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Patient education: Vaginal discharge (The Basics)

Patient education: Vaginal discharge (The Basics)

What is vaginal discharge? — This the fluid that comes out of the vagina (figure 1). Vaginal discharge is made up of cells from the vagina and cervix, bacteria, mucus, and water.

Can vaginal discharge be normal? — Yes. Normally, people who get monthly periods can have a small amount of vaginal discharge each day. Normal vaginal discharge can be white, clear, or thick, but usually does not smell bad.

The amounts of vaginal discharge are different for each person. Also, it is normal to have more or less vaginal discharge at different times. For example, you might notice more discharge:

If you are pregnant

If you use birth control that contains hormones

During the 2 weeks before your period

If you have been through menopause, you will probably notice that you have less vaginal discharge. (Menopause is when you stop having monthly periods.)

When is vaginal discharge abnormal? — Vaginal discharge is abnormal when it happens along with the following symptoms:

Itching of the vagina or the area around the vagina

Redness, pain, or swelling around the vagina

Discharge that is foamy, greenish-yellow, or bloody

Discharge that smells bad

Pain when urinating or having sex

Pain in the lower part of the belly


What are the causes of abnormal vaginal discharge? — Different conditions can cause abnormal vaginal discharge. The most common causes are:

An infection in the vagina, cervix, or uterus

A reaction to something in the vagina, such as a tampon or condom

A reaction to a soap or other product that was in the vagina

Changes in the body that happen after menopause

Should I see a doctor or nurse? — Yes. If you have abnormal vaginal discharge, see a doctor or nurse so they can try to figure out the cause. They will talk with you and do an exam. They will also take a sample of your vaginal discharge, then do lab tests on the sample to look for an infection.

Do not try to treat abnormal vaginal discharge by yourself. It could cause your symptoms to get worse.

How is abnormal vaginal discharge treated? — Treatment depends on the cause of your abnormal vaginal discharge. For example, different vaginal infections are treated with different medicines. If you have a vaginal infection, your doctor or nurse will want to figure out what type of infection you have so they can treat it with the right medicine.

If your abnormal vaginal discharge is caused by certain types of infections, your sex partner(s) will also need to see a doctor for treatment. (You might want to stop having sex until you know what is causing your symptoms.)

Can abnormal vaginal discharge be prevented? — Sometimes. You can help prevent abnormal vaginal discharge if you:

Use warm water and unscented non-soap cleanser to wash your vulva (the vulva is the area of skin around the outside of the vagina).

Take baths in plain warm water. Do not use scented bath products.

Do not use sprays or powders on your vagina.

Do not douche (put liquid inside your vagina to rinse it out).

Do not wipe with baby wipes or scented toilet paper after you use the toilet.

More on this topic

Patient education: Bacterial vaginosis (The Basics)
Patient education: Vulvovaginal yeast infection (The Basics)
Patient education: Vaginitis in adults (The Basics)
Patient education: Vaginitis in children (The Basics)
Patient education: Trichomoniasis (The Basics)
Patient education: Chlamydia and gonorrhea (The Basics)
Patient education: Mycoplasma genitalium (The Basics)
Patient education: How to use vaginal medicines (The Basics)

Patient education: Vaginal discharge in adult women (Beyond the Basics)
Patient education: Bacterial vaginosis (Beyond the Basics)
Patient education: Vaginal yeast infection (Beyond the Basics)
Patient education: Chlamydia (Beyond the Basics)
Patient education: Gonorrhea (Beyond the Basics)

This topic retrieved from UpToDate on: Jun 02, 2024.
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