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Cervical cancer TNM staging AJCC UICC 9th edition

Cervical cancer TNM staging AJCC UICC 9th edition
The definitions of the T categories correspond to the stages accepted by the Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique (FIGO). Both systems are included for comparison.
Primary tumor (T)*
T category FIGO stage T criteria
TX   Primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0   No evidence of primary tumor
T1 I Carcinoma is strictly confined to the cervix (extension to the corpus should be disregarded)
T1a IA Invasive carcinoma that can be diagnosed only by microscopy with maximum depth of invasion ≤5 mm
T1a1 IA1 Measured stromal invasion ≤3 mm in depth
T1a2 IA2 Measured stromal invasion >3 mm and ≤5 mm in depth
T1b IB

Invasive carcinoma with measured deepest invasion >5 mm (greater than stage IA); lesion limited to the cervix uteri with size measured by maximum tumor diameter.

NOTE: The involvement of vascular/lymphatic spaces should not change the staging. The lateral extent of the lesion is no longer considered.
T1b1 IB1 Invasive carcinoma >5 mm depth of stromal invasion and ≤2 cm in greatest dimension
T1b2 IB2 Invasive carcinoma >2 cm and ≤4 cm in greatest dimension
T1b3 IB3 Invasive carcinoma >4 cm in greatest dimension
T2 II Carcinoma invades beyond the uterus, but has not extended onto the lower third of the vagina or to the pelvic wall
T2a IIA Involvement limited to the upper two-thirds of the vagina without parametrial invasion
T2a1 IIA1 Invasive carcinoma ≤4 cm in greatest dimension
T2a2 IIA2 Invasive carcinoma >4 cm in greatest dimension
T2b IIB With parametrial invasion but not up to the pelvic wall

Carcinoma involves the lower third of the vagina and/or extends to the pelvic wall and/or causes hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning kidney.

NOTE: The pelvic wall is defined as the muscle, fascia, neurovascular structures, and skeletal portions of the bony pelvis. Cases with no cancer-free space between the tumor and pelvic wall by rectal examination are FIGO III.
T3a IIIA Carcinoma involves lower third of the vagina, with no extension to the pelvic wall
T3b IIIB Extension to the pelvic wall and/or hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning kidney (unless known to be due to another cause)
T4 IVA Carcinoma has involved (biopsy-proven) the mucosa of the bladder or rectum, or has spread to adjacent organs. (Bullous edema, as such, does not permit a case to be assigned to stage IVA.)
Primary tumor suffix
  • (m) Multiple synchronous primary tumors
The definitions of the N categories correspond to the stages accepted by the Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique (FIGO). Both systems are included for comparison.
Regional lymph nodes (N)*
N category FIGO stage N criteria
NX   Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
N0   No regional lymph node metastasis
N0(i+)   Isolated tumor cells in regional lymph node(s) ≤0.2 mm, or single cells or clusters of cells ≤200 cells in a single lymph node cross section
N1 IIIC1 Regional lymph node metastasis to pelvic lymph nodes only
N1mi IIIC1 Regional lymph node metastasis (>0.2 mm but ≤2.0 mm in diameter) to pelvic lymph nodes
N1a IIIC1 Regional lymph node metastasis (>2.0 mm in diameter) to pelvic lymph nodes
N2 IIIC2 Regional lymph node metastasis to para-aortic lymph nodes, with or without positive pelvic lymph nodes
N2mi IIIC2 Regional lymph node metastasis (>0.2 mm but ≤2.0 mm in diameter) to para-aortic lymph nodes, with or without positive pelvic lymph nodes
N2a IIIC2 Regional lymph node metastasis (>2.0 mm in diameter) to para-aortic lymph nodes, with or without positive pelvic lymph nodes
NOTE: Suffix (f) is added to the N category when metastasis is identified only by FNA or core biopsy. Suffix (sn) is added to the N category when metastasis is identified only by sentinel lymph node biopsy.
Regional lymph nodes suffix
  • (f) FNA or core biopsy
  • (sn) Sentinel node procedure
The definitions of the M categories correspond to the stages accepted by the Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique (FIGO). Both systems are included for comparison.
Distant metastasis (M)*
M category FIGO stage M criteria
M0   No distant metastasis
cM1 IVB Distant metastasis (includes metastasis to inguinal lymph nodes, intraperitoneal disease, lung, liver, or bone) (excludes metastasis to pelvic or para-aortic lymph nodes, or vagina)
pM1 IVB Microscopic confirmation of distant metastasis (includes metastasis to inguinal lymph nodes, intraperitoneal disease, lung, liver, or bone) (excludes metastasis to pelvic or paraaortic lymph nodes, or vagina)
AJCC prognostic stage group is assigned based on the stage classification and categories chosen.*
Prognostic stage groups
When T is... And N is... And M is... Then the stage group is...
T1 N0 M0 I
T1a N0 M0 IA
T1a1 N0 M0 IA1
T1a2 N0 M0 IA2
T1b N0 M0 IB
T1b1 N0 M0 IB1
T1b2 N0 M0 IB2
T1b3 N0 M0 IB3
T2 N0 M0 II
T2a N0 M0 IIA
T2a1 N0 M0 IIA1
T2a2 N0 M0 IIA2
T2b N0 M0 IIB
T3 N0 M0 III
T3a N0 M0 IIIA
T3b N0 M0 IIIB
TX, T0, T1-3 N1 M0 IIIC1
TX, T0, T1-3 N2 M0 IIIC2
T4 Any N M0 IVA
Any T Any N M1 IVB

TNM: tumor, node, metastasis; AJCC: American Joint Committee on Cancer; UICC: International Union Against Cancer.

* AJCC data elements required for staging are identified with an asterisk.
Used with permission of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), Chicago, Illinois. The original and primary source for this information is the AJCC Cancer Staging System: Cervix Uteri, Version 9 (2020), published by the American College of Surgeons (ACS).
Graphic 139268 Version 2.0

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