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Motivational interviewing in discussions of adolescent and young adult sexuality

Motivational interviewing in discussions of adolescent and young adult sexuality
Key clinician behaviors Examples/comments
Collaborative and supportive approach:
  • Communicate respect for and acceptance of the patient and their feelings.
  • "If it is ok with you, let's talk a little more about sex during this part of the visit."
  • Establish a nonjudgmental, collaborative relationship.
  • "I have patients of all gender identities or sexual orientations. It is important that we speak honestly so I can offer the best medical advice."
  • Express empathy through reflective listening.
  • "It sounds like you have been worried about people's reaction to the fact that you are attracted to all the genders and do not identify as heterosexual."
  • Listen rather than tell.
  • Allow for 10 or more second pauses, especially when discussing sensitive information or disclosures.
  • Compliment rather than denigrate
  • "You have been making healthy decisions; good for you!"
  • Support self-efficacy and optimism – Focus on patient strengths to foster hope that is needed for change.
  • "I appreciate you sharing this with me. I know it might seem uncomfortable but sexual health is an important aspect of overall health."
  • Provide support throughout the process.
  • Discuss behavior change but affirm that change is up to the patient.
  • "I know that you don't like the way condoms change how sex feels, but using a condom would cut down on your risk for getting an infection. This is something that you need to consider and decide if you want to use more regularly."
Promote behavior change:
  • Note discrepancy between the patient's goals or values and current behavior, helping them recognize the discrepancies between where they are and where they hope to be.
  • "I know you feel badly about being diagnosed with chlamydia. What would you do differently that might make it less likely be exposed or infected in the future?"
  • Avoid argument and direct confrontation – These are core characteristics of power struggles.
  • "I hear that you don't want condoms or PrEP. Let's table that and talk about it again sometime in the future."
  • Roll with resistance – Adjust to, rather than oppose, patient resistance.
Key strategies Examples/comments
  • Ask open ended questions. They allow for more expansive responses.
  • "Tell me a little about how you identify in terms of gender identity? In terms of sexuality? Who are you attracted to?"
  • "What sorts of sexual activities have you explored?"
  • Listen reflectively. This involves demonstrating that you have heard what the patient has said by periodically repeating or paraphrasing what they have said.
  • "I hear you sounding like you are worried about what your parents might think?"
  • Summarize. Periodically summarize what has transpired in a particular visit, including discrepancies that are presented.
  • "So it sounds like you identify as pansexual but have not explored being actively sexual with any partner for now?"
  • Affirm. Support and comment on the patient's strengths, motivations, intentions, and progress.
  • "You are really smart to ask that question and request STI screening. We can do that here today."
  • Elicit self-motivational statements. Have the patient voice personal concerns and intentions, rather than try to persuade them.
  • "What would you like to do next regarding preventing pregnancy or contraception? What are your ideas?"
  • Assist with planning. Ask questions to help the patient make a behavior change plan (identifying the change that they want to make, reasons for doing so, first steps, obstacles, and solutions).
  • "It sounds like you are wanting to set up an appointment for an IUD. Let's make that happen sooner rather than later."
Motivational interviewing is a specific technique in which the clinician elicits and reflects back the patient's thoughts so that they can identify intrinsic motivations, work through ambivalence, and develop strategies for behavior change. This table summarizes the author's approach to applying the principles of motivational interviewing to counseling sexuality in adolescents and young adults.
PrEP: pre-exposure prophylaxis; STI: sexually transmitted infection; IUD: intrauterine device.
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