colic.

A baby can have a hard belly, stiff arms, or arched back during a bout of colic.

Is there a test for colic? — No. But your doctor or nurse should be able to tell if your baby has it by talking with you and doing an exam.

How can I try to stop my baby's crying? — Doctors and nurses recommend trying different things to help stop your baby's crying. For example, you can:

Use a bottle that keeps them from swallowing too much air.

Burp them often during feedings.

Hold them in a sitting position during feedings.

Carry them more in your arms, a sling, or a front carrier.

Take them for a walk in a stroller or a ride in the car.

Give them a warm bath.

Put them in a baby swing.

Swaddle them (figure 1).

Put them in a safe place near a clothes dryer or other source of "white noise."

Massage their belly.

Give them a pacifier.

What if I am overwhelmed? — Having a baby with colic can be exhausting, stressful, and frustrating. Here are some tips that might help:

Remember that your baby's colic is not your fault, and that colic almost always goes away within a few months.

If possible, take turns with your partner or another caregiver so you both get breaks from the baby's crying. It's also OK to put your baby in a crib, bassinet, or other safe place for a few minutes while you take a break. Try to call a friend or relative if you need help. In the US, there is also a parent help line (1-800-422-4453) you can call any time.

Take a break when you need one. Shaking, hitting, or hurting a baby can cause serious brain problems, or even death.

Talk to your doctor or nurse if you are having a very hard time or need more support. In some cases, it can help to talk with a counselor who is trained on ways to handle colic.

When should I call the doctor? — Call the doctor or nurse as soon as possible (day or night) if:

Your baby is younger than 3 months old and has a fever – To see if they have a fever, take their temperature. The most accurate way to take a baby's temperature is to take a rectal temperature (figure 2). If their rectal temperature is 100.4°F (38°C) or higher, they have a fever. You can also take an armpit, ear, or forehead temperature, but these are not as accurate.

Your baby cries for longer than 2 hours without stopping.

Your baby refuses to eat or drink, is vomiting, or has bloody bowel movements.

Your baby is not responding to you or acting normally.

You are afraid that you might have hurt your baby – Shaking, hitting, or hurting a baby can cause serious damage. If you think that you hurt your baby, even without meaning to, call for help.

Call the doctor or nurse during regular office hours if:

You are worried about your baby's crying or don't know how to handle it.

Your baby spits up a lot after feedings, has diarrhea, or has trouble having bowel movements – These symptoms could mean that your baby has an allergy or another problem. Talk with your doctor or nurse before changing your baby's formula, avoiding certain foods if you breastfeed, or giving your baby any over-the-counter medicines or supplements.

You are worried that your baby is not eating well or gaining weight normally.

Your baby is older than 4 months and is still having colic.

More on this topic

Patient education: Fever in babies younger than 3 months (The Basics)
Patient education: Spitting up and GERD in babies (The Basics)
Patient education: Food allergy (The Basics)
Patient education: Slow weight gain in babies and children (The Basics)
Patient education: Caring for your newborn (The Basics)

Patient education: Colic (excessive crying) in infants (Beyond the Basics)
Patient education: Acid reflux (gastroesophageal reflux) in babies (Beyond the Basics)
Patient education: Slow weight gain in infants and children (Beyond the Basics)

This topic retrieved from UpToDate on: Jun 02, 2024.
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