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Patient education: Soft diet (The Basics)

Patient education: Soft diet (The Basics)

Why do I need a soft diet? — A soft diet can give you the nutrition you need while eating foods that are easier to chew and swallow. Some of these foods are low in fiber.

Doctors might recommend a soft diet if you:

Are having radiation therapy on the head, neck, or belly

Had surgery on the mouth, throat, stomach, or intestines

Are too sick or weak to eat normal meals

Have problems with your teeth

Have trouble chewing or swallowing regular food

What foods and drinks can I have on a soft diet? — You can eat foods that are easy to chew and swallow. They are soft, tender, and easy to mash with a fork. Some foods are naturally soft. Others are soft after they have been cooked, chopped, or mashed.

Examples include:

Grains – Soft, cooked pasta and cereals. Soft, moist grains like well-cooked rice, farrow, and barley. Soft breads, crackers, and pancakes.

Fruits – Applesauce, fresh or canned fruits without skins or seeds, bananas, melons, peaches, plums, well-cooked fruits, fruit juices.

Vegetables – Mashed, baked, steamed, and boiled vegetables. Canned vegetables, vegetable juices.

Dairy – Milk and milk products like yogurt (without granola, nuts, or raw fruit), cottage cheese, smooth ice cream, sherbet, sour cream, cream cheese, and thinly sliced cheese.

Meats and proteins – Meats that are moist, tender, and well cooked like fish, ground meats, and soft chicken without the skin. Eggs, smooth nut butters, baked or refried beans, tofu.

Other foods – Cream soups, pureed soup, broth, gravy, sauces, smoothies, milkshakes, pudding, custard, gelatin, condiments, commercially available oral nutrition supplements.

What foods and drinks should I avoid on a soft diet? — Avoid foods that are hard to chew or swallow. Examples include:

Grains to avoid – Chewy and dry bread, crispy crackers, coarse and dry cereal.

Fruits to avoid – Raw fruit, dried fruit, fruit snacks like fruit leather.

Vegetables to avoid – Raw vegetables, stringy vegetables like celery, cooked corn or peas, fried vegetables.

Dairy to avoid – Yogurt with granola, nuts, or coconut. Ice cream with chunks, strong and hard cheeses.

Meats and proteins to avoid – Tough, dry meat/jerky. Fried meat, cold cuts, bacon, sausage, chunky nut or seed butter, nuts or seeds.

Other foods to avoid – Snack foods like chips or popcorn, peanut brittle, candy with dried fruit, chewy and sticky candy like caramel, jelly or jam with seeds.

What else should I know? — Some tips for cooking while eating a soft diet:

Use a blender or food processor to mash foods if needed.

Steam foods to keep the nutrients. If boiling potatoes, peel after cooking.

Bite-sized pieces are easier to swallow. Pieces should be smaller than 1 inch.

Foods should be moist. Add gravy, sauce, vegetable juice, fruit juice, broth, milk, or water to moisten foods.

Reheat foods carefully to prevent them from forming a tough crust.

This topic retrieved from UpToDate on: Jun 02, 2024.
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