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Checklist for monitoring for effective breastfeeding and adequate intake in a newborn infant

Checklist for monitoring for effective breastfeeding and adequate intake in a newborn infant
Infant hydration and intake:
  • At least 1 void per day of age and at least 1 stool per day
  • Mucous membranes are moist, and normal skin turgor
  • Infant's weight loss is not excessive for delivery type and feeding method*
Infant feeding behaviors:
  • Feeds at the breast or mother expresses colostrum within the 2 hours after birth
  • Wakes frequently to feed and seems content after feeding
  • Audible swallows during feeds
  • Feeds at least 8 times in 24 hours
Maternal signs and practices:
  • Mother is not having nipple pain or compression
  • Evidence of colostrum either on the baby's mouth or upon hand expression or leaking from the nipples (reassuring, but not essential)
  • If infant is not consistently latching, mother is expressing either by hand or with pump at least 8 times in 24 hours
  • If infant is preterm, mother is also expressing either by hand or with pump with each feeding and at least 8 times in 24 hours
* Excessive weight loss is a weight below the 75th percentile curve on the newborn weight loss tool (NEWT) nomogram[1]. Note that higher percentiles on this nomogram indicate greater weight loss compared with other infants at the same age (unlike standard weight-for-age growth charts, in which higher percentiles indicate greater weight gain).
  1. PennState Health Children's Hospital. NEWT: Newborn Weight Tool. Available at: (Accessed on March 30, 2021).
Data from Feldman-Winter L, Kellams A, Peter-Wohl S, et al. Evidence-Based Updates on the First Week of Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Infants ≥35 Weeks. Pediatrics 2020; 145.
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