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Retinoblastoma staging according to the American Joint Committee on Cancer 8th edition tumor, node, metastasis (TNM) classification

Retinoblastoma staging according to the American Joint Committee on Cancer 8th edition tumor, node, metastasis (TNM) classification
Clinical stage
When primary tumor (cT) status is... And lymph node (cN) status is... And distant metastasis (M) status is... And heritable trait (H) status is... Then the clinical stage is...
cT1, cT2, cT3 cN0 cM0 Any Stage I
cT4a cN0 cM0 Any Stage II
cTb cN0 cM0 Any Stage III
Any cN1 cM0 Any Stage III
Any Any cM1 or pM1 Any Stage IV
Definition of primary tumor (cT) – Based on the most advanced eye
cTX Unknown evidence of intraocular tumor
cT0 No evidence of intraocular tumor
cT1 Intraocular tumor(s) with subretinal fluid ≤5 mm from the base of any tumor:
  • cT1a – Tumors ≤3 mm and further than 1.5 mm from the disc and fovea
  • cT1b – Tumors >3 mm or closer than 1.5 mm to the disc and fovea
cT2 Intraocular tumor(s) with retinal detachment, vitreous seeding or subretinal seeding:
  • cT2a – Subretinal fluid >5 mm from the base of any tumor
  • cT2b – Tumors with vitreous seeding and/or subretinal seeding
cT3 Advanced intraocular tumor(s):
  • cT3a – Phthisis or pre-phthisis bulbi
  • cT3b – Tumor invasion of the pars plana, ciliary body, lens, zonules, iris, or anterior chamber
  • cT3c – Raised intraocular pressure with neovascularization and/or buphthalmos
  • cT3d – Hyphema and/or massive vitreous hemorrhage
  • cT3e – Aseptic orbital cellulitis
cT4 Extraocular tumor(s) involving the orbit, including the optic nerve:
  • cT4a – Radiologic evidence of retrobulbar optic nerve involvement or thickening of the optic nerve or involvement of the orbital tissues
  • cT4b – Extraocular tumor clinically evident with proptosis and orbital mass
Definition of regional lymph nodes (cN)
cNX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
cN0 No regional lymph nodes involvement
cN1 Evidence of preauricular, submandibular, and cervical lymph node involvement
Definition of distant metastasis (M)
cM0 No signs or symptoms of intracranial or distant metastasis
cM1 Distant metastasis without microscopic confirmation:
  • cM1a – Tumor(s) involving any distant site (eg, bone marrow, liver) on clinical or radiologic tests
  • cM1b – Tumor involving the CNS on radiologic imaging, not including pineoblastoma (ie, "trilateral" retinoblastoma)
pM1 Distant metastasis with microscopic confirmation:
  • pM1a – Histopathologic confirmation of tumor at any distant site (eg, bone marrow, liver, or other)
  • pM1b – Histopathologic confirmation of tumor in the cerebrospinal fluid or CNS parenchyma
Definition of heritable trait (H)
HX Unknown or insufficient evidence of a germline RB1 gene mutation
H0 Germline RB1 gene mutation has been excluded (ie, based on genetic testing with a high-sensitivity assay)
H1 Known or presumed germline RB1 gene mutation, based on any of the following:
  • Bilateral retinoblastoma
  • Retinoblastoma associated with an intracranial CNS midline embryonic tumor (ie, "trilateral" retinoblastoma)
  • Patient has a family history of retinoblastoma
  • Molecular diagnosis of germline RB1 gene mutation
CNS: central nervous system.
Used with permission of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois. The original source for this information is the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Eighth Edition (2017) published by Springer International Publishing. Corrected at 4th printing, 2018.
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