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Delandistrogene moxeparvovec: Pediatric drug information

Delandistrogene moxeparvovec: Pediatric drug information
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For additional information see "Delandistrogene moxeparvovec: Drug information"

For abbreviations, symbols, and age group definitions show table
Brand Names: US
  • Elevidys
Therapeutic Category
  • Gene Therapy, Adeno-Associated Virus
Dosing: Pediatric
Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Duchenne muscular dystrophy:

Note: Postpone therapy if any signs and/or symptoms of infection are present due to increased risk of systemic immune response; do not initiate therapy until infection is resolved. One day or 1 week (depending on baseline corticosteroid regimen) prior to infusion, begin oral corticosteroid regimen (see “Concomitant therapy”). Patient should be brought up to date on all age-appropriate vaccines based on current immunization schedules; vaccine should be administered ≥4 weeks prior to initiation of corticosteroid regimen. Evaluate baseline liver function, platelets, troponin-I, and anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibody titers; do not administer if anti-AAVrh74 total binding antibody titers are ≥1:400.

Children 4 to <6 years: IV infusion: 1.33 x 1014 vector genomes/kg as a single dose.

Dose Volume of Delandistrogene Based on Weight Range

Weight range

Dose volume

10 to 10.4 kg

100 mL

10.5 to 11.4 kg

110 mL

11.5 to 12.4 kg

120 mL

12.5 to 13.4 kg

130 mL

13.5 to 14.4 kg

140 mL

14.5 to 15.4 kg

150 mL

15.5 to 16.4 kg

160 mL

16.5 to 17.4 kg

170 mL

17.5 to 18.4 kg

180 mL

18.5 to 19.4 kg

190 mL

19.5 to 20.4 kg

200 mL

20.5 to 21.4 kg

210 mL

21.5 to 22.4 kg

220 mL

22.5 to 23.4 kg

230 mL

23.5 to 24.4 kg

240 mL

24.5 to 25.4 kg

250 mL

25.5 to 26.4 kg

260 mL

26.5 to 27.4 kg

270 mL

27.5 to 28.4 kg

280 mL

28.5 to 29.4 kg

290 mL

29.5 to 30.4 kg

300 mL

30.5 to 31.4 kg

310 mL

31.5 to 32.4 kg

320 mL

32.5 to 33.4 kg

330 mL

33.5 to 34.4 kg

340 mL

34.5 to 35.4 kg

350 mL

35.5 to 36.4 kg

360 mL

36.5 to 37.4 kg

370 mL

37.5 to 38.4 kg

380 mL

38.5 to 39.4 kg

390 mL

39.5 to 40.4 kg

400 mL

40.5 to 41.4 kg

410 mL

41.5 to 42.4 kg

420 mL

42.5 to 43.4 kg

430 mL

43.5 to 44.4 kg

440 mL

44.5 to 45.4 kg

450 mL

45.5 to 46.4 kg

460 mL

46.5 to 47.4 kg

470 mL

47.5 to 48.4 kg

480 mL

48.5 to 49.4 kg

490 mL

49.5 to 50.4 kg

500 mL

50.5 to 51.4 kg

510 mL

51.5 to 52.4 kg

520 mL

52.5 to 53.4 kg

530 mL

53.5 to 54.4 kg

540 mL

54.5 to 55.4 kg

550 mL

55.5 to 56.4 kg

560 mL

56.5 to 57.4 kg

570 mL

57.5 to 58.4 kg

580 mL

58.5 to 59.4 kg

590 mL

59.5 to 60.4 kg

600 mL

60.5 to 61.4 kg

610 mL

61.5 to 62.4 kg

620 mL

62.5 to 63.4 kg

630 mL

63.5 to 64.4 kg

640 mL

64.5 to 65.4 kg

650 mL

65.5 to 66.4 kg

660 mL

66.5 to 67.4 kg

670 mL

67.5 to 68.4 kg

680 mL

68.5 to 69.4 kg

690 mL

≥69.5 kg

700 mL

Concomitant therapy: Prior to delandistrogene moxeparvovec infusion, an oral corticosteroid regimen should be administered to reduce the risk of an immune response and continued for ≥60 days unless early tapering is indicated. Corticosteroid dose for pre- and post- delandistrogene infusion and taper are determined by patient's previous baseline corticosteroid regimen (see tables; dose modification required for abnormal liver function).

Recommended Oral Corticosteroid Dosing for Pre- and Post-Delandistrogene Infusion

Baseline corticosteroid dosing

Corticosteroid regimena

Recommended maximum total daily dose

Corticosteroid taper

a Deflazacort is not recommended for use as the corticosteroid for this purpose.

Daily or intermittent dosing

Start 1 day prior to infusion: Prednisone 1 mg/kg/day (or equivalent) and continue baseline dose.

60 mg/day (prednisone equivalent)

Taper over 2 weeks or longer if clinically indicated.

High dose for 2 days/week

Start 1 day prior to infusion: Prednisone 1 mg/kg/day (or equivalent) on days without high-dose corticosteroid treatment and continue baseline dose.

60 mg/day (prednisone equivalent)

Taper over 2 weeks or longer if clinically indicated.

Not on corticosteroids

Start 1 week prior to infusion: 1.5 mg/kg/day.

60 mg/day (prednisone equivalent)

Taper over 4 weeks or longer if clinically indicated

Hepatic impairment following infusion (GGT ≥150 U/L and/or other clinically significant liver function abnormalities [eg, total bilirubin >2 x ULN]): Modify corticosteroid dose (see table).

Oral Corticosteroid Dose Modification for Liver Function Abnormalities Following Delandistrogene Infusion

Baseline corticosteroid dosing

Modified corticosteroid dosea

Recommended maximum total daily dose

a Deflazacort is not recommended for use as the corticosteroid for this purpose.

Daily or intermittent dosing

Increase to prednisone 2 mg/kg/day (or equivalent) and continue baseline dose.

120 mg/day (prednisone equivalent)

High dose for 2 days/week

Increase to prednisone 2 mg/kg/day (or equivalent) taken on days without high-dose corticosteroid treatment and continue baseline dose.

120 mg/day (prednisone equivalent)

Not on corticosteroids

Increase to prednisone 2.5 mg/kg/day (or equivalent).

120 mg/day (prednisone equivalent)

Dosing: Kidney Impairment: Pediatric

There are no dosage adjustments provided in the manufacturer's labeling.

Dosing: Hepatic Impairment: Pediatric

There are no dosage adjustments provided in the manufacturer's labeling (has not been studied). Postpone administration in patients with acute liver disease until resolved or controlled. Patients with preexisting hepatic impairment or chronic hepatic viral infection may be at increased risk for hepatotoxicity; assess risk vs benefit. Acute liver injury may occur after therapy and may require adjustment of concomitant corticosteroid dose (see "Dosing: Pediatric"). Monitor liver function closely (clinical exams, GGT, and total bilirubin).

Adverse Reactions (Significant): Considerations
Hepatic effects

Acute serious liver injury, including increased liver enzymes and increased serum bilirubin, have been observed with delandistrogene moxeparvovec. Most cases resolved spontaneously or with corticosteroids and resolved within 2 months, although one case required hospitalization (Ref). There have been no cases of liver failure reported (Ref).

Mechanism: Dose-related; related to pharmacologic action. Associated with adaptive immune response on the liver secondary to viral capsid degradation and presentation by hepatocytes (Ref).

Onset: Delayed; liver function test elevation has been reported 7 to 8 weeks post infusion (Ref).

Risk factors:

• Preexisting liver impairment, chronic hepatic condition, or acute liver disease

Adverse Reactions

The following adverse drug reactions and incidences are derived from product labeling unless otherwise specified. Reported adverse reactions are for children.


Gastrointestinal: Nausea (35%), vomiting (65%)

Hepatic: Increased liver enzymes (25%; including increased gamma-glutamyl transferase, increased glutamate dehydrogenase, increased serum alanine aminotransferase, increased serum aspartate aminotransferase, increased serum bilirubin) (table 1)

Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec: Adverse Reaction: Increased Liver Enzymes

Drug (Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec)



Number of Patients (Delandistrogene Moxeparvovec)

Number of Patients (Placebo)






Immunologic: Antibody development

Miscellaneous: Fever (20%)

Frequency not defined:

Cardiovascular: Myocarditis, troponin increased in blood specimen

Hepatic: Hepatic injury


Any deletion in exon 8 and/or exon 9 in the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene.


Concerns related to adverse effects:

• Myositis: Immune-mediated myositis has been observed in patients with deletion mutations involving exon 8 and/or exon 9 in the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene ~1 month after initial infusion. Consult physician immediately if unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness, including dysphagia, dyspnea, or hypophonia, occurs; immunomodulatory treatment (eg, immunosuppressants [eg, calcineurin inhibitor]) may be considered if these symptoms occur.

Dosage Forms Considerations

Elevidys is provided in a customized kit containing ten to seventy 10 mL single-dose vials, with each kit constituting a dosage unit based on the patient’s body weight.

Dosage Forms: US

Excipient information presented when available (limited, particularly for generics); consult specific product labeling.

Kit, Intravenous [preservative free]:

Elevidys: Delandistrogene moxeparvovec-rokl 1.33 × 1013 vector genomes/mL

Generic Equivalent Available: US


Pricing: US

Kit (Elevidys 10.0-10.4 kg Intravenous)

10 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 10.5-11.4 kg Intravenous)

11 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 11.5-12.4 kg Intravenous)

12 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 12.5-13.4 kg Intravenous)

13 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 13.5-14.4 kg Intravenous)

14 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 14.5-15.4 kg Intravenous)

15 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 15.5-16.4 kg Intravenous)

16 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 16.5-17.4 kg Intravenous)

17 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 17.5-18.4 kg Intravenous)

18 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 18.5-19.4 kg Intravenous)

19 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 19.5-20.4 kg Intravenous)

20 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 20.5-21.4 kg Intravenous)

21 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 21.5-22.4 kg Intravenous)

22 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 22.5-23.4 kg Intravenous)

23 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 23.5-24.4 kg Intravenous)

24 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 24.5-25.4 kg Intravenous)

25 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 25.5-26.4 kg Intravenous)

26 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 26.5-27.4 kg Intravenous)

27 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 27.5-28.4 kg Intravenous)

28 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 28.5-29.4 kg Intravenous)

29 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 29.5-30.4 kg Intravenous)

30 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 30.5-31.4 kg Intravenous)

31 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 31.5-32.4 kg Intravenous)

32 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 32.5-33.4 kg Intravenous)

33 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 33.5-34.4 kg Intravenous)

34 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 50.5-51.4 kg Intravenous)

51 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Kit (Elevidys 59.5-60.4 kg Intravenous)

60 x 10 mL (per each): $0.00

Disclaimer: A representative AWP (Average Wholesale Price) price or price range is provided as reference price only. A range is provided when more than one manufacturer's AWP price is available and uses the low and high price reported by the manufacturers to determine the range. The pricing data should be used for benchmarking purposes only, and as such should not be used alone to set or adjudicate any prices for reimbursement or purchasing functions or considered to be an exact price for a single product and/or manufacturer. Medi-Span expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind or nature, whether express or implied, and assumes no liability with respect to accuracy of price or price range data published in its solutions. In no event shall Medi-Span be liable for special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from use of price or price range data. Pricing data is updated monthly.

Administration: Pediatric

Parenteral: IV: For IV infusion only; do not administer as IV push. Administer peripherally through PVC (non-DEHP), polyurethane IV infusion tubing with a 0.2 micron polyether sulfone in-line filter via a syringe pump over at least 1 to 2 hours; infuse at a rate of <10 mL/kg/hour. Flush with NS before and after administration.


Product is shipped and delivered at ≤−60°C (≤−76°F). Upon receipt, may store at 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F) for ≤14 days in the upright position. Do not refreeze; do not return to refrigerator once brought to room temperature. Follow local guidelines on handling of biological waste.


Treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in ambulatory patients with a confirmed mutation in the DMD gene (FDA approved in ages 4 to <6 years).

Note: FDA approval for this indication is through an accelerated process; continued approval is dependent on verification of clinical benefit in further trials.

Metabolism/Transport Effects

None known.

Drug Interactions

Note: Interacting drugs may not be individually listed below if they are part of a group interaction (eg, individual drugs within “CYP3A4 Inducers [Strong]” are NOT listed). For a complete list of drug interactions by individual drug name and detailed management recommendations, use the drug interactions program

There are no known significant interactions.

Pregnancy Considerations

Delandistrogene moxeparvovec is not intended for use in persons who are pregnant.

Monitoring Parameters

Baseline: Liver function, platelets, troponin-I, anti-AAVrh74 antibody titers, signs and symptoms of infection.

Following treatment: Liver function (clinical exam, GGT, and total bilirubin) weekly for 3 months; continue monitoring if clinically indicated until normal clinical exam and GGT and total bilirubin return to near baseline levels. Platelets weekly for 2 weeks or longer if clinically indicated. Troponin-I weekly for 1 month or longer if clinically indicated. Signs and symptoms of infection (eg, coughing, wheezing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, fever), myositis (unexplained increased muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness, including difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, or difficulty speaking) and myocarditis (eg, chest pain, shortness of breath).

Mechanism of Action

Delandistrogene moxeparvovec is a nonreplicating, recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype rh74 vector-based gene therapy that delivers a normal copy of the gene encoding a micro-dystrophin protein expressed in normal muscle cells.

Pharmacokinetics (Adult Data Unless Noted)

Distribution: Distributes into target muscle tissue groups; vector DNA was detected in all major organs, with the highest amount detected in the liver.

Half-life elimination: Serum: 12 hours; saliva: 60 hours; urine: 40 hours; feces: 55 hours.

Excretion: Urine; feces.

Brand Names: International
International Brand Names by Country
For country code abbreviations (show table)

  • (QA) Qatar: Elevidys
  1. Elevidys (delandistrogene moxeparvovec) [prescribing information]. Cambridge, MA: Sarepta Therapeutics Inc; October 2023.
  2. Mendell JR, Shieh PB, McDonald CM, et al. Expression of SRP-9001 dystrophin and stabilization of motor function up to 2 years post-treatment with delandistrogene moxeparvovec gene therapy in individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2023;11:1167762. doi:10.3389/fcell.2023.1167762 [PubMed 37497476]
  3. Zaidman CM, Proud CM, McDonald CM, et al. Delandistrogene moxeparvovec gene therapy in ambulatory patients (aged ≥4 to <8 years) with duchenne muscular dystrophy: 1-year interim results from study SRP-9001-103 (ENDEAVOR). Ann Neurol. 2023;94(5):955-968. doi:10.1002/ana.26755 [PubMed 37539981]
Topic 141856 Version 19.0

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