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Toxicologic brain death mimics

Toxicologic brain death mimics
Neurotoxic snakebite envenomation (select species of cobra, krait, viper, coral snakes)
Benzodiazepines (alprazolam, lorazepam)*
Barbiturates (pentobarbital)
Antiseizure medications (valproic acid, carbamazepine)
Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, doxepin, amoxapine)
Alcohols (ethanol, ethylene glycol)
Organophosphates (phorate, thiacloprid)
Neuromuscular blocking agents (succinylcholine, tetrodotoxin)
These agents/toxins have been reported to cause an examination that mimics brain death (ie, coma without some or all brainstem reflexes) and patient ultimately recovers. Drug screens are not sufficiently comprehensive. Thus, we recommend careful history and targeted toxicologic testing. A period longer than five drug half-lives is necessary when there is a possibility of an extremely large drug or toxin exposure, likelihood for delayed drug absorption or elimination, saturable elimination kinetics, or interactions with another agent. In a patient where brain death is considered but intoxication is unclear (eg, normal cerebral imaging), a medical toxicologist or clinical toxicologist should be consulted.

* Other sedative/hypnotic/antipsychotic agents in massive overdose can also mimic brain death.

¶ Isolated reports of cerebral edema on neuroimaging with full or partial recovery.
  1. Murphy L, Wolfer H, Hendrickson RG. Toxicologic confounders of brain death determination: A narrative review. Neurocrit Care 2021; 34:1072.
  2. Neavyn MJ, Stolbach A, Greer DM, et al. ACMT position statement: Determining brain death in adults after drug overdose. J Med Toxicol 2017; 13:271.
  3. Warrell DA, Williams DJ. Clinical aspects of snakebite envenoming and its treatment in low-resource settings. Lancet 2023; 401:1382.
  4. Thumtecho S, Wainipitapong S, Chunamchai S, Suteparuk S. Alprazolam and lorazepam overdose and the absence of brainstem reflexes. BMJ Case Rep 2022; 15:e248796.
  5. Tirot P, Harry P, Bouachour G, et al. Silence électroencéphalographique au cours d'une intoxication par carbamate tranquillisant [Electroencephalographic silence after intoxication with a carbamate tranquilizer]. J Toxicol Clin Exp 1991; 11:417.
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