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Sources of real-world data

Sources of real-world data
Data source Pros Cons
Health insurance claims data Capture information from large populations Long-term follow-up may be limited, if patients change insurance providers
Provide longitudinal information Information may be incomplete or unreliably recorded, depending on how clinicians have assigned billing codes
Electronic health record (EHR) data Can provide detailed information that can sometimes be missing from insurance claims Data can be incomplete or inaccurate, depending on clinician documentation
If a patient receives care at multiple institutions, data can be incomplete
Patient registries Can provide specific and detailed information about patients with a given condition or receiving a given treatment Can be subject to recall bias, selective reporting, and missing data
May only represent a highly select patient population
Patient generated data Can be continuously measured, for example with wearable devices Can be subject to recall bias, selective reporting, and missing data
Can be a good source of quality of life and adverse effects data
Vital statistics (ie, from death certificates) Are a good source for date of death Individual causes of death are often inaccurately recorded (instead categories of death, eg, death from cardiovascular causes, are more accurate and such data can be collected)
Can be linked to other data sources such as claims data
Linkage across data types Multiple sources of data can be linked together, addressing gaps in any individual source Linking can be costly and difficult to perform
Data are often collected for different purposes from different sources, making it difficult to consolidate in a reliable way
Reference: Schneeweiss S, Patorno E. Conducting real-world evidence studies on the clinical outcomes of diabetes treatments. Endocr Rev 2021; 42:658.
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