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Clinical and histopathologic features of cutaneous adverse reactions associated with checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy

Clinical and histopathologic features of cutaneous adverse reactions associated with checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy
CAE category Cutaneous eruption Time to onset Clinical findings Histopathology
Inflammatory Maculopapular (morbilliform) 3 to 6 weeks Erythematous macules and flat papules on trunk and dorsal aspect of extremities Superficial, perivascular, lymphohistiocytic infiltrate +/– eosinophils.
Eczematous 0 to 3 weeks Pruritic, erythematous papules coalescing into plaques predominantly on trunk and extremities Spongiotic dermatitis with superficial, perivascular, lymphohistiocytic infiltrate +/– eosinophils.
Psoriasiform 0 to 3 weeks Well-demarcated, erythematous papules or plaques with adherent scale of the trunk and extremities (most common); palmoplantar, pustular, inverse, or guttate variations Regular acanthosis with hypogranulosis; confluent parakeratosis; and superficial, perivascular dermatitis with lymphocytes, histiocytes, and neutrophils.
Lichenoid 6 to 12 weeks Flat-topped, violaceous papules with adherent scale Lichenoid and vacuolar dermatitis with lymphocytes and histiocytes, hyperorthokeratosis, wedge-shaped hypergranulosis, and saw-tooth rete ridges.
Granulomatous 3 weeks or later Red-brown papules or nodules on the head, trunk, or extremities Nodular, histiocytic dermatitis with minimal surrounding lymphocytes or other inflammatory cells, negative special stains for organisms.
Vitiligo 7 to 16 weeks or later Depigmented macules and patches Decreased or absent melanocytes at the dermal-epidermal junction.
Neoplastic Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma/keratoacanthoma 12 to 18 weeks or later Hyperkeratotic papules and nodules Full-thickness epidermal atypia with a crateriform architecture in the case of keratoacanthoma.
Severe cutaneous reactions SJS/TEN 1 to 4 weeks (may be shorter on re-exposure) Dusky red, coalescent, macular eruption, with atypical target lesions with central vesiculation and mucosal involvement Full-thickness epidermal necrosis with a sparse, superficial, perivascular, lymphohistiocytic infiltrate and possible vacuolar degeneration.
DRESS 2 to 8 weeks

Erythematous macules and papules (nonspecific cutaneous findings)

Facial edema and lymphadenopathy
Interface dermatitis with basal vacuolization; spongiosis; perivascular, lymphocytic infiltrate; vascular damage.
AGEP <1 week Widespread erythema with numerous tiny, pinpoint pustules Spongiotic psoriasiform dermatitis with subcorneal pustules and numerous dermal eosinophils.
Connective tissue disease Dermatomyositis >12 weeks Erythematous or violaceous papules in photodistribution "heliotrope eruption" (pink-violaceous erythema and edema of the eyelids) Sparse interface dermatitis with focal dyskeratosis and increased dermal mucin.
Lupus erythematosus ≥6 weeks Features of acute lupus erythematosus (eg, malar rash), subacute lupus erythematosus (erythematous papules and plaques; annular, polycyclic plaques on upper trunk, neck, and arms), or discoid lupus erythematosus (papulosquamous, photodistributed eruption) Superficial and deep, perivascular and periadnexal dermatitis with overlying interface dermatitis and increased dermal mucin.
Antibody mediated Bullous pemphigoid 13 to 16 weeks or later Prodromal pruritus followed by formation of tense vesicles Subepidermal, vesicular dermatitis with superficial, perivascular, and intravesicular eosinophils. Direct immunofluorescence positive for IgG and C3 at the dermal-epidermal junction.
Hair Alopecia areata 13 to 16 weeks or later Round, alopecic patches on the scalp without scale or erythema Nonscarring alopecia with lymphocytic infiltrate at the base of the hair follicles.
Rare, including possible exacerbation of pre-existing disease Acneiform 1 to 8 weeks or later Erythematous, follicular papules and pustules Acute neutrophilic folliculitis with disturbance of the follicular epithelium.
Sweet syndrome ≥4 weeks Erythematous, edematous, and tender plaques and nodules on face, upper extremities, and trunk Papillary dermal edema with minimal epidermal change and underlying, neutrophilic dermatitis without vasculitis.
Pyoderma gangrenosum 16 weeks(?) Inflammatory papule, pustule, or nodule that subsequently enlarges and ulcerates with undermined, violaceous borders Diffuse, neutrophilic, dermal infiltrate often with fibrosis, granulation tissue, and negative tissue cultures and/or special stains for organisms.
AGEP: acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis; C3: complement component 3; CAE: cutaneous adverse event; DRESS: drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms; IgG: immunoglobulin G; SJS: Stevens-Johnson syndrome; TEN: toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Graphic 131015 Version 3.0

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