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Pre-surgical checklist for patients undergoing anesthesia for noncardiac surgery with a ventricular assist device

Pre-surgical checklist for patients undergoing anesthesia for noncardiac surgery with a ventricular assist device
Preoperative considerations
  •  History of cardiac disease and accompanying surgeries
  •  Current clinical condition
    •  NPO status
    •  Volume status
    •  Respiratory status
    •  Renal function
    •  Medications (vasodilators/constrictors; inotropes; pulmonary vasodilators)
    •  Current anticoagulation status
    •  Current laboratory values (CBC, CMP, PT/PTT, INR, type and screen)
  •  ICD/pacemaker current status and settings identified
  •  Key physical exam findings described
  •  Notify VAD team of surgery time and location
  •  Arrange location for recovery (PACU versus ICU)
Intraoperative considerations
  •  Power supply connected and battery location identified
  •  Surgical positioning
  •  Necessary equipment for anesthesia care (arterial line, TEE, etc)
  •  Experienced staff available if necessary
Postoperative considerations
  •  Appropriate location for recovery with experienced staff
  •  Perfusion notified
  •  Power supply connected/battery backup present
  •  Adequate monitoring in place
  •  Thoughtful recovery plan in place (analgesia appropriate)
  •  Expectations for recovery outlined
    •  Ambulation
    •  PO intake
    •  Analgesic plan
  •  Discharge planning (ICU versus stepdown versus floor versus home)
NPO: nil per os (nothing by mouth); CBC: complete blood count; CMP: comprehensive metabolic panel; PT: prothrombin time; PTT: partial thromboplastin time; INR: international normalized ratio; ICD: implantable cardioverter defibrillator; VAD: ventricular assist device; PACU: post anesthesia care unit; ICU: intensive care unit; TEE: transesophageal echocardiogram; PO: per os (by mouth).
Graphic 140251 Version 1.0

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