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A noninvasive diagnosis score for patients with possible sarcoidosis

A noninvasive diagnosis score for patients with possible sarcoidosis
Organ system Findings highly probable for sarcoidosis
(3 points)
Findings somewhat probable for sarcoidosis
(2 points)
Lungs Any of the following:
  • CXR: bilateral hilar adenopathy
  • Chest CT: perilymphatic nodules
  • Chest CT: symmetrical hilar/mediastinal adenopathy
  • PET/Gallium-67: mediastinal/hilar enhancement
Any of the following:
  • CXR: diffuse infiltrates
  • CXR: upper lobe fibrosis
  • Chest CT: peribronchial thickening
  • BAL: lymphocytic alveolitis
  • BAL: elevated CD4/CD8 ratio
  • PET/Gallium-67: diffuse parenchymal lung enhancement
  • TBNA: lymphoid aggregates/giant cells

Clinical syndrome consistent with granulomatous inflammation of the neurologic system


An abnormal MRI or CSF findings characteristic of neurosarcoidosis

Isolated facial palsy, negative MRI


Clinical syndrome consistent granulomatous inflammation of the neurologic system without characteristic MRI or CSF findings
Nonthoracic lymph node  

Multiple enlarged palpable cervical or epitrochlear lymph nodes without B symptoms


Enlarged lymph nodes identified by imaging in at least 2 peripheral or visceral lymph node stations without B symptoms
Kidney   Treatment-responsive renal failure without alternative diagnosis
Heart   Any of the following:
  • Treatment responsive cardiomyopathy or AV-nodal blockade
  • Reduced LVEF in the absence of other clinical risk factors
  • Spontaneous or inducible sustained VT with no other risk factor
  • Mobitz type II or 3rd degree heart block
  • Patchy uptake on dedicated cardiac PET
  • Delayed enhancement on CMR
  • Positive gallium uptake
  • Defect on perfusion scintigraphy or SPECT scan
  • T2 prolongation on CMR
Skin Lupus pernio Any of the following:
  • Subcutaneous nodules or plaques
  • Inflammatory papules within a scar or tattoo
  • Violaceous or erythematous annular lesions
  • Violaceous or erythematous macular, papular lesions around the eyes, nose, or mouth
Eyes Any of the following:
  • Uveitis
  • Optic neuritis
  • Mutton fat keratic precipitates
  • Iris nodules
  • Snowball/string of pearls (pars planitis)
Any of the following:
  • Lacrimal gland swelling
  • Trabecular meshwork nodules
  • Retinitis
  • Scleritis
  • Multiple chorioretinal peripheral lesions
  • Adnexal nodularity
  • Candle wax drippings
Liver   Any of the following:
  • Abdominal imaging demonstrating hepatomegaly
  • Abdominal imaging demonstrating hepatic nodules
  • Alkaline phosphatase >3 times ULN
Bone marrow PET displaying diffuse uptake  
Spleen   Any of the following:
  • Low attenuation nodules on CT
  • PET/gallium-67 uptake in splenic nodules
  • Splenomegaly on imaging or physical examination
Bone/joints Typical radiographic features (trabecular pattern, osteolysis, cysts/punched out lesions) Any of the following:
  • Dactylitis
  • Nodular tenosynovitis
  • Positive PET, MRI, or gallium-67 bone imaging

Granulomatous changes on direct laryngoscopy


Consistent imaging studies (eg, sinonasal erosion, mucoperiosteal thickening, positive PET scan)
Parotid/salivary glands

Positive gallium-67 scan ("Panda sign")


Positive PET scan of the parotid glands

Symmetrical parotitis with syndrome of mumps


Enlarged salivary glands

Positive imaging (MRI, Gallium-67)


Palpable muscle masses
Endocrine Hypercalcemia or hypercalciuria plus all of the following:
  • A normal serum PTH level
  • A normal or increased 1,25-OH dihydroxy vitamin D level
  • A low 25-OH vitamin D level
Nephrolithiasis plus all of the following:
  • A normal serum PTH level
  • A normal or increased 1,25-OH vitamin D level
  • A low 25-OH vitamin D level


Hypercalciuria without serum PTH and 25 and 1,25 vitamin D levels


Nephrolithiasis with calcium stones (without serum PTH and 25 and 1,25 vitamin D levels)

The clinical sarcoidosis diagnosis score (SDS) requires assessing highly probable or somewhat probable findings for sarcoidosis that do not have an alternative explanation. Using the table above, 3 points are awarded for each highly probable finding and 2 for each somewhat probable finding; no additional points are awarded for multiple findings within a single organ system. A tabulated SDS score ≥10 has shown good specificity (>99%) for the diagnosis of sarcoidosis and may obviate the need for invasive biopsy in some cases.[1]

For additional details, refer to UpToDate topics on the diagnosis of sarcoidosis.
AV: atrioventricular; BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; CMR: cardiac magnetic resonance imaging; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; CT: computed tomography; CXR: chest radiograph; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; PET: positron emission tomography; PTH: parathyroid hormone; SPECT: single-photon emission computed tomography; TBNA: transbronchial needle aspirate; ULN: upper limit of normal; VT: ventricular tachycardia.
  1. Jeny F, Vucinic V, Zhou Y, et al. Validation of the Darcoidosis Diagnostic Score in a multicontinental study. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2023; 20:371.

Adapted with permission from: Judson MA, Costabel U, Drent M, et al. The WASOG Sarcoidosis Organ Assessment Instrument: An update of a previous clinical tool. Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis 2014; 31:19.

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