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PICADAR score for primary ciliary dyskinesia

PICADAR score for primary ciliary dyskinesia
Does the patient have a daily wet cough that started in early childhood? Yes – Complete PICADAR.
NoStop. PICADAR is not designed for patients without a wet cough.
  1. Was the patient born pre-term or full term?
Term 2
  1. Did the patient experience chest symptoms in the neonatal period (eg, tachypnea, cough, pneumonia)?
Yes 2
  1. Was the patient admitted to a neonatal unit?
Yes 2
  1. Does the patient have a situs abnormality (situs inversus or heterotaxy)?
Yes 4
  1. Does the patient have a congenital heart defect?
Yes 2
  1. Does the patient have persistent perennial rhinitis?
Yes 1
  1. Does the patient experience chronic ear or hearing symptoms (eg, glue ear, serous otitis media, hearing loss, ear perforation)?
Yes 1
Total score  
PICADAR is a predictive score with seven simple questions to predict the likelihood of having primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD). It can be used in patients with chronic productive cough and other respiratory symptoms starting in early childhood. The total score is calculated, and for a cut-off score of 5, the sensitivity and specificity of the tool are 0.90 and 0.75.
Reproduced with permission of the © ERS 2021: European Respiratory Journal 47 (4) 1103-1112. DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01551-2015. Published 1 April 2016.
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