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Calculator: Estimated energy requirement (EER) for females, birth to 18 years (revised 2023)

Calculator: Estimated energy requirement (EER) for females, birth to 18 years (revised 2023)

Physical activity level* Not applicable (if patient is under 3 years of age)


Low active


Very active

Important: Inputs must be complete to perform calculation.

Estimated energy requirement (EER)   kcal/day
Decimal precision  



  • *Physical activity (PA) level descriptions:
    • Inactive – This category reflects a level of total energy expenditure (TEE) covering basal metabolism, the thermic effect of food, and a minimal level of physical activity required for independent living.
    • Low active – This category corresponds to a level of physical activity beyond the minimal, involving more ambulation and some occupational and recreational activities.
    • Active – This category involves even more ambulation and occupational or recreational activities. For a five-year-old child, this category would be reached by walking at 2.5 miles/hour for approximately 90 minutes daily. For a 16-year-old, this category would be reached by walking for approximately 120 minutes daily.
    • Very active – This category reflects not only the demands of daily living but also vigorous exertion in occupational or recreational activities. For a five-year-old child, this category would be reached by walking for approximately 150 minutes daily. For a 16-year-old, this category would be reached by walking for approximately 210 minutes daily.
    • Rather than prolonged walking, the active or very active categories are usually reached by participation in moderate-to-vigorous activities (sports or very active play for younger children), in addition to moderate time spent walking and running throughout the day.
  • The EER equation was developed by the National Academy of Medicine and is based on measurements by the doubly labeled water method.[1]
  • The accuracy of these calculations can be assessed by viewing the National Academy of Medicine resource.[1]
  • This calculation includes a factor for the energy cost of growth (ECG). The main component of ECG is the energy deposited in newly synthesized tissues and is highest in infancy and adolescence, as noted under Calculation details and variables below.
  • TEE (total energy expenditure) is equal to the EER minus the energy deposited in newly synthesized tissues.

Equations used
0 to 2.99 years: EER = -69.15 + (80.0 * Age) + (2.65 * Height) + (54.15 * Weight) + ECG
3 to 18.99 years, inactive: EER = 55.59 - (22.25 * Age) + (8.43 * Height) + (17.07 * Weight) + ECG
3 to 18.99 years, low active: EER = -297.54 - (22.25 * Age) + (12.77 * Height) + (14.73 * Weight) + ECG
3 to 18.99 years, active: EER = -189.55 - (22.25 * Age) + (11.74 * Height) + (18.34 * Weight) + ECG
3 to 18.99 years, very active: EER = -709.59 - (22.25 * Age) + (18.22 * Height) + (14.25 * Weight) + ECG


Calculation details and variables
  • ECG is assigned values by this ordered logic:
    • If Age <0.25 yr, ECG = 180
    • Else if Age <0.5 yr, ECG = 60
    • Else if Age <1 yr, ECG = 20
    • Else if Age <9 yr, ECG = 15
    • Else if Age <14 yr, ECG = 30
    • Else ECG = 20.

  1. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, (Accessed on October 25, 2023).
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