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Patellar tendinopathy rehabilitation program*

Patellar tendinopathy rehabilitation program*
  Primary exercises Alternative primary exercises Additional exercises

Stage 1: Isometric exercise

Progress to Stage 2 when can perform all sets using moderate resistance with pain <4 (0 to 10 scale).
Leg extension or leg press hold:
  • Knee flexed to about 60 degrees
  • 5 sets of 45 seconds (2-minute rest between sets); perform daily
  • Light to moderate resistance; increase gradually
Wall sit hold (sets, repetitions, and parameters same as primary exercise) Begin daily exercises to address other identified risk factors, possibly including:
  • Limited ankle mobility
  • Quadriceps/hamstring inflexibility

Perform 3 times per week

Stage 2: Isotonic exercise

Progress to Stage 3 when can perform all sets with pain <4 (0 to 10 scale) using 100 to 150% bodyweight. Strength symmetric in both lower extremities.
Leg press:
  • Knee flexion within 10 to 60 degree range
  • 4 sets of 15 reps (2-minute rest between sets); perform 3 times per week
  • Gradually increase load (but only if pain <4) to 6 RM
  • Then, gradually increase knee flexion to 0 (full extension) to 90-degree range; avoid locking or hyperextending
  • Then, gradually increase load again

Walking lunge (initially bodyweight, then can add dumbbells)


Step-ups (initially bodyweight, then can add dumbbells)

Sets, repetitions, and parameters same as primary exercise

Continue daily exercises addressing risk factors

Continue isometric hold exercises on non-leg press days

Stage 3: Energy storage exercise

Progress to Stage 4 when can perform all sets with pain <4 (0 to 10 scale) during performance and at least 24 hours after.
Perform exercises every third day:
  • Begin with jump squats and split jump squats with 2-leg landing for all athletes
  • 3 sets of 10 reps (2-minute rest between sets)
  • Progress to box jumps; transition to 1-leg landing
  • Add interval runs, then progress to zigzag runs
  • Gradually increase jump height and running speed
  • Finally, gradually increase sets to 6 and reps to 10
  • Jumping sport athletes (basketball, volleyball) emphasize jumping exercises; running sport athletes (American football, field hockey) emphasize running exercises

Continue exercises addressing risk factors 3 times per week

First day after primary exercises, perform isometric exercises

Second day after primary exercises, perform isotonic exercises

Stage 4: Sport-specific exercise

Return to play when provocation testing at least 24 hours after 3 successive group training sessions causes pain <4.
Perform exercises every 2 to 3 days   Continue exercises addressing risk factors and isotonic exercises at least 2 times per week

RM: repetition maximum.

* This program is for patients with uncomplicated cases of patellar tendinopathy (ie, not associated with any other major lower extremity injury) and without major comorbidity that would prevent them from performing the exercises.
  1. Breda SJ, Oei EHG, Zwerver J, et al. Effectiveness of progressive tendon-loading exercise therapy in patients with patellar tendinopathy: a randomised clinical trial. Br J Sports Med 2021; 55:501.
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